messages to judging:
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from musikoid :
Pretty darn brilliant.
from integrating :
Glad to see you write again. Sorry to hear all the crap you've been through in your life. All I can say is if you wanna talk, I'm here for ya.
from integrating :
Come back to the five-and-dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean.
from integrating :
I just read your diary. I will read it whenever you feel like writing.
from integrating :
Thank you
from i-lost-sarah :
glad to hear it
from i-lost-sarah :
i just found your diary now-- and your last entry is nearly a year old and you mention feeling suicidal. please don't be dead, that'd be sad and irksome. mainly sad. :)
from patient- :
shit, bro. move to georgia and get an apartment with me.
from crazy-raver :
Your words run deep, and give new insights to me. Thank you. and keep oon truckin?
from cannibalhymn :
Holy shit that is fucking cool!
from die-electric :
I hardly know, but I used to write under the name of freaktard.
from die-electric :
from patient- :
Wowww, is that why you haven't been around? Well, I hope you get through it okay. I know we don't actually know eachother, but feel free to chat with me if you'd like; my aim's apcisyummy. Yeah, I was a little hesitant to write here again, the internet kind of makes me sick sometimes, but I'll start. Take care!
from patient- :
So, I come back to Diaryland after a long while and see the coolest person on here has updated. That is cool. Even though it's locked, still cool. You deserve a cliche e-heart: <3

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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