messages to imalex:
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from dangerspouse :
Wow. Welcome back. That was quite an entry. Good luck to you - I hope your dreams come true.
from elusive-you :
DO ITTTT (safely but DOOO ITTTTT).
from peggypenny :
Hi, I was looking to see what others write. haha~ I like being alone, but then, I too feel like I am alone all the time too. Peggy
from catsoul :
4/12/14...Good Morning....this too will pass and the days get brighter and brighter. Take Care. Let the sunshine in. =^..^=
from catsoul :
3/15/14....Ouch, will it get better? I know what I go through with myself. I can't imagine a tummy ulcer thingy. Ouch I say. Feel better. Take Care. =^..^=
from elgan :
My condolences on the loss of your uncle. This is a terrible blow. I feel your family�s pain.
from dangerspouse :
There aren't any brooding women?
from lust- :
" If I were a man, I'd be the brooding type. But instead I'm a woman, and I just look mad." I love that line. Hope things look up soon, doll.xo
from meffinmisfit :
hang in there! hope you feel better ASAP.
from meffinmisfit :
In regards to your 01/28/14 post, I totally agree. I feel the same way often enough. Never been brave enough to put it to words, rather not feel needy. Love Love Love this post <3
from elusive-you :
exactly! don't worry yourself to death over possibilities of the end. stay in the present and just be mindful of what's happening and how you feel now.
from loveherwell :
you know, i definitely think so :)
from lust- :
That sounds so sweet. Happy for you.xo
from elusive-you :
that's terribly exciting!! :)
from elgan :
Feel better.
from catsoul :
11/5/13.....sorry to ready you are feeling sick. I also agree with you about snuggling in bed and sleeping away the sickness. I remember those days of long ago. I love homemade chicken soup. Take Care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
8/21/13 Hi...I just read your recent writing and I am wondering why you would want to let this guy go? I hope that you don't think that you are unworthy of happiness and joy in your life. Being joyful and in love with someone for the long haul is a challenge, though you can grow together. No one is ever perfect, when another reaches into you and touches your soul....keep him. Take Care. =^..^=
from elusive-you :
good luck!
from elusive-you :
i am glad to feel some camaraderie through shared emotions but am mostly sad you're feeling the same way.
from lust- :
I recently moved. Last night we ordered pizza and the delivery guy definitely peeped through our window like a creeper and wanted us to open it so he could hand the pizzas through the window instead of going to the door. Creepers. Gotta love 'em.
from elgan :
I like your diary. But I wish you were happier.
from elusive-you :
oh, no--thinking like that is no good for anyone. you're talented, useful, and successful, even if it's in ways that differ from other people's.
from elusive-you :
that song is one of favorites.
from catsoul :
how about how the politics affected the economy
from idontpretend :
i didn't know you were still here either! pretty much the usual, haha. except i'm sooo close to graduating with my A.S. in Biology (that's a two year degree down here). working at a sub place now. might be made a manager. hopefully anyway. hoping i can start working on my Bachelor's next fall. how have you been?
from idontpretend :
from loveherwell :
yeah i can be a little ridiculous but it's fun :)
from lust- :
Hihi. Read a few entries and enjoyed it, so I added you. Hope you have a great day.
from elusive-you :
i'm basically in the same boat.
from cymbals :
just wanted to say that i lived in montreal for a few years and it was wonderful! its a beautiful city and i hope it is good to you.
from lostasyou :
Thank you :) x
from lostasyou :
Aw thank you! Yeah I've had this account for a while now, I'll see names I remember pop up in the recent entries box and be like "AHH, must note them!" ahah. And yeah. To be honest I think I've reached my lowest point now.. a few months back. I've been managing 3 days at a time now, and I'm hoping to just keep it strictly to the weekends for now. At least then I'll have a break in the week. It doesn't seem so bad now that I've got my head out of the sand ;) thanks :) hope you're well x
from lostasyou :
Hi :) I used to have you on here, when i was "omfggwtf".. haha. I made a new account months ago but I just recognised your name in the recent entries box :) going to add you back if that's okay. Hope you feel better, and merry Christmas :) ♥
from idontpretend :
from idontpretend :
haha, that's true, i'm hella busy now. i think i could really use the outlet though. i'm going kinda crazy with trying to deal with everything and i dont have very many face to face friends right now. blarg.
from idontpretend :
Hey Alex!! Don't you ever check my FB? Hehe. I'm doing good. Moved into a new apartment and trying to get through this summer class. Wish I had more to write about, but really not much else going on. x] I know, I should write more..
from idontpretend :
trust me, if anyone does it's me. hugs
from bliss-sad :
Found you randomly and read one of your posts about yourself: 63. I cried when I read the seventh book because I couldn't believe it was over. I spent nine years of my life reading that series. I did that, too!!! I was, like, empty without that magic. =) You are pretty great!
from idontpretend :
That's right! One step at a time! It's a long road, but it's a road worth traveling if we hang in there and persevere. <3
from idontpretend :
Alex!!! I've been better. This semester is nearly over, which is great. But my gawd, I don't know how I end up in these situations. And the worst part is, I can't talk about it even if I wanted to. It's too unbelievable. To be perfectly honest, I'm hanging by a thread at the moment. And I don't know what to do about it.
from fifidellabon :
Sweet Potato (that's what I call my daughter sometimes!) it doesn't matter how much that you weigh. It is all about who you are. You have to love you first, and I'll bet that you do, because you are in school and doing all sorts of positive things. Boys are absolutely insane at your age, and you simply can't base how you feel about yourself on how they feel about you. I think that you are absolutely brilliant, and sensitive, and wonderful. XOFifi
from omfggwtf :
:O you're beautiful! i love your new hair :) xx
from fifidellabon :
Hang in deffo gets better, but there is so much to learn on the way to Better. You sound a wonderful supportive, giving friend, and that is a good place to start. Just remember to get your needs met as well. If we give our all to everyone else, we have nothing left for us. I suppose that I am saying to try not to neglct to recharge your psychic and emotional batteries. XOFifi
from omfggwtf :
good to know you wouldn't change yourself just for a boy! good luck with your whole outlook thing though :) and i hope things work out for you x
from duplicitous :
I always think that the people who can describe themselves properly are the boring ones :)
from fifidellabon :
Relax..I tell my daughter all of the time, "No one will remember this in a fortnight" and she is always surprised that I turn out to be correct! Seriously, if you think back to two weeks ago, what can you remembrr besides the good? Have fun! XOFifi
from omfggwtf :
from xokaythenx :
Haha, thanks for the praise, but it's definitely not true :P I feel as if I'm constantly grasping for words I can't find, and since I know I'll never find them, I just ramble on and on... "I tend to think I am the minor character in my own story" you say you can't say what you mean, but I think that describes us in-betweens perfectly. That's exactly how I feel.
from omfggwtf :
oh! haha no it's okay ;) i'm the same i think xo.
from omfggwtf :
:O i can write a note. it wouldn't let me before :S oh well. i like your diary :) it's interesting to read, so ssh about people finding you boring. xo.
from duplicitous :
Other than the lack of sleep that is :) And no, you're not boring. I always find your diary fascinating.
from duplicitous :
Hey, so glad things are going well for you!
from idontpretend :
Omigah my lil Alex is all growed up and off to Uni!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!! And omigah you are not going to die lonely. You'll always have me. xD
from idontpretend :

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