messages to kaybiff:
(click here to add new message):

from yellow-ninja :
They DID enjoy "Animal Farm" . . . maybe too much . . . Is our game over? Not if my deportation question was a red herring! Ah ha!
from yellow-ninja :
It's not the bane of my particular existence, since the principal could have fired me this year, but chose not to because my youth and "malleability". He likes drones, not workers. But is it the bane of the administrations existence? Hell yes. There are several tenured teachers they would love to remove, but just can't seem to get out because of the hoops. Question: Were any members of your staff recently told they're being deported? Also, I just now noticed your comment for Tolkien on your profile. That moment of Bilbo's kills me every time I read it. My students think I'm crazy because I crack up so hard when we get to that part.
from yellow-ninja :
Ah, it was the late 90's for most of us as well. But a certain department is about to close the deal on some new ones. . . So, is our administration inflated? Well, depends on what you mean. Do they have an inflated sense of themselves? Yes. Is the size of the admin (both their number and physical girth of each member) inflated? Yes. Are their egos inflated? Yes. Okay, so maybe "it depends" is wrong and "yes" is right. Hmmm, next question. Are the parents of your students either A) helicopter parents who can't let little Johnny struggle at all or B) folks who couldn't care less because they didn't go to college (or even graduate high school) and they turned out fine? With no middle ground between?
from yellow-ninja :
I forgot to add my question: When was the last time your school bought new textbooks?
from yellow-ninja :
They fired about 20% of the staff, but I'm not sure how much of that was lay-off and how much of it was "firing people the principal just doesn't like". Go figure. Times and education sure are a changin'.
from yellow-ninja :
That would be incredibly awesome/filled with internet creepiness if we worked at the same school. Let's play twenty questions to figure it out! Is your school smaller than a breadbox?
from yellow-ninja :
Hey! Your link is red on my buddy page!
from blindthief :
For some reason, I feel very very close to you. As though we were meant to be together forever. Do you get that vibe?
from selfbiased :
"extreme renovations?" is that like coding in rollerskates? and you do still realize that you owe me cookies. i have a long memory, sweets.
from yellow-ninja :
I missssss yoooouuuuuuuuuuuuu . . .
from the-moo :
But I love you PLEASE come back! xxx
from yellow-ninja :
The skirt I'm currently wearing is a hand-me-down from my sister and its tags are missing. I have no idea where it came from. My other knee length jean skirt came from The Limited. The interview went well, but they probably won't hire me due to my sucky availability. Damn! But hugs to you and to your quest for the mythical knee length jean skirt!
from blogperfect :
Your review is up and ready to read. Thank you!
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from yellow-ninja :
Biffiiiiiiii!! I miss yoooouuuuu!
from selfbiased :
i've been a bit of a ghost myself, lately. hopefully between job and interacting with all those other fleshy things (friends and what have you), i'll be able to figure out a schedule that works.
from herdarlinsin :
Aww honey *hugs*
from snowconecoma :
The other day I had lunch with some folks from my dorm, and they began talking about "arse plugs." Haha. Silly arse products.
from snowconecoma :
KATIIIIIIIIIIE! I don't know. I just felt like screaming your name. And that statement came out just a tad bit wrong.
from valkyrie1223 :
I just saw your "Unreasonably happy" banner. You too huh?
from iheart2rock :
saw the banner about becoming "unreasonably happy" when your buddylist is highlighted-- my word do i relate to that. my dland friends don't update nearly enough. it probably has to do with the fact that only three of them are semi-active users. anywho, enough of my yapping. enjoy your day.
from darkenedhell :
just coming through and i love the diary! later! --KiTTy
from gumphood :
car54? where are you?
from herdarlinsin :
Hot Pants eh? How about you just caling yourself "Hot Date" ? *giggles*
from herdarlinsin :
just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I think about you often. I wonder how you are other than what you write of and about.
from candoor :
I write about everything rather randomly, but the real stuff is written when I am almost asleep and don't realize I am still writing... it's that feeling of not being all that real (for me, because it (life) is not shared much) that I relate to most...
from herdarlinsin :
*Bwahahahaaa *laughs deliriously* I filled out your "Blank Me" page. I'm dieing over here, if you could only see how much I'm laughing at what I think your expressions would be tothose answers. *snorts* Yea buddy!
from herdarlinsin :
You are a freaking riot. Out your ears eh? Guess that image was better than your ass lol
from herdarlinsin :
what part of Pa are you going to? I was there once, not so long ago,. Its Lesbian Land I tell you. And I did fit in so cleverly well. I miss Pa as sad as it sounds. But I don't miss the events that took place there. Not the bad ones. I miss the fun ones though. I hope you have a good time in Lesbian Land darlin'. Have a blast for me. Talk to you soon and have a safe trip 'tay?
from herdarlinsin :
Its been a while since I last spoke to you. I just wanted to drop you a note and say hello dear.I hope your summer is going well. All my love. C
from tokyorosej :
I liked this last entry you wrote (05.24.05) - it reminded me of how I felt when I was moving, looking at all the things that I've saved for whatever reason.
from hopes-light :
Mmm. Grapes. Red grapes? Or green? I wonder if they have multi-coloured grapes. ): Don't be sad. Me live again for you. Hug.
from hopes-light :
Sandwiches with... cucumber!?! :D No, silly. I don't live. It's all a lie! A vicious rumour! I deny it! Hug. <3
from bridy :
hey, your layout rocks!
from rostlina :
My buddy list being red makes *me* insanely happy too!
from herdarlinsin :
Hey K =) Just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive, just haven't had much of a chance for a really good, healthy update as of late. I apologize for that. Hope all is going well with you and things. *squishy hugs* Talk to you soon.
from no-map :
you are lovely... lovier than lovely.. maybe even the loveliest!! *creepy internet hugs and squishes* lovely lovely lovely... hmm I have nothing intelligent to say because, I fear, the sun has melted my brain! anyway *blows kisses* thank you for your note and for adding me and for having a great diary!!! have a nice day now! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from herdarlinsin :
But at least you washed your red sweater. That's progress honey. I was shocked to say the least. Didn't think you'd find the motivation :P Now all you have to do is take all that energy you use to be lazy and read a book or two. Study a few more notes, not the ones on diaryland. Some of them are really cheesy. I don't think you'd be able to pass geometry by reading sexual messages on Diaryland, unless of course you were using them for sex ed, not that I think you'd need it. Umm. I mean.. Uh I'm hungry.
from herdarlinsin :
LOL. Wench. It's a good thing I don't hear the sound of running water. But you can fix me some of your awesoem greek food. And how is your studies coming along? Are they still procrastinating? You bum. lol
from herdarlinsin :
Stop it. I can't stop laughing. I'm going wet my pants.
from herdarlinsin :
Look like one even. Damn typo fairies. They need to be shot. I changed the headline to my diary profile.
from herdarlinsin :
Or how about the line I used to pick a girl one night. "Hey baby, you're on the top of my "to Do" list for the night." Sadly when I thought I was being humurous it got me nowhere. Oh well. Their loss, my gain. And, you're making me laugh so hard. I like an educated re-re
from herdarlinsin :
Or when you meet someone that intrigues you and you nonchalantly say to them "I'll come here more often" Before they relaize you're lesbian, or just a sex freak. That happened to me once, but then again, I've had one too many bizarre funny moments in my sexual life. Not that any of them were fantastic, but oh how my friends love to remind me and laugh at my expense. The Bitches. And your forth coming was great, better than the one my son used on a girl when he was twelve "Nice shoes baby wanan fuck?" I don't think I claimed him to be mine after that... I swear my children did not get their perversed nature from me... I'm innocent.
from herdarlinsin :
You are a riot. Indeed. I love your humor. Sarcastic but still full of warmth. Not perverted like mine, then again maybe I don't know yet. God help us if there's two of us like me. I get into enough trouble all by myself. Apparently it seems that way when the EverReady bunny dies anyway. Damn the luck
from herdarlinsin :
LOL! And I hate internet slang, but you just made me laugh out loud. My son just asked me if I was feeling alright. You're great, and who cares about review conspiracy, I know you'll still give me an honest review. Piss on em. It's not like we're lesbian lovers or anything :P
from supershan :
Thank you so very much for all you're commenting. Each one makes each of my days much better. I'm really quite lame lately, I should just stop doing things until I can do them in a way that is not retarded. Wow. But thank you and I love you and CREEPY INTERNET HUGS!
from herdarlinsin :
You make me smile. Thank you.
from comma-abuse :
from etherealrevu :
your review is up, and you made our favorites list. nice job!
from truth-review :
Review is up :)
from supershan :
I wasn't notified of your last note! It's a conspiracy to keep me from noticing my Biffy notes! Ahhh! (and thank you by the way (oh and your tonsil story? Amazing. I thought my tonsils were weird . . .)) Hugs and love!
from supershan :
Thank you. I went to bed at 7:30 last night and am feeling a little better today. At least so far. The tissues and tea are useful. Very much so. I don't even need to make sense because I am sick. CREEPY INTERNET HUGS AND LOVE!
from cmyk :
I agree about Fragile-Left. You crack me up.
from cmyk :
Somewhat Damaged is my favorite NIN song, and you appear to like it as well, so you should probably listen to that on the plane. If you want.
from supershan :
Thank you! Your note made me feel all warm and giggly. I hope my dream boy uses fantastic words that make me swoon someday. It'll happen. And HUGS and LOVE right back at ya! I love the exclamation points!! Exclamation points for everyone!!! I heart you!
from betchy :
thank you lots. creepy internet hugs back. less than three.
from xsoozenx :
i <3 your diary :) but don't worry, i won't steal it. :)
from supershan :
Sorry your birthday was rotten :( But thank you for the thank you. :) Creep internet hugs always make it better. *CREEPY INTERNET HUGS!*
from betchy :
i am sorry that you're birthday left you feeling so sad. its horrible when people cant make just that one day special for you. i am sure they care. perhaps you could do something really cool at the weekend or something. i dont know, i am just trying to make you feel better xxx
from fan4 :
I hope you have a wonderful day too...
from fan4 :
Are you okay?
from fan4 :
Happy birthday!
from supershan :
Happy Birthday!! I'm sorry, it's bad and little creepy looking. Um, it's the thought that counts, right? (Have a tremendously happy birthday)
from betchy :
happy birthday crazy! hope its all you ever wanted (and more)
from sanetwin :
Happy Birthday!
from supershan :
ARG! I KNOW! It is impossible not to over think this stupid problem because Mr. Fellow is giving us so little to go on! The bastard! And I appreciate you overthinking this with me. But I do know for sure that he has a phone, as he lives in the dorms (different dorm than mine, naturally, seeing as I'm currently residing in a completely female residence. No boys allowed and all that.) and every dorm room comes with a complimentary phone (how nice). And now that I'm thinking about it, there is also an all dorm directory that has me, my name and my dorm room number in it. But I'm glad he has not just looked me up in there, that might be slightly creepy. But still, I want him to have my number! ARG again! Boys are such a pain in the ass!
from betchy :
my cats follow me everytwhere too. i have three of them and i feel like the Pied Piper of Hamlin every time i go to the loo!
from raven72d :
...a game i don't know...
from raven72d :
I make the Happy *Wuff!* Noise or the Psyduck Noise.
from raven72d :
I like good things happening to small, cute characters and friends...
from raven72d :
I do cry over sad stories... I like happy endings.
from raven72d :
The Brave Little Toaster! Yay! A wonderful, sad story... And a great cartoon!
from raven72d :
It's important in life to be a Brave Little Hamster.
from raven72d :
Hamsters are fun... I miss Hamtaro! And I wish there were Floppy Panda and Stray Sheep videos...
from raven72d :
The stationery is lovely...
from raven72d : has cool Tare Panda things...
from raven72d :
I have a pair of Floppy Panda stufflings... I'm a great fan of the Floppy Panda...
from raven72d :
Yay, Tare Panda...!
