messages to imworried:
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from erari :
Summer 2009. Get ready. :)
from axde :
i read it. i vote yes on the updates.
from vxxen :
Oh, Good. im very glad to hear that. ill be sure to keep you all in my thoughts
from vxxen :
I'm sorry about your aunt :(
from erari :
i like your profile description :) just a thought.
from auj :
I think it was an entry you wrote...
from bananano2 :
Do you mean the hubcap coming off? Oh, I FELT it, haha. I hit the curb while turning.
from auj :
I'M worried!
from axde :
i dare you to move to alaska.
from x--drifting :
Thank you for changing it. =D
from x--drifting :
Your layout looks so similar to mine. I wouldn't have said anything, but I noticed when I hovered over your links to the right. They change to the same color that mine changes to (ffbfdf). Don't try to fool me; I know it's more than coincidence.
from antipodean :
I did move diary sites once I think, and that was due to real-life friends stuff a long time ago.
from antipodean :
Hey. Thanks for adding me. I like your writing style - beautiful. I'm intrigued.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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