messages to jonnydarling:
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from awittykitty :
Having worked at a mental health case mgmt place, I can say the mental health system in America is terribly broken. One episode of depression or manic behavior can lose your job and since many people are just a paycheck or two away from homelessness, its no surprise why so many people end up on the street. I'm bipolar myself and the health insurance the government provides for mental health services is slim to none. Its a real tragedy.
from awittykitty :
Ha! Great entry, even for a straight 49 year old woman. I thought when the silver beam from the wand hit Harry in the chest, it would emblazen a large jagged "D" for Dumbledorf on his chest forever marking him like the mark on his forehead. Great writing. Thanks.
from awittykitty :
Everytime I feel the urge to end it, if someone had given me a party that would have changed everything. Your entry gave me a lot to think about. Thanks.
from tagminer :
Well done. Just wanted to thank you for being a reliable read, and wish you well in the future.
from darthuae :
i simply loved that entry about the advice man!
from awittykitty :
Congratulations on your promotion to theatre critic to the Big Paper. I was an entertainment writer for newspaper for many years and loved getting free theatre tickets to plays both locally and down in San Francisco. Sorry about the icky stuff in the library. EEEwwww!
from awittykitty :
I can't figure out how you went over the Golden Gate Bridge if you were being driven from the Castro to Berkeley, unless the cabbie took one heck of a detour.
from awittykitty :
I have to agree on the MySpace thing. I'm rather elderly (48), yet I got sucked in and then I was like...well, when does something happen? I mean other than some illiterate 18 year old hamburger flipping guy sending a message saying, "How R U? U seem soooo nice n cutte. I have an corvetttte. wanna ride me? LOL LOL LOL"
from babayaga999 :
The pain and disaster I have incurred since last I read your fabulous entries! Computer crash! [No, I can't possibly duplicate your inimitable style; but reading it does inspire me.] <i>And I promise that I shall continue to be real, and be real irritable, for as long as you can stand to read me.</i> (Do italics even work here? I've never tried it before.) But you see, you say what we all think and are too inhibited to say for ourselves! I find you vastly entertaining. But I lost your Blog's address, and even forgot you, if you can believe that! So right now you're in Venice! Have you found any young men who are delighted to make your acquaintance? Or have you been forced to entertain yourself with the right restaurants and best museums?
from natinski :
I admit, I found you through one of the deranged 'protecters' of the Superstar Twink. But I wish I had found you sooner! You are marvellous dar-ling! Every single post put a smile on my face. *hugs* p/s: Don't mind them kids honey, they're just jealous of you.
from jonnydarling :
"Non-layout diary" = "Too lazy to learn computer stuff so as to have a more purty diary." :) Actually I like keeping the diary simple -- though now that I think of it, I would not mind having a little snowflake on the screen that moves with the cursor. Or a photo of me with the eyes spitting sparks at the the reader wherever he looks.
from jonnydarling :
"Am I English?" Alas no. I'm just gay. We all talk like that. ;-) Thanks for the delightful comments and please keep reading. What could be nicer?
from collegesucks :
do you have a british accent? when i read your diary, this british voice comes into my head. maybe it's just the way you write. good job.
from babayaga999 :
I read most of your latest entry. I agree with what you are saying. (This is not babayaga999, it's for-you-only, her daughter) And wow... just wow. I'm linking you. :) You are the first non-layout diary that I've read. lol. Feel special. (I'm on my mom's account cause I'm building her layout)
from babayaga999 :
LOL You are a scream! Browsing Diaries and happened on yours. Special note of your entry for the 21st. Aaaaaggghhh! That was hot, friend! Do you write fanfic, by any chance? You'd have quite a following of (fat, middleaged) faghags.
from ceergurlz101 :
hey, whats up? just me, ceer, u may not no me much, though. could u please visit my site @ ? thx, ceer
from ceergurlz101 :
hey, whats up? just me, ceer, u may not no me much, though. could u please visit my site @ ? thx, ceer
from deaddolly :
Interesting to say the least.

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