messages to jujubee:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
Juju! You left a note at my place! (Even if it WAS just to tell me that your crummy monkey clobbered my poor, hamburger eating shrimp). Luv ya babe...but I can't believe you changed your favorite color from Teal!! That's just wrong.... :)
from dangerspouse :
Hey there! I just had to stop by to thank you for adding me to your Fave's List. I'm very flattered! So how did the fudge turn out...?
from raverkitty :
LTJ with MC Conrad..... good taste, girl. I haven't been to a party in awhile *tear*, but check out my diary anywhos.
from grrldreds :
Hey, I am doing a study on ravers for my university and if you would be interested in filling out a survey it would really help me out. Everything is confidential. If you have any questions or would like to take the survey you can email me at [email protected].
from jellygal67 :
hi i just wanted to tell you my son's nickname is JujuBee....his name is Julian!!!! he gave himself that name when he was about 2!
from jellygal67 :
hi i just wanted to tell you my son's nickname is JujuBee....his name is Julian!!!! he gave himself that name when he was about 2!
from rockstarusa :
hey i added a househead diaryring...join it.
from ghotihook :
hello. i just wanted to say i like your nick. my mom has always called me jujubee. yeah.get excited. -Julie

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