messages to justus1199:
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from luciab :
The thing I like best about LJ is the comments-- it's easy to see what post they refer to, easy to follow threads. Whole conversations arise there. D'land's notes system is pretty pitiful, in my personal opinion. There's no date, no way to tell what the person is referring to. Even the add-on Guestbook is sad-- right now it doesn't work at ALL, and when it does it's separate from the entry it's referring to. Just confusing. I'm not suggesting you switch; if you don't like LJ it's fine by me. I just wanted to comment on why I prefer it. I do like all the pictures you have on your page. Cool.
from danceomany :
Hey there man I know you check this often so here goes! Next time you come out my way...within 100 miles please let me know and I would love to see you and the wife! :) :) :)
from lacuriosa :
:-) and I think I have your e-mail at home, thought I'd added it to the web stuff and well, sigh... have to leave you a note in response ([email protected]).... would love some help with the fence project. Never done anything like this before, but hard headed enough and broke enough to have a go. still need to contact the utilities to find out where the underground stuff is and need to price out the materials once I've measured and settled on what I want. It's got to be wood as chainlink is not something my neighborhood association will approve, and have to get them to approve... and and and.... thank you. Glad the dogs are back and hope the hand's healing well. Francesca/Muir

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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