messages to hotrodgal:
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from imadad2 :
If the Democrats had brought a better candidate, they might have won. Kerry was just to much of a flip flopper and hypocrite. Both candidates really have shown me nothing. If in the next 4 years the Republicans do nothing, trust me, this country will vote Democratic and in a big way.
from rock-a-betty :
I really like your new layout! It's much easier to read, too!
from girl-aflame :
PS I have a smaller monitor size and it looks just fine!
from girl-aflame :
Your new design looks gorgeous! I really like the colors, myself. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet about the last tweaks on the business site, I have been ungodly busy with schoolwork. I will do my best to fix the things you wrote to me about, though, and send you the code for the java script hover menus. Thanks for being patient!
from rock-a-betty :
Too bad you couldn't coax any of those old grumps out of a car or two! Some nice cars there!! Lotsa catch up reading to do so don't be alarmed if I start commenting on old posts... ;)
from girl-aflame :
So glad your anniversary went over well! He sounds like such a sweetie.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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