messages to hubbabub:
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from evemarieve :
Hi, I used to read your journal when it was lilbub and was wondering if I could have access? My old email was [email protected] if you recognize it. [email protected]
from luvabeans :
i must admit, my mom did not mean to wrap the gift that way ... but she did laugh at the photo.
from wicked-sezzy :
gah! did you not send MOI your password? Send it to [email protected], c'mon you know you want to!
from chillier :
I have been out of town for a week and I come back to a LOCKED diary? I'm saddened by this and I very much hope you're giving out the password. You can reach me at lngstoryshort at yahoo dot com. Otherwise I will miss you much and I wish you very well.
from captvfirefly :
I have so much hope for you. *I* know how amazing you are, and I hope Brown does, too. I know it's scary (said from a fellow commitment phobe), but sometimes the risk is worth it. At least that's what I'm holding on to. ((((hugs))))
from rdhdprincess :
I would get creepy vibes and a little scared just from the guy actually stopping his car and getting out to come talk to you on the street. Then again, I don't get hit on any day so I might just like it! (Hey, when did that happen?? I used to get hit on! Shit.)You just can't hide that gorgeousness honey! Fucking Ex's. I hope it all works out honey. I don't know why relationships have to be so hard sometimes. But trust me, you're not alone in that. And I *feel* that it is almost worse when you are all committed and shit before you start having the problems or finding the flaws. Have a good weekend honey! No, wait wait wait!! Are you not watching Nip Tuck????
from golfwidow :
Good to see you posting again. Missed you.
from themark :
You bet! Honestly, I don't know why it took me this long to get around to it... (I'm such a slacker.)
from mommylap :
I fixed it. You're still mysterious though
from themark :
Excellent! When I find myself in Seattle (and surely it will happen someday, won't it?) I'm emailing you first thing. And while we're out drinking I promise not to ask if I can lick your face. (Well, OK, I promise not to ask more than once and then whine about it when you say no. Heh.)
from luvabeans :
sorta late notice, but can i maybe have a cd? i like presents. and i think you rule.
from sturge :
Mega crazy thanks for the cd. Although I haven't listened to it yet, Nico's "These Days" is easily one of my all-time favorites. And Billie Holiday makes my knees quiver. Thanks. Oh yeah, I'll be in Seattle sometime in June (maybe July), so I owe you a drink.
from chadly7 :
hey sweetie! thanks for the kind words. I'm sure I'll be opening up shop again soon... :) hope you're well!
from mommylap :
A chipped tooth beats a dented forehead in any hand of mishap poker that I know of. The one that we girls can ever beat is injured penis. We just aren't equipped.
from mommylap :
Only I rule your notes..
from mommylap :
Yeah, I could give you more dumb details (like his name and junk) on the phone lovey- my supergold expired and I have no debit card, so I have no comments while I figure out how to use haloscan comments for free. My pictures didn't disappear though, so yay for the proactive prevention of that. PS-I'm waiting for my friend Priscilla to e-mail me the picture of me that shows my hair color so I can post it. Hopefully today!
from mommylap :
I keep calling you "Hullabubboo" in my head and I find it adorable.
from mommylap :
I haven't added you to the buddy list because of the security thing from switching diaries. Please advise.
from gettingnaked :
This name is so fitting for you! I love it!

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