messages to iooi:
(click here to add new message):

from habbit :
hey fancy pants, im logging in too. yay, d-land has been the original blog. phew.
from arajane :
oh god, now i am too. thanks! (and hi!)
from elvisload :
omg.. it's like seeing a movie star!
from lilephyte :
I know that feeling; I had to try to stop, lest people get around to branding me as one of Those people who always has to get the last word in. (But really, if you don't make sure they Understand, how else can you make sure it won't be the last word?)
from n-poledancer :
Im not really blogging anymore, I started another one but I just get into it like I used to. Are you somewhere else? I'll email you the url to mine. Solar is blogging on myspace and I heard through there that everything went extremely well with her dad.
from n-poledancer :
I am completely with you. So much that if you were here, I suggest we get a whole bottle of Patron to drink to it. So Cheers! Here's to new hopes, completely new resentments and not going back but forward. PS Its always nice when you post and never boring.
from elvisload :
omgggggggggggg... it's like seeing a movie star!
from n-poledancer :
Saw player genius, are you around? Are you blogging somewhere else?
from voodoochick :
Frontline is your new best friend!
from habbit :
august! roar!
from habbit :
okey, happy belated birthday. 32 is fun. 30's are the new teens.
from habbit :
happy birthday? happy birthday!
from f-i-n :
You should keep that pack of an unopened promise.
from elvisload :
yayyy a new note link on your page... i please easily... that blogger is a woman who lives in a very small town in very northern california and has opened a book store...
from n-poledancer :
Congrats on the new job!!! I still havent moved but its coming along and I will have electricity next week. Did you get my email about the new pw?
from n-poledancer :
Hi again - I sometimes dont get an email when someone leaves me a note :( Ive been ok, well actually Ive been going through some really tough times for the past couple months but I slowly getting back on track and should be moving into a new apartment within days. Sounds like theres a new everything in your life? Thats awesome. The post about a new job is gone? Did it not go through?
from habbit :
hello cryptic-one. whats new. im ready to move to canada, someplace with more trees. how goes the saw?
from n-poledancer :
Hi you, how you been? Ive missed you.
from elvisload :
but we miss you and we want you back
from somstar :
funnt I am in love and have obseeive compulsive, hmmm.
from somstar :
Somone else had already tagged me before, it's like sars.
from iooi :
yay! thanks so much! you get a free membership or something. right now there's no electricity in the store, but it'll probably open officially in january--i'll let you know as soon as it opens. [email protected]
from demoderby :
definitely! i have an old version of the bomb here in an illustrator file -- you want i should email it to you?
from pansycline :
neato! I was going to say, maybe I AM your friend... but you like Roland Barthes and I'm the only friend I have who likes that.
from gumphood :
thanks for adding me btw
from banefulvenus :
really, really love your template!
from adollhouse :
you know what, I actually don't. the depth of my printing is enlarging fortune-cookie messages on the photocopier at dad's work ;)
from somstar :
thanks <3 I added you to my favorites again, One day I will put a new comment there =o/
from my-solitaire :
That's pretty much just gibbirish to me, but hey if I ever know anyone who needs it ill refer them lol. You have the best diary, I never get bored here ^_^
from solarlab :
bikes, cherries, and beaches. mmm. sf is great things are finally feeling settled. my home is awesome. now just super stressed about finding a job. SF is blindingly sunny today. come visit!
from habbit :
happy b-day! =)
from solarlab :
woohoo! happay birthday...again. they just keep happening, don't they? much x's and o's.
from my-solitaire :, would not let me sign your GB :o( Anyway I think I would go with choice number 2, not lost anyhting, it's more optimistic that way. So how've you been anyway?
from solarlab :
how did i miss your birthday? happy belated. or did i not miss it? june, right? forgive me. between moving to NY, cancer, and burningman, i am EGO-centric. big fat juicy love.
from solarlab :
no, i suck. why??? because i havn't even told you how moved and amazed and appreciative i am of the book. the poem. and the mesh. yer awesome. thank you! <3
from solarlab :
yes. document everything. and if not for you, for me.
from n-poledancer :
Whats new with #7?
from faux-pas :
for a second there I thought I read "banana spit pie" and thought (ewwww, I hope she never offers me any baked goods). ;)
from faux-pas :
That is a horrendously sad and disturbing story. Actually, the thought of coming back there does scare me sometimes, since this place is relatively crimeless in comparison. Though it's also true that most victims are victims at the hands of those they're closest too, so yeah, I pretty much always try to be around non-violent types. PS. I'm glad Bruce found a home.
from solarlab :
from solarlab :
gosh thanks *blush* kisses+hugs.
from n-poledancer :
Yeah email me, I would love to talk about it.
from rainforme :
indeed they are. hopefully, someday, the imagination will become reality... but not with this guy.
from solarlab :
i so happy you're happy.
from solarlab :
i needed to hear that. thanks. i'm confused these days. but not really. ;)xxoo
from n-poledancer :
Guestbook wont let me post again so soon, I hope you get this. That recipe is very complicated, it doesnt have to be that much work. I usually just use raisins, cloves, cinnamon sticks and almonds. Some people use vanilla sticks as well and some like to add orange peel but I dont really. If you want to make it stronger I would either add port (my favorite) or brandy. Make sure to buy cheaper wine and liquor for this, theres no need for fancy stuff if youre gonna spice it up anyway. I can give you the proportions later. The best way is to put all the stuff in cheesecloth then drain out after and put in a little more fresh almonds and raisins when serving and this is usually served with scandinavian style gingersnaps back home (pepparkakor). This is what you drink when popping into a restaurant or bar after a long night of christmas shopping. Cold noses optional.
from solarlab :
from solarlab :
i would say that is just about perfect. i could use both from you. xoxo
from habbit :
hi hi, glad youre having a good time. good to hear from you. i travelled in europe for about the same amount of time, had a blast. unfortunately did not get to berlin, but did travel as far south as greece, then as far north as edinburgh. happy travelling!
from ginja-puds :
(had to write here because of the signmyguestbook limit thingo) anyway....I've never been to Halifax, but if I can swing it, I may try to get there this summer. Everyone I know who's from there, has their heart there, so there must be something wonderful about it. I'm finding I'm not caring too much about my degree either, as I'm kinda learning all sorts of other stuff about myself - some good, some not so good, but I think it'll all be worth it in the end even if I don't manage get the damned degree. Sorry, for rambling... I'm quite bored and high on chocolate pudding. ;0)
from habbit :
slsk seems to be working. where you been?
from ginja-puds :
no, foot didn't fall asleep, I just moved to here
from n-poledancer :
Aaww dear iooi, dont be sad. I dont know the details but the ex bf/gf rule does expire after its been a while ya know.
from peth :
amon tobin!!!
from habbit :
lemme know if i can help w/ the newsgroup thing. usenet is the place to be. im font-crazy.
from bionicgurl :
hi. thanks for dropping by. my diary right now is nothing but a mess of family bullshit lol, it's not usually like that. My uncle kevin was a rock star. have you heard the cheesy 80's song i just died in your arms tonight? well, that's him and i made the mistake of pasting some stuff from the news on my diary that identified him by name and after his death, family members searching through goggle found my diary. damn goggle. i have had a feeling that all of the goggle searches in my stats were my family, now over the past few days it's proven true. good grief. my suggestion would to not give your diary url out to your family without giving it allot of though. it has a way of restricting what you'd normally write. it could be fine with you, i'll have to read more into your diary.i'll be back -kat
from neverdoll :
thanks iooi. I may be living in vancouver, or at least bc, in a couple of years for my ph.d. so maybe we can share frienddom after all *huggles* -never

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