from supershan :
Thank you. I was really in desperate need of those the past couple days. And super big hugs right back at ya.
from comma-abuse :
from betchy :
just wanted to say.......have a very merry christms. enjoy it! eat, drink, be merry, open pressies and whatever you do, make sure you are sleeping tonight when HE comes!
from supershan :
Sounds delish. The creepiness adds flavor, I think. CREEPY INTERNET HUGS!
from betchy :
crazy lights! crazy crazy lights! merry christmas x
from supershan :
I KNOW!! It's SO freaking weird that Catholics are CHRISTIANS! When the hell did that happen?! Yah, I get pretty damn sick and tired of people trying to "convert" me from being a Catholic to being a "Christian". Annoying, I tell ya. INTERNET HUGS!
from fight-club16 : this is Valerie, from ethereal-reviews. I was just wondering if you would still like that review (I'm sorry it's been such a long wait!) or if you'd like to be taken off the list. If you can drop me a note or sign my guestbook back, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
from supershan :
Yes, my armie-poo is driving me quite nuts right now. Internet hugs are great. INTERNET HUGS! (heh, I accidently typed "internut hugs", then I said it outloud and giggled. my poor roommate)
from betchy :
yeah, i wonder a lot about old schoolmates. i see a few around town, but there are others that i have never seen again. then there are the ones that moves away when you were really young. whatever happened to them?
from faerine :
And you know, the funny thing is I've got tons of boy-friends, just no boyfriends. It's a useless waste of time until college at least. Oh, and thank-you loads for the cookie :-D
from supershan :
Ah,yes. Hyperventilation. We are old friends. But really, just remember you are a fricking genius. (that's what I tell myself anyway. well, no, not really but I imagine that it would help if I did, sooo yah, don't know where I was going with this anymore) Internet hugs!
from bigpimpinmba :
I know you said that you don't like your name, but Katie is one of the greatest names on the planet as far as I'm concerned. Of course, that's what we call our 6-month-old daughter, who is, by the way, all bubbly and happy, but that's beside the point. By the way... OMG UR so funi. Wait a min. No ur not.
from betchy :
likey the xmas layout and the door sketches x
from raven72d :
I love the little panda sketches.
from raven72d :
Absolutely cool entries-- clever and fun. I'm glad I randomly dropped by. I'll be here again. Feel free to come by and read my own work.
from soror :
What a nice diary, Katie. :)
from supershan :
Oh dear. Awful conversationalist doesn't even begin to cover it. He asked me for a gold star during the date. A gold star meaning a kiss. I'm still cringing. And he made me watch Super Troopers on the first date. Ugh.
from betchy :
i love that kitty. i less than three it!
from supershan :
Good to hear you liked it. :) Ooohh! A Mushie package! That would be ever so lovely, last night I was definitely wishing for a fluffy friend to cuddle. What exactly is your ear pregnant with?
from supershan :
Oh yes, being a dating machine is a great addition to my superhero resume. And oh I know what to do when boys get fresh with me, in fact I LIKE doing what has to be done. That's right. I shall be a legend. Wooo. C-I-HUGS!
from comma-abuse :
MAKING YOUR MSN BA-DING, BA-DING. (I am so obnoxious, shoot me.)
from betchy :
oh cool! oh i like that. yes. i less than three you too x
from betchy :
you know if i had a computer at home i would ask for that attatchment, but i only have a computer at work that doesnt have sound, which is beyond poo. grrr. i dont mean to sound thick, but what does "less than 3" mean? have i not gone far enough back in your diary to find that out?
from faerine :
Yes! Yes, exactly! Steaks with garlic... I shall make some tonight and shove them down his esophagus personally. :-)
from betchy :
it is honourable to eat dry hot chocolate powder. absolutley!
from yakkety-yak :
thank you muchly for adding me. please let you be blessed by fairies x
from free-rose :
You are totally welcome to run away and ride in my pimp-mobile anytime you like! For it WOULD be "bitchin'" and ten times cooler than the pope-mobile!
from mathero :
from mathero :
I'm promoting my diary because I'm bored as hell tonight! =)
from supershan :
Arg! I know! That's what people kept telling me yesterday, "You ace all the other ones, you can afford to have a bad test." Um, no, I can't. And there's no need to settle when I can obviously do better. Cheer up my sad little panda, we'll just have to letting the kicking wear itself out. *POUTY HUGS*
from supershan :
Ahhhhh (insert varied blubbering/suffering sounds here). I feel your pain! I just took a Psych test and I did CRAPPY on it! I got an 85%! Ahh the misery! My little academic perfectionist inside me is just KICKING me. I must go wallow in my post crappy Psych test shame.
from supershan :
Whooo! Creepy internet hugs! My favorite! (good to know I was missed, I was DYING without my internet)
from saru-san :
I just replied to the notes you left for me, and just now I realized your little trick. You made me want to eat a hoagie so I won't eat your children! Very clever, Katie! I have my eye on you...
from faerine :
ah, yes... totally slipped my mind to send people their passwords @_@ the username is, of course, kaybiff. the password is the same. Sorry 'bout that!
from chiv :
aws, that looks like a new level of being-nice. I think I have to consider that In my next bout of when-the-heck do I throw-ups! I forget what I was talkin about.
from faerine :
pshh... your pikachu is level NINETY NINE? truly, I need to play more often. @_@
from pkitty1979 :
Hey :) Where did you get that hilarious stick figure pic?! I've been looking all over for it. I want it really badly!
from supershan :
Thank you. I must admit, I chuckled at your jokes. Thanks for your love and support. I only cry sometimes now. ;)
from disclosure- :
im just going to have to come back =) feeling fluffy is lovely and when i was reading your entry the sound that came to mind was awww >;o)
from supershan :
Oh, I defintely like it. Thanks. :)
from chiv :
Yeah, you can try sneaking up on it, but the road always warns it ahead of time. Sigh!
from dtreview :
You have been summoned for the second time.
from sarkasmo :
Alzheimer's can be just as funny as it is sad. Grandpa didn't know my name for the last 10 yrs (at least, not while I was around). For a couple of years, he'd brighten up, point, and just say, "There's one of the good ones!" And he was all about pockets. Filling them with stuff. Toaster waffles, barbershop combs, empty Zippo lighters (hey, what better way to quit smoking than to forget that you do it in the first place?). If you need support, let me know.
from supershan :
Yeah, but since it happens all the time, (seems all the kids I jump in for have parents just on the other side of the pool) I only really minded because it was cold and I was fully dressed. On a totally unrelated note, I'm sorry about your grandmother and I can understand why you feel the way you feel. (this isn't the greatest note either, sorry)
from faerine :
hehe, nope... I had to start wearing a glove and painting my nails with vinegar =D And my sincerest condolences about your grandmother... I hope she gets better!
from chiv :
Ahh, that's good to know... it must be turps.
from faerine :
ah, don't worry. i didn't expect much from it anyways.. no dreams crushed here ^^ perhaps someday i will travel to foreign lands... like Wisconsin!
from xsilvamoonx :
Hug Preston and Steve? How dare you steal my lifelong dream!
from xsilvamoonx :
Ah-Thank you!
from xsilvamoonx :
Hallo. Stumbled across your diary... damn banners. =] But it was rather interesting... Keep on keepin' on! *schnoogles*
from uurabbit :
hey, thanks for adding me to your favorites list. After reading your diary a bit, I found it quite interesting, and I've added you back.
from supershan :
Why, thank you. And the Underdog theme song, huh? That made me laugh. I haven't heard that in a long time but of course it's stuck in my head now. Good times.
from chiv :
Aw, you done gone maked me smile (which rather ruined my forlorn-bit). Funny you should show up, I had just minutes earlier forgotten-to-add-kaybiff-to-my-favourites. Now I'm all about the remembering. [twiddles thumbs] Right. Now I'm going to go crazy with the drinking of milk and the playing of Bach cassettes. ...New Jersey, you say. I'm sure there's plenty new things there to complain about. (Happy Good-Riddance Day.)
from under-yuki :
You know, it's things like that that make me proud today's Father's Day. (I don't think I even need to point out the sarcasm here.)
from supershan :
Violent brothers suck. I don't even claim mine anymore. Don't you love how they always break stuff, but never their own? I just had to get a new doorknob because the male child of my parents had bored a hole through it in a fit of rage.
from under-yuki :
If the Grateful Dead weren't playing right now I'd have to say I was sad for you. I mean, I am. But that just doesn't seem right when Jerry's in the house. Luckily I have no siblings to emulate you know who. Thank God for David's... lacking. (Ahahaha.)
from antisthenes :
A piece of pop trash with plenty of killing and blood, and which may get people interested in Greek history and the history of western civlization. Score! I didn't much care for Achilles, or Hector, or any of that pile. I wanted to hear more about my good boy Ody. I've always liked the fella'
from jenamae :
Hi! Thanks for that nice review!!! Nevermind all the bad things you said. You know for yourself that they are all true!!! Thanks again and have a nice time!!
from table-turned :
there is a difference between using your body to kill another person and doing so to abort a paritally grown fetus, my friend. you and i both know it. and it is in fact your body and your choice what you do with YOUR responsibilitys. with a baby comes resonsibilitys if one wishes to sacrifice such, by golly, let them do so.
from under-yuki :
"....Ew!" --My mother in regards to the contortionists in the Schism video
from antisthenes :
While reading your latest entry, my friend came into the room, stood behind me, and said, "Who's the hot goth chick?". I will now point and laugh at you.
from gumphood :
Oh. That. I fixed that. No worries. If that was your worrie. Pull the knife out. I went in and fixed it Biffy. You just caught the entry with it's pants off.
from gumphood :
lol. I skewed you over! it's true. But over here we like to call it Clarifing...and editing. lol. I skewed you. Thanks for writing. I hope you liked it!
from under-yuki :
If that Southern Belle thing wasn't a joke I'm going to have to cry all over you and mourn our relationship.
from hopes-light :
Grammer error :p From this: If an owl was in Katie�s life, she would got hoot..... To this: If an owl was in Katie�s life, she would got hoots.... *giggles*
from hopes-light :
Me? Well, I got something for you Miss Katie :p I hug Katie. Katie is hugable. Katie thinks a lot about world domination. When I think of hugs, I think of Katie. If I were alone in a room with Katie, I would do, something ;). I think Katie should get revenge on that bonsai tree. Katie needs a new father :( I want to kiddnap Katie. If I could describe Katie in a word: pink ninja. I want Katie to take over the world and make it law to hug. Katie has to go hoot. If an owl was in Katie�s life, she would got hoot. I think Katie can do anything. Katie wants to take over the world with me. *giggles*
from chiv :
Crazy? I'll show you crazy! I.. oh, wait, this is more 26th hour awake than anything else.. [meanders away]
from gumphood :
Techinally "the man" is a private firm. I am "the feds" or "the fuzz" Not to be confused with "the furries"
from veronicalife :
I cook Katie. Katie is cooking. Katie thinks a lot about cooking. When I think of cooking, I think of Katie. If I were alone in a room with Katie, I would cook. I think Katie should cook. Katie needs cooking. I want to cook Katie. If I could describe Katie in a word: cookful. I want Katie to cook and cook. Katie has to cook. If cooking was in Katie�s life, she would cook. I think Katie can cook. Katie cook me.
from sroo :
Thanks for stopping by my diary and saying hi. Love yours by the way...super funny!
from bloodrose666 :
Hey! Wanna check out an awsome band? Go to They are unlike anything you have ever heard before..
from sourballs123 :
cool quizzes
from reviewgump :
Hey, I am guessing either Willy Wonka, or Darwin.
from gumphood :
I ask I ask. You have me at Biffcakes. Or even sooner. Tell me Tell me!
from xenotrout :
Note! Celebratory note! For you have gone gold! Hooray for you!! Wonderful! Too many exclamations!
from gumphood :
Kay-T Sometimes i leave my computer and forget I was on it...what do you think about that....have you noticed. It's like nacalepsi of the fingers
from under-yuki :
Katie. Katie, Katie. My Katie. I've got your number. 867 5309... No, that's not right. ....Katie. I love you.
