messages to jenzie:
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from jenzie :
Oh, what a sticky situation... mixing law and issues of humane treatment with religion. Whoosh! Personally, I'm all for the ban. Of course I feel that animals shouldn't be subjected to death in the first place, but at the very least they shouldn't have to spend the last two minutes of their lives in extreme agony. I can understand the Muslim and Jewish communities being upset over this... but it just seems to me like they're missing the bigger picture (of animal cruelty) and instead focusing on selfish desires. (No offense meant, as 99% of the world operates on selfish desire, and it is by no means exclusive to any particular communities.) I have a Muslim friend who is also vegan that I've spoken to about this issue, and he seems to feel the same way I do. But he's getting a lot of flack from his community... so uh, needless to say, he's in the minority.
from galebird :
Surfed onto your journal from your banner ad and I have to say I simply love the layout! Quite lovely all around :)
from ceasingwinds :
this is an open diary...its for poems, short stories, songs and pretty much whatever you want to put in...anyone can post....
from kirliecue :
Hey... I work for a music promotions company in Atlanta called Wiley Music. I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping out with a project we have coming up in San Diego that you could earn $75 for. If you'd like more information, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
from hardcor :
Jenzie! I can't see anything but ominous grey grey grey on your page! I'm very distraught. I'm sure you understand. I'm hoping you're just in process of creating a template. Hope is all I have! Thinking of you babe ;)

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