messages to jezabel211:
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from orangepeeler :
3/5/2018 - I'm so sorry for your troubles. I hope things improve for you soon.
from lollirottt :
I hope you'll keep fighting. I've just started reading your diary. I feel the same way as you. If you want to talk, I'm here. -danielle
from phaythles :
Hi...I randomly stumbled upon ur diary...and ur last entry cracked me up..."She grows up and turns into a blimp"...u gotta love those childhood 'friends'...*sarcasm*
from isky :
I know all about what you're feeling, hun. Just thought you might like to know there's someone out there who does xox
from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote/review from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get! I'm already in 13th out of 2700, please help me out!
from damonf :
I think that you should read my diary. I don't have time to retype it all. but i think u would benefit.(or not)damon=)
from annanotbob :
Don't even think of settling. Best wishes xx
from bravo-dear :
you're really cool by what i read on your profile [:
from broken214 :
Yeah I am all big on self improvement too. Too bad in practice it never turns out right for me. lol. If it makes you feel better I need to drop like5 pants sizes or more. Well good luck!

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