from under-yuki :
Katie. Katie, Katie. My Katie. I've got your number. 867 5309... No, that's not right. ....Katie. I love you.
from under-yuki :
Here I am, darling. In mt educational facility. Leaving you notes because I refuse to do the work I was assigned. 'Tis a sad, sad day, because I have recieved the scores of the PSAT [And it took them a good while, it did]. I am dissapointed in myself. I really am. That's what I get for randomly filling in bubbles in the Math section... That is is. I... I need to go now. Work calls. Work... on Access. Pray for me.
from gumphood :
Oh my...but...but...I have bad grammar?! What does this mean for our children!
from hopes-light :
Remember katie, whatever happened in your child hood, you have friends that will always be here, and will do everything to make you happy.
from gumphood :
I can[t wait. I can[t wait.
from gumphood :
Hye katie where ya been. I have missed your ways!! I have missed a return email. I hope you do not dread my existance!
from abie :
I just wanted to thank you personally for the review. So, thank you.
from gumphood :
cakes is the name of a man I live with. Cake.
from gumphood :
hello. If you got it, email me and I will give you the information that oyu seek.
from gumphood :
okay. you can NOW get to the voice things, but I am doing them over. will be where I post the voice things, but not right now!!
from gumphood :
I really wanted to talk to you. On IM, but alas you were gone when I came back. So tell me a story. Your story. Any story. A nice little story.
from maryfaerie :
Alright, the song I think it is is Up on a House Top. I know I'm wrong but I might as well try.
from xenotrout :
One Note Samba?
from guyphillips :
I've got it! It's Harvey the Wonder Hamster!
from under-yuki :
The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love.
from xenotrout :
That song...Dave Mathew's Band Dodo Song? Something by the Bonzo Dog Dooh-Dah Band? Flying Burrito, now I'm just wrong. It's...Dumbo! Pink Elephants on Parade! No, no! I've got it! Bilbo Baggins performed by Leonard Nemoy! The old Sprite jingle? "What makes a melon ball bounce? Sprite makes a melon ball bounce. Make a melon ball bounce with Sprite!"...
from gumphood :
going crazy with the entries. I love it.
from gumphood :
You come and GO. I feel struck by lighting. Or perhasp something more frightening.
from gumphood :
Merry x-mas darling goose. May the sugar plumbs dance!
from gumphood :
Nice English. Not a bad pick.
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
okay here goes. If you have a live journal, go to google and search for "elitedefness" and you will find a live journal that you can go into. In the journal, in a recent entry, there is a phone message. It's from Jimmy Jimmy the English Soap importer. Thats me and my voice. Now hurry hurry.
from gumphood :
You want a link? I don't get it. Why do you want a link?
from kingjack :
I love lil Xmas layout! so cute. Come visit me @ {kingjack has unofficially died... } Rock hard and never stop. <33 Riss
from gumphood :
That is to say...I left a comment you might want to read.
from gumphood :
I miss the light bulb. Anyway, I left a note in my journal whihc you may want to read.
from gumphood :
Ah yes. My heart misses those rasins. They were the greatest...with the singing and the dancing and the sleigh bells....bum bop.
from gumphood :
You really like the Cube guy...don't you...
from under-yuki :
Oh, honey, I feel your pain. And quite literally. No hot action when you're stuck in bed, you know? Get better. ...Just take me with you.
from gumphood :
I hope you feel better Katie. I really do. And don't go see your dad. yek
from gumphood :
Hi biffy; thats spiffy
from gumphood :
I have been looking for your questions for the past two days. Where the heck are they again. I am confuszoid. I will look more.
from gumphood :
Thanks for the note. What's your most favorite song ever. And then, what's your most favirote song ever that I would have a chance of knowing! Hamptaro? J/k
from gumphood :
Dashing and daring, courageous and caring Faithful and friendly with stories to share All through the forest they sing out in chorus Marching along as their song fills the air Gummi Bears, bouncing here and there and everywhere High adventure that's beyond compare. (*) They are the Gummi Bears Magic and mystery are part of their history Along with the secret of Gummi Berry Juice The legend is growing they take part in knowing They fight for what's right in whatever they do
from spiraloutxx :
I wasn't aware that there was a Halo Zero. Thank you. Could you provide me with some information as to what it's called? Oha nd yeah, those Halos that are marked off on my list as me owning them...I don't anymore. they got stolen. I have to restart my collection again. Thanks for the heads up, though, take it easy and spiraloutxx
from kingjack :
jack pw kingofallsorrows. Thanks
from kingjack :
Had to lock it up, due to certain circumstances. Let me know if you.d like the username and pw.
from gumphood :
I think the turkey is the symbol of driving out the indians. How many pople have called you a hot goth girl? Is this a probleam, or does it not happen nearly enough?
from gumphood :
you want an email or a ring? (phone ring) --not a ring with a phone on it, but a call.
from kingjack :
First things first: was it a top hat?! Now then, what in the dickens are you talking of??? Till anon.
from gumphood :
Not realyy... I'm #renting#
from gumphood :
This --lipgloss-- is something a boy is not allowed to use right?
from gumphood :
miss katie. Why are your lips so shiney? Are they moonburned?
from gumphood :
I was waiting for Godzilla to come out and eat Charlie...but he didn't. *cry*
from antisthenes :
I want me prize. Lunar will suffice.
from gumphood :
Well then squire, I was wondering when these would be posted. posated. potato. Hmmm.. kudos
from gumphood :
Squire...I hate hearing that. It's all gone...all gone!!! I suppose they are trying to keep you down. I ask this it true that you really ate it?
from gumphood :
Things are all wrong squire Katie. I review site is down...your site is white. what be the deal?
from guyphillips :
Now you're making me look stupid in your notes. With an E! An E!!!
from guyphillips :
Polishes Apples on His Sleeve Man and Rotates Tires Guy. The best super hero team EVER. Doesn't Steal Anything Not Nailed Down Dude. Allergic to Cats Man. Cooks Ramen Women. (That's right, note the sexism.) I think one more. The Fung Shui Duo! They rearange your paintings everyday because it's not a science.
from antisthenes :
Doesn't Have Any Margarine Man
from periodical :
Update soon, won't you? I'm curious to know what's next =)
from under-yuki :
... Jehovah's. Right.
from under-yuki :
My entry, fair lady of Prime, into your contest....shall be....NONI JUICE WOMAN. Taking on the form of an over sixty Jahovah's witness massage therapist, this superhero forces the "Healing properties" of the Tahitian noni juice on the unsuspecting, assuming it will make everything better. They are told to swish two tablespoons of the sour, mealy, forty-two dollars a bottle substance around in their mouth every morning, afternoon, and night, and then to swallow it. They assure an energy boost. The fact that this unsuspecting Noni-juicer then immediatley contracts a flu virus type thing is unimportant, because the precious noni juice is simply "flushing out their system". Thank you, Noni Juice Woman [please give me back my money].
from gumphood :
Dude. Your presence has not been felt in some time. I worry about you super powers.
from xenotrout :
Two more useless super heroes--finicky boy and sexy boy. Finicky Boy is always throwing tantrums, and causes more trouble than he fixes. Finicky Boy also never tries to stop evil villians, he just complains to them and tells them that he wants them to stop. Sexy Boy has too much trouble beating off the preteen fans who want his autograph to ever get any crime-fighting done.
from xenotrout :
Ooh, contest. I'll miss you while you're in Florida, but I will enter your contest (many times?). So...the most useless super hero, eh? Captain Oral Hygiene. Never forgets to floss, always carries one of those folding tooth brushes and brushes after every meal. Captain Oral Hygiene doesn't take advantage of having super-strong teeth to fight crime, but rather tells children that they, too, should take good care of their teeth. Extra note: this character is a tribute to a nearly-useless superhero (captain planet) and a useless nearly-superhero (the hygiene genie of rocko's modern life).
from gumphood :
did you see Kill Bill yet? Cause you better have. I meanit. You better
from gumphood :
For Real Super Heros it's clearly Jubaleie from the X-men. From "made up world" its Anti-Ketchup man, immune to all sodium based pastes, vunrable to everything else in this world. Has been the employee of the Month at Wendy's for 3 months running. Kudos man made of slipery skin. Kudos.
from gumphood :
I think you will like my latest entry. It's right up your ally.
from tool-nin-fan :
from sporksncrack :
thanks for the note...I update tool-nin-fan not this one. i just did this as a side thing
from under-yuki :
Random love at 6 AM! Will you do the locomotion..with me? *Laugh* I should walk away now..LIKE AN EGYPTIAN.*Cue 80s*
from hopes-light :
katiiieee, were are yoouuu. look at my aim away message for more info.
from i-have-pants :
yeah, i dunno what i want. i just want it to be cool lookin. like my other site. on xanga. [] yeah, i dunno if i can put a link in here and im too lazy to try. so go to that site, and be amazed. and tell me how to make my diaryland more like it. yippee.
from gumphood :
oh yes. Donnie Amuzed me quite a bit. Thats a very good part. So how do you like my new place? No good...or so good?
from gumphood :
It was only the cape..and the arrows...and the long blonde hair.
from i-have-pants :
uh....the picture....should be of someone in a band. a good band. yes. and i dunno what my favorite color is. like black and white and grey. yeah.
from under-yuki :
Sometimes I think I would want to have the babies of your entire family. It would be a massive thing. Right. But perhaps in Mike's case this is slightly more vulgar, seeing as it is actually POSSIBLE. ...I did always go for the matter. I love you, and I formally request you adopt me. Really. You make FUNNY jokes..without a German accent [Not that you don't have the ability..]. As opposed to my family. Because sometimes when she's asking you to stir ["Steer"] something, and you tell her it is pronounced "Stir", she becomes very angry...and starts yelling in German...and...right. I'm sorry. It's the scars. *Pounce chest* Right here. TO THE DEATH! [Translation: WITH SONG!] Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name. Hello, I love you let me jump in your game. Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your game. Hello, I love you let me jump in your game..
from i-have-pants :
uh...i dunno. i want....uh...yeah. how bout like a picture...maybe. yes.
from i-have-pants :
yeah. you should definitely help me out with that html stuff because im really not used to diaryland yet at all. david bowie is like....god...but not.
from gumphood :
Yes yes, you must see it right away. I promise that you will like it. Yellow Hair warrior.
from gumphood :
give me some bass. Did you see Kill Bill? I like the anime sequence in the middle it was very well done. They won't go any higher.
from i-have-pants :
wow. youre entries greatly confuse me. so does the mexican guy who just rang my doorbell. the labyrinth is a good movie. david bowie + those tight pants = rockin my face.
from gumphood :
You want a corset? You want a garter? I am confused. You MK likes Korean, but I can't speak, understand, or write it so it's beauty is lost on me the same way a ducks feathers are lost on you.
from gumphood :
I think the best line to now use for you would be something along the lines of, "Hey hot Goth girl, can I borrow your bra?" Oh wait...that's the worst line ever. Sorry. Can I steal your sunshine?
from under-yuki :
And I want your babies. Mmm...Katie...
from kingjack :
Sometimes when I feel crummy I read some things you write about. It cheers me up. So thank you. <33
from kingjack :
I.m glad people like you exist. Can I hug you? Yes. That seems right. Au revoir!
from i-have-pants :
well hello there.
from strangertome :
Hey, just leaving you a note - I'm sure my little creation that is Duck Reviews shall thrive under your care. Wow, you're in college? I can feel the aura of smartness emitted from you. :) Cute diary layout, just letting you know I'm glad you're in charge of my duckies...
from gumphood :
You are an Ill Eagle. Illegal. Oh my spof bif, we are going to have to take you to pun camp or something.
from gumphood :
I didn't know you were a sick bird?
from gumphood :
he he he. You are a illegal.
