messages to iuchick83:
(click here to add new message):

from iuwynnie :
Thank you very much for being proud of me for staying alone! I couldn't believe I did it either...I even left at one point thinkin' I'd just go home...I got to my car and decided to just feed the meter and stay...I still can't believe I did it...Much Love
from iuwynnie :
STACEY ROCKS!!! I <3 U! ~Jamie
from iuchick83 :
hey what's up
from chelchee :
just thought i'd let you know that you have one of the most interesting diaries i've read. so don't feel like you're writing down your thoughts for nothing. i'm anne's little sister's friend...just so you know.
from jason75 :
damned guestbook wouldnt work! glad I got your pressie right! now what about the piostcard addy?
from bellhead :
from bellhead :
thanks! I agree with your harry potter notion.... i was all against it until mom bought me the book for christmas as a joke... now i have the whole set and i'm hooked... dammit
from jason75 :
Hits are overrated. Everyone deteste les francais. If you didnt something would be wrong... in the words of Homer (Simpson not the philosopher) "damn frogs"
from jason75 :
nice weekend... mine just involved rioting and running naked through city streets... well not really but it should have
from jason75 :
how do I apply to join.. noone shoots porn at our campuses which is probably a good thing. Thanks for treating me like an idiot.. I wish more poeple would do that! great pics too!
from jason75 :
OK.. now the whole IU thing? treat me like an idiot.. what is that? (remember I am in Australia)
from jmonkey :
Thanks for liking to read my diary, Stacey:)
from quazymike :
hey, do you think it's ok to eat something you found in the woods? i found something in the woods...and i really really want to eat it.
from ann126 :
Hello Stacy from ......the dinasour

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