messages to ilovethedjs:
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from wisdamn :
I took your survey and read your profile which made me want to read your diary, but I couldn't get in with the name and password you gave. Rippinkitten and silver, no? Anyway, that would be cool if I could get that (though don't feel like you have to!) because I think I would enjoy reading you.
from bettyalready :
You've got my black cat. well. yours looks like it's a boy.
from anahcra :
hey i wanna join the drumandbass diaryring because. haha. mine would be the only one on there that isn't locked, though. heh. it would be funny, no?
from clauren :
Yes that is my late cat MItten. She passed away over a year ago. She was 20 years old...It is kinda my tribute to her.
from imakrzibuble :
Yea it has been a while since we've writtne. im workin on the money for Prom. I got my dress made so im sure ill find away somehow.. Friday the 16th is my b-day so ill proly get some money. We were suppose to get a beach house but instead of wasting money im gonna save for the bahamma this summer. Yea Charlie is a good guy im happy.. Hope things are going good with u.. ttyl
from imakrzibuble :
Hey sorrie its been so long since ive replied.. my xmas and new years was pretty good i didnt really do much just hung with the fam. Yea i want your passwprd so that when i can get online i can catch up. um well the whole Josh thing.. no he wasnt treating me good at all and then he straight up told me he was cheating on me so yea were done and you know i was so in love with him but it got to where he treated me so bad that i felt nothing for him. and now that were over im a lil sad but im mostly relieved and its kinda better cuz now i can focus on what i need to focus on but anyways ima write all this in my diary so ill ttyl :)
from clauren :
I am glad that your job is working out. ANd I notice that your diary is locked. yes I would like to have a password. My email address is [email protected]
from clauren :
Congradulations on your alcohol and your bartending....
from imakrzibuble :
Yea ive thought all that stuff over about liviing with a girl especially my best friend.but eh oh well ifwe end our friendship with her then we were never really meant to be. but yea id much rather live with a guy but ya know who would i live with my boyfriend is jealous so eh im sol anyways. i appreciate the advice tho/. thanx :) hope you had a merry christmas
from sunnflower :
So what did you think of Running in Heels?
from imakrzibuble :
yea ive been thinking pretty hard about what im gonna do when i graduate. my best friend wants to get an apartment with me but alotta ppl think that that will ruin our friendship.. anyways im at skool ttyl
from sunnflower :
Hi - I worked hard on that bookshelf so I am glad people are browsing it. I think the covers really make a difference. I liked Running in Heels and Anna Maxted's first book too because I like the tone of Brit Lit - the way their ordinary is different from our ordinary. It's a funny book but I didn't find it as funny as Bridget Jones - but that book is hard to beat from the hilarity angle. Thanks for stopping by Suburban Island!
from imakrzibuble :
hi. well i liveon the nothside odf houston or greepoint and willowbrook area if ya know it. im still in high school tho so at the moment i dont have to worry about alease. but i cant wait to move out. me n sum friends are supose to get an apartment after graduation in the galleria area. i cant wait. but yea anyways .. ttyl
from imakrzibuble :
Hi again. So I see that you live in Houston. thats kool so do I. What side of Houston? I live near the Greenspoint area. All of those quizes that I take are on They are the only ones I know of. anywho yea ;)
from imakrzibuble :
hi i dont know how long ago you left me a note. but i didnt want you to think oi ignored it cuz i barely resad it today. thanks for the note i apprechiate it. and well im here if you need to talk too ..
from clauren :
aww great quizes today. I might have to try those out....woohoo
from clauren :
Thanks so much for answering bestbookoos survey. I love adidas shoes. I haven't heard Whataburger. That sounds unusual. And that last answer just make a huge smile on my face.
from clauren :
also thanks for filling out the survey tinytown. Yes I live in a small city and it is sure not great at all. I would like to live in Cleveland where I used to live or Lexington...
from clauren :
thanks for filling out form mumbojumbop2. I appreciate it. I like you layout. It is a beautiful blue. I am going to see your pictures and check out that one story. THat story about that night sounds very embarrassing. YOu said that you download music videos. Where you do do that? Just wondering because I can't find any place....
from clauren :
I am glad that you got it. If I had an inkly of any amount of money I would splurg to get it. I heard about the sims dulux. I got the other one where they have the first sims and the living large. I had heard of The Sims Double Deluxe. It is probably with house party included. I already have that house party. Just need the magic...I am hoping I get it for Christmas.
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks for adding my diary to your diaryland faves!
from clauren :
I haven't receive it. I heard from many people that they have making magic and they said it is great. I am going to get it if when I have enough money or for Christmas present..(Please please, Christmas present)
from apexsensatin :
I didn't know people still filled out these survey things. Anyway, thanks for filling mine out.
from clauren :
Me too. I have huge home because I realize that they sims do love it and like you there are tons of fun and neat toys in the home including a indoor pool. I don't know what the deal with it but my sims would only swim if it is indoor.
from clauren :
Thanks for answering addict2sims survey. I appreciate it. Big houses are fun to make and I am glad I an not the only that thinks this can be addictive. I notice that you read Edger Allen Poe. Great choice. Great writer.
from sunnflower :
I am always looking for good quizzes too and when I find them I usually have to take them and add them to one of my 3 quiz pages right away!
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks for adding my diary to your DLand faves. I am going to have to come back and do some of the quizzes you have found that aren't on my list!

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