from hopes-light :
hey, my diary explains all, i will be back soon, hopefully, and if not.... PANIC! CAUSE THE COMPUTERS ARE OUT TO GET US!!!!!!!!! oh dear, there are sometimes when i wonder if, i ever do really talk to you to much, cause i would _never_ say the computers are out to get us, oh well, i just hope its a change for the good! see you soon!!!!! *HUGS & HUGGLES*
from gumphood :
I don't know if you quote me, but I dare not ask, cause if I am chilled in the bill then you will kick my ass.
from miabogard :
Katie, this is a random message to let you know that you are awesome, I love you, and I hate leaving notes. I haven't ignored you... I just HATE notes. Especially your notes page, because it takes forever to load. But that does not evaporate my heavy amount of katie-lovin', though. You hate guestbooks, I hate notes. We're like the digital odd couple. :-)
from gumphood :
the only direction this conversation is going is down.
from gumphood :
quote away, just don't come any closer
from gumphood :
Biffy Biffy boiled and spiffy what do you think that I was doing with sippy? Sippy!!! that just rhymes with miffy, which has nothing to do with the question for Biffy.
from gumphood :
And if you're trying to fade me then you must step back. Biffy coming on hard like that ah yeah heart attack.
from gumphood :
from under-yuki :
Nya nya nya. Nya nya nya NYA nya nya (Laughter)...Right-o. Oh, Fair Lady of Prime, I really should get that diary entry going...but unfortunately...I, as usual, lack "Creative schwing". I really do, Biffums...and...and it's 6:33AM. Soon I shall relocate to...a different location...that being my school. Where I will rave it up with my homies. *Pause* know....not... That's beside the point. I must retrieve hoodie and coffee and get going. ...Really. I'm going to be late. ...Seriously. YOU CAN'T KEEP ME HERE! DON'T TRY! LIES! ...But....really....*Points in vague direction of school* ...They await...What...what if I was to go...AWOL? *Giggle* Long story, Biffums...but I leave you...WITH SONG!Good sense, innocence, cripplin' and kind. Dead kings, many things I can't define. Oh Cajun spice, sweats and blushers your mind.Incense and peppermints, the color of thyme! Who cares what games we choose? Little to win, but nothing to lose....Incense and peppermints, meaningless nouns. Turn on, tune in, turn your eyes around. Look at yourself, look at yourself...Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....[This is where I Fast Forward...because I am lazy. And late.] Incense, peppermints, incense, peppermints. Sha-la-la, sha-la-la.....Right-o. Toodles!
from gumphood :
from hopes-light :
hey *huggles* hey *huggles* hey *huggles* hey *huggles* ^_^ how are u ma'am? how goes world domination? i think u would make an EXCELLENT world leader. ^_^ i just cant wait, so hurry up and conquor the world, pwease... ^_^
from hopes-light :
oh my *laugh* katie, your whole family sounds a bit out there. (complement ^_^) oh dear. *HUGS*
from gumphood :
you are off....your rocker!!
from gumphood :
you surly did point out the obvious to that girl. Thanks for the potato comments. They were spudtacular.
from gumphood :
The last four notes were all you. It wsa like reading another entry. Who is this lady. I want to know. Deary me, I think the penguins have a right to this knowledge.
from hopes-light :
i am so sorry! i shouldnt of asked. i am truely sorry that you have to feel that way. but, you understand why i was worried, dont you? you werent yourself, and that made me worry. i know how you feel, i just wish that i could open up. i cant. i cant. i just cant. maybe one day, i will open up. i do so hope to. i just wish that i was there with you, i wish it so much, i cant stand to see my friends hurting, any of them, expecially my, my, best friend. wow, i said it, you are the first person i have called 'best friend' in ages, a long time. best friends, i like that sound of that, no longer does that title sound...sour to me. it feels, i dont know, its undescribible. i just hope that oneday you, will feel free, less of a hermit, i do so hope it. katie, remember this, you have helped me, you listened to me, you convinced me of something that i was not. i want, no, i AM here for you. and i dont want all that 'i dont want to talk about it' crap (sorry, so sorry) i cant tell you what you can, or cannot do. but i just am going to say this, bluntly, cause there is no other way to say it, i apoligise beforehand to. Get your head out of you rear end, and see that there are people that care for you, wake up and smell the roses katie, we are here for you, and there is nothing you do that will scare us away! so stop putting on a sharade, and take of the mask, _I_ know that there is a whole nother katie underneath there, and _I_ dont care how ugly she is, or how different she is. _I_ care that the way you are going, you will lose your self. katie can you look in a mirror, and honestly say, you know whos looking back at you. can you? i dont want to lose you. i dont. once again i am sorry, and i wouldnt blame you if you deleted this note, so others wouldnt see it. katie, no matter what you do, you will never scare me away, nope nope. *HUGS* that is why i wish i were there with you katie, so i could do this *HUGS*!!!!!!!!!!!!
from gumphood :
changing the layout again...oh my.
from antisthenes :
People bounce; checks do not.
from antisthenes :
"Jesus, turn off the light! Turn it off! We're not quite nude yet!". That's all the story you get for today; I am lazy.
from gumphood :
Biffatrinics. I would answer them. At the same time I want to say that my comment was about your cool entry and how I could go where I picked. That was unique and cool.
from gumphood :
Biffletron, that was really cool. How you do that. Keep doing that. You are the best.
from antisthenes :
There was a small yellow box sitting on the table when I came home this morning. Nathan was sitting on the couch, watching The Cosby Show; I asked him about the box, and he said that he didn't know where it came from, that he thought it was mine, and that it was there when he woke up in the morning. I sat down at the table, leaning my head down to the box and inspecting it, but being careful not to touch it. As I leaned my head in closer to observe the wrapping around its outside (very strange wrapping- it was), the box made a visible movement about one centimeter away from me. I pulled back, startled, and motioned for Nathan to come over and inspect the box with me. Nathan began to lean in, and as he did, the box jumped once again, away from him. Nathan turned to me, surprised, and it was about that time that I jammed a knife right into his stupid face. Take THAT, Nathan.
from kingjack :
Familiar how?
from newreviews :
Hey your review is done. Check to see it. Thanks :)
from kingjack :
Hey, I have a 2nd diary up: Check it out & tell me what you think? Thanks. <33
from gumphood :
that wasn't the worst entry ever and you know it. I hope that you like my questions...and that they didn't suck!! Yes I read the whole thing, no I don't proof read, and neither do you!!! hahahahaha I am sorry you hated number two.
from gumphood :
well thats why I love you. You like that which I produce that I think isn't gold. Fantastic.
from newreviews :
Hello. New review sites is a new review site at diaryland. As we are poor teenagers who cannot afford gold membership to advertise, we're randomly sending people notes. If you're interested in a review, just leave us a note at
from gumphood :
/tell/ you. Okay. It was fun. I am going to make an entry about it later. Minneapolis is like this tower or urbancity in a field of corn. Its quite a site. So many lakes. I liekd it. I had a good time. The skyway...oh the skywalk was this enclosed glass bridege that went from every building to every other building in the city. It was balls.
from gumphood :
I am won tong wonka long. What is you skedastic my bitchastic. I am diggin our kids and pushin up the dasies. (this was all to be said in a rapper voice). Okay now I am just beeinf foolish. That is to say...I am like a fool.
from gumphood :
This is gumphood...over. Just letting you know your next entry = 100. over. So whats going on my dope diggity buddy. I have been gone, and only thinking of the children. I wanted to lay back to the comunicado if you know what I mean....and you know what I mean.
from gumphood :
Biffcakes, BiffCakes One Two One Two And if you are up and around I want to talk to you.
from dtreview :
Your review is up!
from atomicquery :
i forgot to mention, check that email, OFTEN! (cause there are already 2 there) oh, and if anyone of the peoples reading this, if you want an interview, go to for your very own interview!
from xenotrout :
-- . --- .-- /// ..--..
from antisthenes :
A hot, tasty winter evening, full of children and vinegar (mostly vinegar, with a few children swimming around). This sets the scene for the most horrifying spectacle ever witnessed by a dyslexic Goldfish (inside of their bowl, of course). However, as I happened to eat the goldfish a few moments after he came inside, panting heavily, tears down his face as if he saw God or perhaps Edward Norton, I never did find out what he saw. I bet it was Edward (it had to be Edward).
from gumphood :
bye bye biffy. I hope that I see you soon, but no for awhile
from gumphood :
hahahaha crack me up. I am an egg....not a chicken.
from antisthenes :
I didn't really understand it at the time, why my uncle had to go away and leave me. People seldom do, when it comes to these things. They didn't know what was wrong with him, exactly. But the amount of feathers he had covering his body, the eggs he was laying, and his beak; they all pointed to him being a chicken. A female chicken. I didn't think much of it at the time; he had always been like that, and I had always loved him. But that didn't matter anymore, because he had gone away and left me. I searched high and low for him, down every alley, in all of his favorite bars. He used to box. He was a champion fighter, at one point. He didn't much talk about it, but I knew it. I could see it in his eyes, in his heart. I was about to give up my search for him when, one day, I saw something laying in the alley behind our house. It was pretty much a mess- the sun was hot that day and there was an aroma radiating off of it. A succulent, christmas-like aroma, rising from the lump. It was covered in a burlap sack, and had obviously been out there in the hot, summer sun for a few days now. I turned it over, removing the bag, and to my horror- I saw my uncle, roasting under that incredible heat. I picked him up and began to walk into the house. I set his body down on the countertop, and stared at it for awhile. My fingers trembled over the phone; I couldn't dial. I hadn't worked for days, worrying about my uncle. There was no food left, and I was just so hungry. So, naturally, I covered him with a fine red wine vinegrate, and ate him.
from xenotrout :
Cascading Style Sheets...they make me...cascade? No, no, no. Definately nothing that...severe? Or...I didn't mean it in that way. Your diary, it has two heads. This startled me. I did not see the CSS in the head at the top of the page, but I was surprised to find another head in the middle of the page. I see where it is is quite near the %%entry%%. This is all sounding quite wrong. Perhaps it is I who am my...head. Oh, and that sounded wrong. It is my words that are sounding wrong. My words, I say! {yes, of course you say your words.} Oh! humdiggity! and inline CSS...and is that inline JavaScript? Quite impressive. And the double-colons. I love the double colons. I also like double-pipes...PIPE! No, pipe! PIPE! PIPE as in OR! Ampersand splat hash dollar percent! I am not making sense. Your new diary layout is very elegent. That is what I am really trying to say, perhaps. And I was not aware that AIM at a hyperlinkable protocol. Or I forgot. Very sneaky. Cunning and stealthy. But this is to be expected from the pink ninja. Ik ben een ninja bijna! Oh, but is it true? .. / .... .- ...- . / .-. ..- -. / --- ..- - / --- ..-. / - .... .. -. --. ... / - --- / ... .- -.-- --..-- / .- -. -.. / .. / .- -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / ..-. --- .-. / - .... .- - .-.-.- / .. / .... .- ...- . / .-.. --- ... - / -- -.- - / - .-. .- .. -. / --- ..-. / - .... --- ..- --. .... - .-.-.- / - .... .- - .----. ... / .. - --..-- / -.-- . ... .-.-.- *hug*
from antisthenes :
Yesterday I was talking to my wife of eight years (I assure you, she was never informed of this grave injustice; her frail mind would not be able to take it- she was never quick on the draw, you know... wasn't too bright, either, which only helps to explain why she had so many bullet holes left over after our weekly duels), Jean, when I realized that I wasn't talking to her at all. The entity which I've known for the past fifteen years (she had some apprehensions about not knowing when we were married, and I at one point just gave up and went on with it without her consent) as Jean turned out to be, I discovered this morning, nothing more than a grouping of many pidgeons manning a cybernetic humanoid with strings and various "pidgeon-whistles". At least I got the word "Hygiene" out of the deal.
