messages to hsloane:
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from whynot923 :
i'm sorry. i come and go though diaryland. i so understand your last entry. i live it, but with a diffrent memory. i hear the song forevr young and i just want to cry. i had forever young put on my sons head stone. it was number one on the charts when he died. i have to tell you i don't think some feelings ever go away. we just learn to cope in a way that doesn't make others feel uncomfortable. be true to yourself, and take care. christy
from bush-lies :
just checking to see if that fixed the problem with my site.
from bush-lies :
if the clock is not set on your computer, it will pop up that message because of the cost meter. if you can't fix it, let me know and i'll take that off of my diary.
from gumphood :
your wife seems to enjoy this more than you do. Is there a particular reason? Have you just never gotten into it? Just wondering.
from devian :
oh, i forgot to thank you for giving props to my painting...i'm a very sensitive artist since i JUST started painting...i'm trying! thanks for liking it, though...
from gumphood :
oh hey. You are the yin to Aliop's yang. Why its a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for the adding. I appreciate it!
from whynot923 :
your diary is gone. i hope everything is good. i wanted to let you know i'm giving up my diary. it is the healthy thing to do for me. thank you for being a friend. i really needed it.
from whynot923 :
oops you said crap. they are the same thing, but your diary is not ether of thoughs things.
from whynot923 :
i read it, but it isn't shit to me. smile!!!!!
from ordinarykat :
thnx so much for your help babe :)
from whynot923 :
i can feel that positive energy. now i'll send you some. i hope you feel better soon. thank you
from whynot923 :
thank you so much for adding me to your favourites. you really made my day. i've lived in florida all my life and your so right. it is hot and hotter. good luck keeping cool.
from ordinarykat :
Congrats on your 5 years!!! :)
from squirrelx :
Bless your heart! I'm honored to have you readin' my diary. Kindred spirits are hard to find and infinitely precious. With gratitude and respect, Xtine
from aliop33 :
Hi baby! I just wanted to leave you a note to say that I love you! Your diary is the best, so you should keep up with the writing. Don't be a silly head! You're a great writer! See you later sweetie pie! Yours ~
from filet-o-soul :
Hey there. Im sorry I didnt notice that you added me to your favorites list sooner. But I went back and read all your entries. Their great. Ill definetly be adding you do mine. BTW, I do have a guestbook you can sign, if your not too
from squirrelx :
Thank for readin' my diary and doin' me the high honor of addin' it to your list of favorites. Your kindness is truly appreciated. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X

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