from quelquechose :
Awww, don't worry! Xavier isn't that bad of a middle name. Hey, look on the bright side: you could have been named Xaviera--you know, as in Xaviera Hollander, who wrote a book called, um, "The Happy Hooker". And Katie's a very pretty name, although I have a friend named Katie who hates it because people always sing that song to her: "K-K-K-Katie, beautiful Katie, you're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore! When the m-moon shines over the mountain, I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door!" Ahem. ANYWAY. Just wanted to say that I think you have a really interesting diary. Peace!
from antisthenes :
Don't fall into his web; it's full of peanut brittle and lies (though mostly just peanut brittle).
from diaryreviews :
Your review is done! Go check it out! :) ( ~~Lauren
from gumphood :
you are like an X-man
from gumphood :
*giggle* silly biffcakes
from gumphood :
YOu had something for me?!?! I will not wake you, or spoon you. But I myself am disturbed by you and your lack of follow through. Gifts are not a joking matter!!! Did you get my questions biffy?
from gumphood :
Yes Ms. Biff. I am tempted by your proposition. Not like a street proposition, but rather a fact that you offer me something that isn't a child. I hope it isn't a murder suicide. I must know I must. HEHEHE please...please I I BEG...wait thats the same. I something more than beg....for bacon.
from hopes-light :
oh, i see. cool. Oh, vice president. cool. well, another time, madam president.
from hopes-light :
Good day, madam president
from hopes-light :
"I think katie should be president because she is always is 'up in space' so to say, so if shes president, we would finally migrate to other planets!"
from hopes-light :
no, still 16, i just say ahead that im 16, because its only a couple of months away, and i got sick of saying 15 and 3/4.
from gumphood :
Ooooooo Biffcakes you get me so mad. You like your questions and thats that. Or that too. I don't know. YOu answer then right and good now. no biffing around. You better like it too, or its the doghouse for you *plays with mustach*
from gumphood :
you want questions? okay. But they are going to be tough.
from gumphood :
I liked that entry. It reminded me of something I would do...
from kingjack :
::giggle:: thanks!! <33 you muchly.
from gumphood :
Did you know The Game of Life is satanic. So is Chuttes and Ladders.
from gumphood :
A man walked into the unemployment office. He was very sad because he lost his job at the plant. His job was to make sure all the gaskets were treated properly so they wouldn't "blow". But he did a bad job and got fired. Now he needed money, cause he was a poor sealer.
from gumphood :
poor seal
from gumphood :
You do what you have to. But where will I place my hugs? I guess I will hug trees. I don't want to be a tree hugger. I want to be a biffcakes hugger. Not in the cards I guess *weep*
from gumphood :
Biffy!!! Are you trying to say that I take too little to the bedroom. Dirty! And if thats true how do I have six kids. I will be long windeded when I need to be. Que?
from gumphood :
Oh Biffcakes. We will have to break out the warhammers and the dwarves warlords. Eeepp. I have said to much. Our kids can never know!!
from gumphood :
Yes it was funny wasn't it. There was more but it didn't post. Silly D&D. My elves are on the hunt.
from hopes-light :
hehe, do You know what those words mean?*laugh* of course you do. it is true.
from hopes-light :
you are Exorbtant in everything that is expected, you are nimble in your words and thinking. You are intricate, but that is the best person to be. What we see(or talk) of/to you is only the apex of your personality, and there is so much that we havnt seen. You are also prudant, and that is why you are the best. All these qualities and many more, are what makes katie, and without one of them, you wouldnt be you. We value your friendship katie, and i just thought i would tell you that. Always, Josh.
from hopes-light :
hehe, got something for you, alot of big words(kinda) up and coming next...
from myhorizons :
Thank you for checking me out :)
from maryfaerie :
Hey Katie, just to let you know, Cory wants you. You should read his journal. Your ALWAYS in his entries. I really think he wants you.
from chiv :
See, I had a witty reply to the bat thing, but my computer made a concerted effort to explode the universe, and by the time I got it working again I'd quite forgotten. Now I can't imagine what could possibly be witty about bats flying into things.
from gumphood :
no picking up strays. You have your children to think of.
from gumphood :
nope. didn't help. I liked it though. You seemed flustered.
from xenotrout :
Obeying your entry is the right thing to do,, I really didn't get much sleep---wait, no, that's not what it was. It's about you...and love and, um...oh yes--I love you! Really, you are great company. I mean that. You're not at all scary, like some other companies...oh, that's a different kind of company...sorry about won't happen again, I hope... ...I worry for your health. Oh, I'm not suppost to worry. Foo. Well, I hope you get better. I'm sorry I fell asleep, I'm a lousy vigilante...Yes, that just about explains things...actually, no it doesn't. But keep in control of that enter key. Peace out. Yabba dabba doo. Don't copy that floppy. Don't drop the soup. Eep opp ork ah ah. Word to your mother. Keep it (sur)real. Go for the gold. Be all you can be. Fight for your right to party. Slam dunk. May the force be with you. Live long and prosper. Nanoo nanoo. I've fallen and I can't get up. There's a hole in the bucket. Don't forget to write. There's no place like home. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. Remember the Alamo. If you're happy and you know it clap your hand. I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello. This has been a public service announcement from the I love Katie foundation. Always look on the bright side. Every cloud has a silver lining. You've dropped your fork. There's something in your teeth. After a fall such as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs. There is no spoon. I love you.
from gumphood :
Now Katie. You liked being naked...of this I am sure, but no one has ever seen you fully naked...This confuses me. Do you do this by yourself. Surly someone stumbbled upon you.
from gumphood :
Oh yeah. I loved it. It was a really good survey and I read the whole thing. I like long entries, and short entires that get to the point. I hate meduim entries that doddle. Hence why I like your diary.
from xenotrout :
Oh I'll add a new message, all right!, that's not what I meant! I'll just go...over there, to the pit of dispair...and be, um, disparaged. Even though those words don't really mean the same thing. So ha! Hahahahaha! Wait, now I've gone of track..damn. Damn me. Dam me and And while you're at it, get cheap hydroelectric power. And pass Draconian laws. More Draconian laws? Thank you sir, may I have annother. Oh, I am sorry. This note really has gotten out of hand, hasn't it...Perhaps I can fix this by quiting the entire text of a public domain book? No, that won't will be too long. You might be quite upset at me for doing that. And I would certainly understand that. Perhaps you wouldn't be upset at me for doing that, actually, but I would be upset at me for doing that. Oh, I really am sorry. Please forgive me. And now...a jig? *hug*
from diary-rating :
I think I was on crack when I posted that new batch of diary ratings last night (well actually I was listening to the new Jane's Addiction album and watching them play on David Letterman - but I digress). I have fixed the HTML snippets ( so now your rating should show up. A thousand swords, er, I mean apologies. :p
from gumphood :
dude you erase my words, but anyway thats a long entry huh? Took me forever.
from diary-rating :
Ta da! Your new diary rating is ready for pick up at
from gumphood :
I figured you wouldn't like the Biffcakes. How about KatieKrab. hehehe. Anyway. I am sorry that I inspire boredom. I like you and your thoughts, and I feel bad if I am boring you!!! Now I have to go think about what I have done. (making you laugh for wrong reasons *cry sniff*)
from gumphood :
Damn you Biffcakes. I am not a wordy as you *throws head back and laughs* I can say so much with so little. But you demand wordy. The object in question was of course discuss because I am considering asking you questions in regards to the topic which was hence named "God" for a piece I am doing also of the same name "God". Your views and thoughts would be used to parle a type of interview which would be posted, to show people the diffrent contrasting views on the beforenamed subject as well as the similarities. Of course I need to know your background with God before I selected you. The tone would be serious.
from gumphood :
Q: Now what Punk A: Now I have to Jump
from gumphood :
Did you just accuse ME of not making sense. hehehe
from gumphood :
thanks for the prop/contest. I look forward to future ones.
from gumphood :
Hi there. I can't beleive you updated your profile and have yet you add me *waves fist.* I guess thats what I deserve *giggle*
from diary-rating :
Your diary rating is ready for pick-up. If you want any changes made please let me know. The url is:
from gumphood :
To bad I have somehow seem to answer the question by not answering it!!! Hurrah
from gumphood :
I know a few places you could apply those lyrics ; )
from gumphood :
Wow. You got that guy good. I think. I don't know. Biff
from gumphood :
welcome back. That was a sad tale you told. : (
from hopes-light :
hey, katie. *HUGS* come on to aim soon, and i will try to be on the same time. i missed you like anything. and i kept my promise, i feared for you, i did. i want to give you a hugs, but as you know, there is a bit of distance problem. so...HUGS. you are NOT horrible! to me you are the kindest person i know! get it, got it, good. Always here for you, Josh
from guyphillips :
and in the spirit of geekdom, i rolled a 19. i want to have your babies.
from guyphillips :
you make kick ass custumes. and give me money. and buy me food.
from xenotrout :
several pickup lines: "Ahoy!" . . . "I have loads of money in my bank account--and most of it is mine." . . . "There's nothing in my pocket..." . . . "Eep opp ork ah ah." . . . "do you like bread?" . . . "Hi, I'm not Steven Lisberger, and I didn't direct the movie Tron."
from maryfaerie :
"I'm sorry, dear, that isn't cum on my shirt, that's paste. But I tell ya what, we go back to my place, there will plenty more where that comes from." Wink and choo choo away.
from maryfaerie :
Pick up line: Walk up to a woman. "I choo choo chooooose you, to be my girl!" Wink, slap her ass, then make like a train (with sounds and all) and move away. So lame, I know.
from miabogard :
Insanity. Just insanity. That is all.
from gumphood :
Pickup Line: Hello, I know that we have never met, but I just got of prison, well, I BROKE out, but I need a place to stay, and I already stole you wallet, so I guess, would you like to come back to your house with me? No...I'm just kidding. I have been running from the Cops for years.
from xenotrout :
Here's the balloon animal I made for you: (even the shoes are balloons--really). This ballloon animal is also presenting my [first] entry to your pickup line contest.
from gumphood :
I still don't know what her notes mean. Don't ask her to sort them'll just become a puppet in her dirty puppet dance. (I read you favorites)
from kingjack :
If I knew what in the hell that note you left me meant... care to sort it out for me?
from hopes-light :
hey *HUGS* dont ask me what what implies, but whatever it is, it will usually include *HUGS*. yes...well...why was i writting this, oh yeah just to tell you that i got cable internet and i will be on all the time. (NEXT THE WORLD MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) uhm.....who said that?(YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA *coughcoughchokechokehelpcoughcough*)
from miabogard :
I ramble mostly because it's what I do best. In fact, rambiling is one of the few qualities that I think I may have mastered. Oh damn, how sad is that. ....Milo and otis was a fun movie.... but the thing is that they don't make those movies kick ass anymore. What a shame. No, katie, I don't remember the commercial. Perhaps they only showed it in NJ? Wait, if you live in south jersey, you were probabally watching 3, 6, and 10 just like everyone here in philly.... oh well, whatever.... I wanna go see finding nemo!! Ooooooh funnness.
from hopes-light :
from hopes-light :
yes, yes ,yes, yes, it worked, (this is where the angels start singing) yes!
from hopes-light :
darn stupid notes page, i had a BIg and i mean big long hug and it makes the page hurt. soo.......... (((((((((((HHHHHH HHUUUUUUUUUGGGGGG GGGGGSSSSSSSSSS SSS))))))))))))) a shorter version
from hopes-light :
from hopes-light :
Oh, i just looked at that note and thought how childish it sounded.
from hopes-light :
from gumphood :
I love kids movies. Did you see Nemo. I got the 30 dollars for 31 movies deal. I saw so many movies
from gumphood :
You should have rented Dark Cyrstal. Crystal... Kyristal...Kystal???
from miabogard :
*coughs all over your notes, and diary* Feh. Yes, feel spared, young one. Feel spared.
from gumphood :
Not that you are a wacko....that not what I was saying...oh geez
from gumphood :
Nakes short Asian men eh? Wacko
from hopes-light :
wow, long note
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
You left yourself a message...? Did you see that you had a note and then got all excited? I do that sometimes. Then I get all confused. Then I get lost on the internet. This the the worst note ever.
from enpitsuyasha :
Perhaps...DAMN YOU TO HEEEEELL would have been more fitting...? Er. *Air horn*....*Giggle*
from enpitsuyasha :
Er...I just accidentally submitted that note before having completed it...(...*Crickets*...) It's 7:00AM...a normal person would not willingly be up...but I am...where was I going with this? Owls. That's it. I shall write an entry concerning owls...[Not actual owls. That is to say it INVOLVES owls, but not living and breathing owls, I mean..the owl I speak of doesn't make noises or anythi-...I've done it again. DAMN YOU MY SCENE BARBIE! DAMN YOU!]
from enpitsuyasha :
ONLY I GIVE OUT BOOBIE!!! MEEE!!!! KATIE WON BOOBIE!!! FROM MEEEE! [Er...cough. Cough cough. (I'm so sorry...)] Um. OWLS!
from gumphood :
Also; thanks for the boobie prize. I'll be over to collect it in 25 minutes.
from gumphood :
The good news. I danced last night. The bad news. I danced last night. The people of Boston ran for the hills
from gumphood :
I look forward to future giggles....
from gumphood :
Quotes eh? Why fight this feeling. Its a little bit funny; This feeling inside.
from gumphood :
Welcome me not you. Well...I guess to you. But thats egocentrical.....Hi
from enpitsuyasha :
O, infinitesimal celestial orb, why do you pound your vermiculate hammer of doom, when you are well aware the resulting cacophony is not only masochistic-orgasm-inducing, but superfluous, making the chronometer of my heart hack, cough, sputter, and recite a very sad version of "closer", which in turn makes me wish to bang Trent even more, which causes me much agony....WHY?!
from enpitsuyasha :
I enter your contest. The worst place to get naked (*Giggle*) is..AT YOUR LOCAL WAWA [The one that already thinks you're a pothead...really. It wouold be convenient, no?] or, During the Kellerman's Anthem [And resort for a place], OR get naked at the local WAWA (Caps. Giggle.) WHILE singing the Kellerman's Anthem. Perhaps..? Yes? Giggle.
from enpitsuyasha :
I'm a love man! Oh, babe, I'm a love man! That's what they call me! I'm a love man! Oh that a bit innapropriate? Being as I'm not a man and all? Giggle. Anyway. Bitches, man.
from hopes-light :
hey, you were quick to pounce on my entry, i had just added it and a note turned up on my doorstep 30 seconds later. Anything you want my great and ever smart
from guyphillips :
at the computer... next to my sister.
from scanzilla :
Nah, I'm only playing with you, I haven't sucked off a unicorn in years. Ever since I took a unihorn in the poop shoot. Still smarts to this day. *rubs asshole* :) I crack me up. hahaha
from scanzilla :
Are you talking about that time I sucked off a unicorn? Cause I was pretty drunk and I dropped 666 acid tickets earlier in the day.
from scanzilla :
Heavy metal electric unicorn muzzles! :)
from miabogard :
Thank you, I apreciate that you were strong enough to get past your loathing, and visit my guestbook. Cheers to you, my dear! :-)
from miabogard :
Alright katie, here's your contest entry that you desire so badly. I'm only entering the naked one because I like nudity, okay? The worst place to get naked, eh? Well, there are bad places to be naked, such as the middle of a busy intersection (causing accidents), the zoo (Who wants squirrels on their nuts.... although I don't have nuts, but if I did, I surely woudln't want squrriels on them...) anyway...those are places that I can safely say that I've never been naked. .... I would imagine the worst place to get naked (and possibly have sex) would be a football field. First of all, the terf is all crunchy and hard, and those football players are big and heavy, with their damn cleats. I'll be damned if some oaf is gonna step all over me with his metal cleats! No! Plus there's a strong possiblity that you'd get arrested. That would suck. Yeah, I'm going for football stadium during a championship game... or a hockey stadium...but the ice could be sexy. Meow...
from miabogard :
What the hell... your notes page always looks like a damn chatroom. *shakes fist* Well, yeah. And so on and so forth. Why don't you ever sign my guestbook? Do you not apreciate the trouble that us normal-ish folks go through to get a damn guestbook, mantain it, and encourage our friends to sign it?? Arrg! Grrr! Other statments of frustration!
from gumphood :
I am headed off. I hope that you have a pleasent time here. I will catch you later. If i can.
from enpitsuyasha :
"My heart...she rejoices! But my art...she suffers...." *Giggle* Spiffet! Darling! I have no need to send you the picture...I am making it into a template! That's right! I am changing my template! "Why are you changing your template?! We worship it!", you say. Well...this can all be summed up in one ever so meaningful outburst [2 sentences]....DAMN YOU IMAGE HOSTING! DAMN YOU TO HEEEEEEEEELL!!!!!!....Um. Yes. Well. *Cough* ..GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT?! [::Goes into Giddy Schoolgirl mode::] 3 BOXES OF POCKY! 3!!!! ...Ohh....creamy green tea you taunt me...your green I want you....(Lickli--....Erp?) Alas...that is all. Nuts to you, darling! And adieu.
from gumphood :
Yeah, for some reason I invented the freezer. Oops. I do that sometimes. And sometimes I dream about corpses. But it wasn't gross. WHAT!!! I am sorry. I am sending this noting session downhill fast. Are you online as much as I? I think so. Maybe more
from gumphood :
But if we go into the freezer you will be a happy little acorn. And that would be bad... no good... but maybe bad. You want turkey?
from gumphood :
I agree. Contest 2 was cold turkey.
from gumphood :
Contest 1 I would say in the Fish Market in Chinatown. I don't want to touch nothing there. Contest 2 Blimp Blang Giggle. Boom Bang wiggle? Soarcnor the Kendpyle? Excurutionary!!! Wiggle Wiggle?
from gumphood :
I won't get rid of you all together...I'll keep some parts around, frozen... I don't like where this is going. I want your suspensdors.
from gumphood :
Awww...a just missed. I think. Its too bad I had no acorn online ... I am of course going to tell you my workplace...but not here, in frozen word...its a secrete.
from gumphood :
you go out, and I am left with this box, and in this box i write this...and it means nothing. HEHE. I hope I get a note in the morning. ... ... ... ... maybe
from gumphood :
Why you talking about sleepin more with me. I mean we haven't talked about sleeping much at all. Ahhh ha. I knew it. tehehe *knock*
from gumphood :
What the Truck are you talking about? *giggle*
from gumphood :
Me too. Funny. Whats weird is that I was up until 4:00 Am and I just missed you. Thats a first. You keep trucker hours. Keep on Trucking
from gumphood :
You didn't make it. Awww...Here I am, but we is the insomiatic acorn? Sprouting no doulbt. Dought...Dobut...giggle.....
from gumphood :
Oh acorn, I would consider that both late AND early. But more late than early. I think I replied to soon. You work during the day?
from gumphood :
Sometimes I look for my sadlittleacron on IM, but then I become the sad little acorn. teheh
from gumphood :
You are from New Jersey. I'm sorry. Boston is only 300 miles away. Your invited up. Well I could lodge you in my car. Where I live....with a laptop...and a pet snake....and a cardboard head.
from kingjack :
Actually I find it desperately pathetic...
from scanzilla :
Hey, you're from Jersey. I'm up in Boston. We could make paper cup phones with strings attached and talk to each other. :)
from skeletonjack :
Es tut mir leid! es tut mir leid! So sorry, its hard to get online here in europe because it costs so much to be online. Thanks for the concerna about me not answering. sorry, couldnt help it. Tchuss.
from xenotrout :
SWEDISH! sweeeeedish! swedish fish are tasty and gummy. Swedish place-names sound like Vikings. Dare I say "mybumisonaswedish"? I think I did. High taxes, little work, and lots of public benefits from the government! Yay national health-care! Yay for the government helping pay for someone's car if they work too far from home--or was that Denmark? Was it Norway? It's kind of a silly thing to do, but yay for it anyway! And more importantly, yay for katie! (also yay for national health care, even though I already said that, it's just darned cool!) As you can see, you are much more cultured than I. How do you get all these non-englsih texts, and...WHAT DO THEY MEAN?
from miabogard :
... Crazy new-jersans.... what do I call you people? New-jersey-ites? New jerseies? New Jerseyanians? New Jerseyans? You'd think I'd know, as my boyfriend lives in NJ.... I don't get it.
from gumphood :
Well, I am the guy who reminded you of Dr. Cube. I don't know who this Dr. Cube is, but I hope that its a good thing
from gumphood :
What a coincidence. I hate pudding. Hehehe. You really are sassy.
from kingjack :
Well, there.s a person under all that giggling. Am I too expectant to ask for more?
from guyphillips :
gods, stupid skittles..... i dont know why i have to write this here.... i mean you're right there. no, i will not giggle. now, lord drakmoore demands my attention.
from gumphood :
man i liked that last entry. clever clever clever, plus he kitty thing...great
from hopes-light :
Hey, please visit here. thanks. Josh
from enpitsuyasha :
I wish I had readers...sob. Anyway. BREAK IT DOWN NOW! (>^-^)> Go Kirby! Go Kirby! Go, go, go Kirby! <(^-^<) RAISE DA ROOF! ^(^-^)^ Erp...yes? Sigh. Passing out is not fun. Nor is 8 hours wasted. Or that icky feeling inside. Yes...sigh. I miss you...*Sob*...come back....
from enpitsuyasha :
I have just completed reading an online version of...THE MELANCHOLY DEATH OF THE OYSTER BOY AND OTHER STORIES. Oh...there was no laughter...only quiet depression. Perhaps it was a bit TOO melancholy for me? Have I gone soft? Where is my love for the macabre? Honestly? It was the pictures. The Boy With Nails In His Eyes reminded me of satanism...which is bad...I...sigh. Well. I scold myself for saying it's TOO melancholy. Seeing ass that IS the subtle, twisted, symbolism of Tim Burton through and through. Oh yes...the laughter has faded...and what once was is more than what will be...sigh.
from ninabean :
holy crapppppppppppp you know someone who looks like mr me-mania??????? is this a "friend" of urs.. cuz if it is, i'll keep my comments to myself... but uh.. yes no tu-tus around him and be sure to keep him away from sharp objects!!
from hopes-light :
hey, did you just try to IM me because if u did i'm still here for a while at least, but the reson i didnt reply was my computer was planing to commit suicide, but luckly i stopped it. ^_^
from hopes-light :
hey, watcha doing????? I'm bored, your weird, but weird people are cool!!! After all with out weird people, where would we all be?
from chiv :
Oh, don't worry; I'll just assume it's always whatever is most disturbing/disgusting/frightening/offensive. Now for a cuppa (wanders off)
from hopes-light :
hey, boo who*crys* that was sad.(your entry) (((HUGS))) get happy!!!
from chiv :
Mh, I've settled for a cheese butty...slightly stale bread..weird take on cheddar cheese.. couldn't cook owt without waking the parental units. Damn. This is an interesting conversation, eh? So, (turns to passing stranger) what's in your fridge?
from chiv :
Ooh, I would rather. If I say "bacon butties" to you.. I'll get a blank stare, right? Mh..I'll get the ketchup (wanders off)
from chiv :
heh..(rubs neck)..em..yeah, I wonder if it'd be more or less so if I thought I knew who you were. Oh well, may as well make the most of it; do you have any bacon? I'm hungry.
from chiv :
Eep! (hey, can I even write tied-up?)
from hummellady :
hey katie (gets up for a drink...decides to eat some tv...realizes she was in the middle of writing a note to...) katie!! lol yes there will be a phone call from me in the not so distant future! (u kno ur excited!) and a hug too if i ever end up seeing u again!! so what's this college stuff i hear?? what college? and pretty much just WHAT?! i wanna go to college...damn high school...damn the empire! (now i wanna go watch that movie instead of studying for finals...grr finals) so yea anyway i'll ttys! (when u reply or when i call....whichever comes first!) ~lisa
from miabogard :
Ah yes, the devil indeed. I've heard remarks like that one before, and they always turn out to be the people in my head arguing again. Those bastards.
from hopes-light :
hey, you like big notes hey, well i am going to beat your note by at least 10'.....hehe, just you wait,...[wonder what junk i will ramble on about???] cyas later aligator ^_^
from hopes-light :
hey, dont you just hate it when people paraphrase you? hehe, see if you as smart is i think you are...if you get it right.....(wonder if there is anything above surpreme being?) well if you find out what it is, i will call you by a new name, instead of a surpreme being it will be something else.......just dont know what yet. hehe like my note *points below* hehe
from hopes-light :
hey, whats up? hows the secret life of the pink ninja goin?.............whoops, i didnt say that, it was the cat....wait a minuite, i dont have a was the, dont have one of those either....hang on, i know, it was the monkey,no, it was the sheep, was the dinosaur......AHHHHHH A DINOSAUR, WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? I'M NOT THAT CRAZY TO BLAME THAT ON A might eat me. hehe yeah well it was my dog, yeah thats it, it was you wasnt it (bark,bark)see he admitted it. *dog nods head* hehe, as you can tell i'm bored again, and i decieded to write a VERY long note, at the moment, i am not on the internet, but am writing this on a word program, because, i aint supposed to be on the internet......hey since when has that stoped me? oh well. i'm bored, i already told you that didnt i, yeah i did. hehe, well i came up on a new and revised version of the song, faling bonsai trees. it goes ~The bonsai trees are falling down, faling down, falling down, the bonsai trees are falling down, right onto your head. the bonsai trees are falling down, falling down, falling down, the bonsai trees are falling down, sending you to dream land. the bonsai trees are falling down, falling down, falling down, the bonsai trees are falling down, sending you to sleep.~ hehe, what you think of it? it goes to the tune of londen bridge is falling. hehe, now what can i do now, oh yeah, i never stoped backing away from the pink ninja.....oh well, i hit a wall, the pink ninja's cool, she dont hurt, she hug......hehe, what elso do i have to do, ok, now lets make a list, add another entry, create my 100 things about me page, do my history assignment, finnish writing this note, get my maths homework done, feed the dinosaur....................................................okay, righteo and tallyo then. hehe yeah thats what i have to do, kinda, sometime today, well,....yeah hehe, thanks for trying to help me with my history, but i dont need help anymore, i have nearly finished, all i have to do is......write it, ok then, so i havent writted it yet, at least i know what i am going to write, *nods head* hey, i have a couple ideas on what i can do right now......ok,ok i admit, its only one idea. no need to torture the infomation out of me, i wanna dance........\o/ /o\ \o\ /o/ \o/ /o\ /o/ \o/ \o\ /o/ \o/...........yeah, oh ye'ah, oh ye'ah, lets dance the night away.......ok the nights gone,... it got scared off....*nods head* yep it got scared off. I'm from outer space, saturn to be percise. where are you from? hey that remids me of a song...~i'm back, from outer space.....~ cant remember the rest but frank the pug, in MIB II sings it in the car. hehe Hows your day been?, seen any good bits of dust lately? hehe, this is a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong note hehe, wonder if it will fit on the page????????????? hehe i'm still bored, but at least this note is providing some kind of entertainment,.....just shows how bored i am, oh well, its fun. hehe, this is the longest note i have ever written, i should do it more often, i have enough sarcasm to last another 200 notes, then i will have to go buy some more sarcasm, its costly. This note writing business is adictive, they should make it illegal,...but then we would have to kill them. hehe, well.......i should go, dont want to, but if i dont want my mother to put a hole in the roof, i should really start writing my project, soo.......cya and ttyl.
from kingjack :
Katie I must say, I am falling in love with your genius. Can I say that enough? Hm... Oh, and TOOL? The epitomy of gods... I.d give a high five if I had the energy. So keep writing! It cheers me up. <3 Rissa
from hopes-light :
hey, today is the day i started to think, hehe i'll write another long note tommorow, seeing as i am already talking to you, but of course you already knew that.
from hopes-light :
hehe, dat a long note hehe
from hopes-light :
hi, glad ur feeling better, hehe, faling bonsai trees......hey, u can make a song out of that....~falling bonsai trees, bonsai trees, bonsai trees, here, comes, a falling bonsai tree, bonsai tree, bonsai tree, look out for that bonsai tree,bonsai tree, bonsai tree cause you dont want it to hit you, on the head....~ hehe, ima bored, also noone is reding your diary.....wait, hang on, i read it, i'm someone oh.....did i just say i wasnt someone??????WHAAAA*starts crying* im not someone.......did i say i was bored? so you go to collage, cool, you only at highschool 2 years? wow,....all hail the mighty and surpreme katie......okay then, so 2 years....lets see 13, no wait 14 no,,,,WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i cant add up -_- maybe i should stop talking and start learning, but learning aint fun, talking is.....wait, i aint talkin, i'm rambling on about how much i am talking, fiddlesticks, i like talking, so....i wonder how much room this will take up on your note page???? I'll find out in a minute oh man, i think i need to learn how to spell again...oh man i gota history assignment due wednesday, and i havnt started yet....*shakes head* i dont wanna do asignments, i'm surprissed that so many people at school think i'm smart, well....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats funny. i wonder if this little box that i'm typing in has a word limit??? Im gona see how long my note took up on your note page......ttyl, (sorry bout the longeness of the note)
from hopes-light :
bonsai trees arent like that, they are cool, i had one, it died. hehe,(dat to xavier whosamacallit) hehe, fundamental hehe, cool word hehe, and......thanks, means alot
from xaviercrutch :
i was told that bonsai trees are like dwarf trees that have been manipulated and put in boxes so they get small and cute like asian womans feet?...or something like that....they aren't natural... damn them, damn them to hell with there soulless manufactured bodies, can souless things go to hell? maybe they go to a microsoft storage room or something like that? i dunno....anyway, enough ranting, heres a definition : well , damn.. its hard to find a definition of a specific kind of tree, hold on...A potted plant - typically a tree - dwarfed and trained to an artistic shape by special methods of culture we go....
from hopes-light :
hey, (((HUGS))) I'M back..... mr piriate went back hunting for treasure. Whats wrong? cya (((HUGS))) hehe, you said u needed a hug. ^_^
from guyphillips :
arr, here be the rap'n cap'n. le'suis le cap'n de rap'n! ich bin der rap'n meister! arrr, there be all the rap'n cap'n knows... arr, the mayo be too salty. briny mayo be there, theres ahwinnin der pirate contest shall aye, aye, swears, aye swears. now, has the cap'n now fulfilled your ever dream and demand? arr... no? then here be another: my pirates, they be robots and aye be a robot too. if aye din win this pirate contest, aye make ah robot out of you!
from xaviercrutch :
ARRR! the booty be plentiful aboard pimpdaddy mcpirate's pleasure cruise!
from hopes-light :
arg, josh isnt goin to be back till he fixes up his diary...arg so your all stuck with Mr piriate till then MUHAHAHA, now tell me where all your treasure is or i will mutilate your cyber space bird... HUHUHUHU Mr Piriate
from enpitsuyasha :
There there. There there. Read my latest entry, and I am sure you will recover, and I'm sure you will like my new template as well. There there. There there.
from miabogard :
hugs and smooches daaahling. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about here, I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that you're so awesome that awesome isn't even awesome enough to discribe you're awesomeness!!!! Um, go tim burton, and the nin. word is bond
from hopes-light :
arg my maties,(i'm really a pirite, pst. dont pay attention to the name up there...its all a big consperice)i think thats how you spell it, but who cares pirites cant spell HA HA HA HAAA????? \o/ /o/ \o\ \o/ /o\ /o/ \o\ \o/ hehehe ~Mr pirite.
from oh-poop :
Hey, Katie. I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again. I swear. Really, I am sorry. Will you ever forgive me?
from guyphillips :
yes, i'm finally writing..... damm you and your punctuation! a pox upon your correct grammar usage and spelling!
from enpitsuyasha :
Two! Two! It was an accident! But whatever! TWOOOOO! Baah. God, why do I do that?! Goat pills...Goat pills? Damn straight. Goat pills. And the wheels in my head start a-turnin'....creek. Creek. Baah! Wait. G*****N IT! (It's blasphemy...*Sob*)
from enpitsuyasha :
TELL ME! TELL MEEEEEEEEE!! Please. What did you so applaud me for? WHAT WIT DID YOU ADMIRE?! IM SO CONFUSED!!! ::Begins to sob:: I mean, as if ballet and goat-thoughts weren't enough to make me break down?! WHAT DO YOU WANT OF ME?!?!?! Please explain...please...I need you. Really. I love you. (won't you love me, Flamboyantly Gay Overweight Black Color Guard Instructor? MUST I ALWAYS POINT MY TOES?!)....Sob.
from secondclass :
You should know that ninjas make pirates explode just by being nearby. When a ninja pops a boner and wails *REALLY* hard on a guitar there is nothing in the world that can stop him/her. Pirates and Robots are gay too. And that's all I have to say about that.
from enpitsuyasha :
ACK! Hamtaro is on TV! And also, my stepdad just called. First time in years. Let's all share...a sentimental moment...and ponder just how we will murder this man. Machettes? All agree? OK! Now we must get torches and pitchforks to complete our angry mob of anger against fathers! Wheeee! (No. You aren't supposed to laugh. Such a sad day it is..for this little goat. *sniff* Baah.)
from enpitsuyasha :
Yay! I think I thought I was complimented. On something I did that "deserves something". WHICH I HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT! Well, huh. I must be Jesus. Or..apparently I'm some sort of divine power anyway. A DIVINE POWER WITH GOOD TEETH! OHHH-WHA! Anyway. Yeah. He liked drilled away the entire middle of my tooth. That he did. And YES. I WILL thrive on this until NOBODY CARES! (Not that they did in the first place. But whatever, go sodomize a goat.)
from enpitsuyasha :
AHAHA! THE DENTIST! THE DENTIIIIIST! He scars me...*cry* But I must say it was kind of fun...the pain...the...drilling...the incredible numbness. I was all chewing on my lip. I was told to stop. BUT WHY?! PAINLESS VIOLENCE! (I miss pain...oh, I do...I also miss normal facial expressions, but that will be fixed within and hour) OH LORD! WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME STEEL POLE?! WHY!?!?!??!?!? Yeah. Ok. I'm...defenitely bleeding. Yeeeep. Well...ow. I guess. Or something. I'm sorry. It's the German chocolate. I swear it. THE SWEETNESS! Oh. Also? Goat and sheep...they are the best. I want a tye dye room with a hippie goat tied to the bed. (That not being meant in a kinky way. Beastiality is not my thing. It's just that the goat would probably eat all my incense and homemade know. Munch.) Anyway. I AM ALIVE! I am. Really I am. Also, I stole Kappus's nuts. That being the bag of peanuts. Dear god...I need sleep. I really do. This Katie person has rubbed off on me...(Oh. Is it me or does that phrase sound wrong? "Rubbed off on...".....I suppose I should giggle here? Yes? ::Giggles.:: Oh MY.)
from xaviercrutch :
and i can't help it hehe, to finish my trend of things a pirate uses...: Polly wanna get some?
from xaviercrutch :
continuing in that trend : you know, this hook has interchangeable heads... can you guess all its fun uses? *wink*
from xaviercrutch :
Pirate Pick-up lines: you know... i had another body part replaced with a long wood rod too, can you guess which? *wink*
from hopes-light :
hey, yeah school is an institution alright*sigh*why do you think its supposed to be a carnival or something??? Guess what, you cant guess, well i'll tell u, i can put my new design up when i want to, i got permision to use the backgrounds that i want to use *starts dancing* \o/ /o/ \o\ \o/ <-- my dance-- hehe, well cya, Josh
from maryfaerie :
My pirate entry is "She can't take any more, captain! Any more and she'll blow!" I called it and hopefully, I'll win money for it. Thank you. Love you, Katie. Wink wink
from xaviercrutch :
what does a pirate say when he digs up buried treasure on christmas? Yo Ho Ho! Buried Christmas!
from hopes-light :
hey whats up? Fallen asleap yet?? i'm bored. and i am at school to.and i am not supposed to be on the internet either......[oh, josh, bad bad boy] *hits himself over the head* oh well, to bad for the school. oh boy am i bored, i'm in history now, and it is boring!!! what r u doing??? hav i asked that??? oh well. cya later.
from hummellady :
yo yo yo!!! Katie (baka baka!! really long pause... doo doo doo.... doo bee doo bee dooooooo) Katie! I MISS U! and i really am gonna call soon HONEST! lol just dunno when...once school ends and i have free time again! k well we'll talk SOON! ~Lis
from hopes-light :
YEAH, it worked, goodie, dont know why it didnt to start off with....oh well, it works^_^josh
from hopes-light :
I promise*holds up right hand* to delete the note. It is really hard to catch up with her though. Oh well, josh
from hopes-light :
hehe, i just saw the comment against my name on your profile, dont worry, fate wont be cruel soon enough. And u know kingjack, she gave me her password to her diary, but it dosnt seem to work(if u want proof, its in my guestbook somewhere) do you have her password? Because she writes cool stuff. Anyway ~Josh
from hopes-light :
hehe, its better, on one part of it, there are continually changing colors, another has smily faces that do different kinds of smiles, pokes there toung out, grins, things like that, and in the background, it has like confitti falling down, its cool, in my opinion anyway. ~Josh~
from skeletonjack :
YARR......... I'm..... not attractive.....
from enpitsuyasha :
Be in position....*Giggle* I'm sure I meant posession. Really, I'm just too lazy and my hair hurts. Also, my head. A very badly thrown helicopter toss, I'm afraid. Right in the eye. Much fun THAT was. ...And I'm quite sure my bum's gone numb. hmm...Tom Raider reference.
from enpitsuyasha :
Wow. This is like a very fast paced game of answering machine tag. Or something. I just mocha frapuccino...I weep on the inside. Tell me, kaybiff personage. Would you be in position of some sort of messaging device to make all this a bit less tedious? My computer being the royal bitch it is and not letting me go onto more than, oh, half a site per hour and all.
from enpitsuyasha :
No worries, I'm in color guard (Supposedly the retarded cheerleaders, though saying this to someone in possession of a five and a half foot steel pole may not be such a great idea. Just ask my friend Ace.). Also, I do not look down upon you for your horrid past, for what would life, and more importantly, the plots of any and all animes (Aside from Hamtaro) be without tragic, horrid, experiences in years past? Yes. Well. I think you'll win. Of course, who wouldn't want a picture of my darling rack? Also, Rasputin was poisoned preceeding said gunshots and "drowning" (He was found frozen solid in a position of trying to get out). The girl's name was "Anna Anderson" (The name she adopted) and she was found attempting to jump from a bridge in 1920. It turned out she was a Polish factory worker. How's that for a downgrade? Indeed. Well. Good job! Would you like to be hired as an exterminator? The chirping is beginning to make me twitch...really.
from hopes-light :
what i meant, was that i was bowing, and there was noone in my room, hence non-existent, but, i will give a cyber bow, to all reading this ^_^ Josh
from enpitsuyasha :
Yes. Well. False advertising it is, for you see...our football team has won 1 single game in the past 4 years. Well. Actually four. Because one time the team that kicked our asses was named the Raiders also...Hmmm....anyway. When we say "Rock it all the way down" I'm sure they meant right into the unforgiving ground, where a slow and painful death will be met due to the opponent shoving the ol' pigskin down an unsuspecting anal passage....hrm.... That's just the funnest mental image ever. Oh, and did you know our team couldn't break through the big banner, but the (smaller) band could? Oh yes. It's true. Also, they are all devising to join the new lacrosse team. Mind you none of this info flew into my little ears willingly...oh damn you first period and you hyper football players of doom. DAMN YOU!
from hopes-light :
why thank-you,*bows to the non-existent audience* still very bored person going by the name of-Josh
from hopes-light :
hey, well a pirate saying thing......lets see..... I know~~~~~~~~~~'Arg..well a ho didily dum and a bottle of rum, give me a ship and tresure to, arg, well conquor the seas and the islands to, give me treasure and a bottle of rum, arg.~~~ What ya think,.....oh, i got another one, except its not a pirate, its his bird.~~~~SQUARK, squark, polly wanna cracker, squark.~~~~ whadya think??? a very bored person going by the name of-Josh ^_^
from enpitsuyasha :
Ok. For your pirate contest I will enter...A CHEER FROM OUR SCHOOL! "Who rocks the house? The Raiders rock the house and when the Raiders rock the house we rock it all the way down!" Ok. Yeah. The "Raider" is just a pirate on crack. And I know the cheer is horrible. I know the cheer because we make much fun of the cheerleaders during pep rallies. Their cheers, they silver granny panties, the usual. You know. Also, imagine a whole bunch of stereotypical pirates dressed as the village people doing the YMCA or Macho Macho Man dance while doing that cheer. Or something. Also, you have inspired me. I'll make some sort of contest. Yes. And...well. Since noone reads my know. Much fun that'll be. (SHAMELESS PROMOTION! BZZ! BZZ!)
from enpitsuyasha :
Pirates? Ohhhh! Our school mascot is a pirate. Some schools have raging, dangerous animals, others have symbols of power...we...have the little pirate off of those drawing tests you order off TV. Yes. Well. Needless to say I'm lacking school spirit. (Unless alcohol dyed school colors counts. And who could dye wine silver? Really. So, no.)
from enpitsuyasha :
Hmmm...a GREAT DEAL of people (Men and women) seem to "feel my pain". *Giggle* Oh MY. That was a bit low, I think. (Cue shameless promotion. COME TO MY DIARY TO SEE BREASTS.) Ahem. Yes. Well. A few girls share my perverted nature. Right? Right? of these days I'll be hit by a burning bra or something. You just watch. Then the massive amounts of hair dye in my hair will make the flames grow at a faster pace than naturally inferno-covered hair and I'll end up looking like Vin Diesel. Oh my. Well. You must sleep! Because, you see, I don't sleep much either. Without my darling Nyquil. But....we're out of Nyquil. So, sleep has become somewhat foreign. Somewhat. Well. Understatement. Anyway. Find some magical way to sleep. I've heard sex is rather sleep inducing. Right? Right? You know I'm right.
from enpitsuyasha :
Hmm....My curiosity slowly begind to grow...what makes you list a person? Is it the wit? Their acknowledging you? A strange arousal within their presence?
from enpitsuyasha :
German....Mmmmm.... Well. Would you be familiar with the godly online comic that is...MegaTokyo? Or....The godly saying that is...Baka^Ni? Or...|34|(4^|\|1? Well. Maybe I'm just that much of a loser....anyway. You, kaybiff personage, are proof that individuals do indeed exist (That being beyond however far the phrase "individual" can be interpreted as or used in today's world...hmmm....) Indeed. Well. Ciao for now...? Yes...? Ok then.
from skeletonjack :
I never wrote an entry titled ...Puddles...
from skeletonjack :
So Ich sehe.... so Ich sehe....
from skeletonjack :
Hey, thanks for the numerous notes. I think I enjoyed your diary as much as you enjoyed mine. Will you do me a favor? Please get some sleep... you don't sound so good...
from katehackett :
If you haven't noticed, people don't appricate having their notes page littered with your comments. As funny and amusing as you think you are, I imagine it's annoying. I'm not trying to be rude, just advising that you think about your posts before you drop a note.
from miabogard :
Sleep is indeed good. Sometimes I get tired of sleeping though. Wow, that was a really intense sentance... think about that. No, really-- think.
from kingjack :
Yep, I have a BROTHER and a FRIEND named NICK... why? Teh heh... you make me giggle. Thanks. It's few the opportunity I get to do that.
from painted-fish :
well, thank you... it's always nice to know there are people who really don't know you but still seem to care for you... I seem to be running in to more of them trhough once again thank you (and I enjoy reading your diary).
from kingjack :
So find a bigger box, amuse me. Anything to take my mind from living, what is assumed is, my life. I've been told my diary is frightening, but interesting. Give a peek, while you're there, sign my guestbook? My music is what keeps me alive, so it's one of the few things I have left. Thanks for... what you said. Keep in touch? Rissa
from miabogard :
Yes dear, nine inch nails and trent... yummy like day old french fries, in that sexy, yet depressed kind of way... Oki doki katie, thanks for your notage, and so forth. Have a lovely day!
from miabogard :
Here is a note for you. You're pretty cool, and fun to make conversation with. Rock on, and so on.
from hummellady :
hey Katie! we need to hang out soon...Rindosh told me u were still alive but i have to see for myself! im gonna call u...soon...i swear! Happy Belated Birthday! I MISS U! and i'll hopefully talk to u very soon! luv ya! Lisa
from hummellady :
KATIE BAKA BAKA KATIE!!!!!! I MISS U!!!! how's it hanging?? hopefully not shriveled and slighty to the left (random Liar Liar quote sry) so yea... u Bianca and i gotta chill soon! it'd be way fun yo...and ur invited to our X-mas party...we dunno when it is yea we'll get back to u....ok i'll ttyl! ~Lisa (Baka baka) Lisa
from hummellady :
Katie baka baka Katie! i just wanted to leave u a note cuz i like leaving notes and all that fun stuff! i'd write more but my mom is yelling at me to go write thank you notes to all the relatives who gave me like $5 for my fun i'll try and write u a longer note another time... bye Katie! luv Lisa (long pause) Lisa (p.s. i heart u!)
from just-another :
Hey katie!! katie, katie, katie, katie.. english pal of mine.. take my soul, my heart, my life... and copy the design. Wrap me up, seal me tight, turn the page and begin to write.. about all the dreams.. the fantasys too... just because they are you... beautiful.. i think so! so anyways. whats up kate dog? do anything creatively unexpected to day? paint your lizard? capture a duck? anything kewl like that?! hmm ... just a girl livin in a dream stuck inside my head... sewin in at the seam. Poetry is my name and uh ... er... poetry is also my game! Well kewl ol' kate. My sheets, my mattress, awaits... so like usual.. i go forth! Love ya Katie! Meg
from tifftwo :
Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie, I love #2's!! hahahahaha. I'm in a crazy mood. Crazy Katie is the coolest. Yea she is. hahaha this is fun. tanks yous fors thes notes. Theys wases greats. hashashas. I's likes makings everythings plurals. It's funs. lols (I hope i'm not confussing you.) Blue cows with white spots are the coolest. and plastic isn't scary like cans. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh cans. it tried to cut my thumb off. ahhhhhh! my cut was cool looking though.i gits fun sparkly crayons. no more reaching stick i have battries now. hahaha. well i's gots to gos. lyl. ~Tiffy Tiff mooooooo, meow!
from annthepunk :
hey katie katie! i just found your diary lying around my room in the computer while i was cleaning...and it was unlocked...and i read it-oopsie daisy. eww who came up with that saying anyway? well my cat says fiddle-eye-fee. eww that song is gay. well i think because the only person who is talking to me is aaron i'll write some more in this miniscule space. i hope there isn't a limit...did i mention i like to push the limit? oh baby oh yeah. Bootleg harry potter and lord of the rings dvd's rock! go bootleggers! go team! ::crash:: :O ::gasp from the appalled audience:: or--not go team.... anywho nice diary katie katie and stuff and yeah and oh...i suck bye. ***ANN*** (the geekified.)
from rinnegurl23 :
hey katie! MERRY CHRISTMAS! i know u thought they were cherries... and the spacula wasnt a spacula, it was a flipper and it helped me make cookies! thanks so much!
from hummellady :
hi Katie!!

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