messages to kicker677:
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from lonesome1 :
Hi Mel. Barefoot is good and the lake beach sounds perfect, aside from the slimy ground that is.
from lonesome1 :
Hi Mel, nice photos. I especially like the view - it looks fabulous and your brother is indeed lucky.
from lonesome1 :
Thanks Melanie. (I think that's the quickest response I've ever had to an entry!) :o)
from lonesome1 :
Hi Melanie, sounds like you've been having a good old time recently! I'm especially glad you enjoyed your trip to London, I'm looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more about it - that's a great picture of you and the bridge :)
from lonesome1 :
Thanks, it went very well :) I guess I'm too late to say the same to you, but I hope you have a good trip too and especially that you enjoy your time in London!
from lonesome1 :
Thanks Melanie :) I hope you had a merry Christmas, and best wishes for the new year. Cheers!
from wacewace :
Thanks, Kicker!
from wacewace :
Wilbur was the pig from Charlotte's Web, wasn't it? I think it's safe to say I didn't get the teaching position I applied for, but that's okay. But still, I wanted to trade classroom horror stories, lol.
from lonesome1 :
Sorry to hear about your grandpa, Mel.
from wacewace :
Thanks, Kicker. *sigh* Why can't I have friends like you offline?
from wacewace :
The students are the thing I fear the most about being a teacher. I'd be afraid of involuntarily ripping off some kid's head for being a jerk to me.
from wacewace :
I've got to take one of those classes for my crappy math scores. I hope teaching turns out well. I might have to do that while I'm going to school.
from wacewace :
Hey kicker! I found your diary and added it to my favorites because I liked it so much. If you've got a problem with this, let me know.
from lonesome1 :
Thanks very much Mel :)
from lonesome1 :
Ouch Mel, that looks a tad painful! It sounds like you've been having a rough 'ol time lately. I hope things are better soon.
from lonesome1 :
Haha 'bat pants' :) Sounds like a nice idea, though I'm not sure the bats would agree. I'm a little surprised that they felt silky, if I had to guess I'd have said they'd be leathery. You live and learn :)
from lonesome1 :
Well, the grocery sack cat was cute, but 'Nute' gets my vote :)
from lonesome1 :
I would just like to echo the previous note. Welcome back :)
from mixup :
Welcome back, Mel. I missed you.
from mixup :
tony silenced
from mixup :
I'm so happy for you!
from mixup :
Love the entry -- and sweetheart, maybe your voice is made for the Missouri plains. Work with what you are.
from lonesome1 :
A wonderful entry today Melanie. Glad to see you writing more again. Phil.
from mixup :
i've been through of my own three is sniffing this keyboard as we speak. This is not good; all my thoughts are with you, hon.
from mixup :
GO!!!! GO!!!! And tell me how it is!
from mixup :
Still owe you the e-mail. Thanks for the profile comment...I feel neither good nor tough right now, though.
from mixup :
Love the entry re Hamlet. E-mail on the way in the next day or so.
from liaklunk :
I got one of those coupons too, it totally rocks!!!
from liaklunk :
I'm glad you and yours are safe. Saw some footage on the tv on the tornadoes. Scary stuff!
from mixup :
The Blind Boys are wonderful -- saw them a few (well, 10-15) years ago at a local Baptist Church. You don't have to be a Christian to understand spiritual ecstasy.
from mixup :
Didn't you just love Lovely and Amazing? I have a major crush on Catherine Keener.
from mixup :
I just saw your quote,'re the only other person i've ever run into who even knew who Gaston Bachelard Poetics of Space was a life changing book for me.
from mixup :
I'm so glad you're reading the Goldberg book. It's great, isn't it?
from mixup :
You do realize that you're really good writer, don't you? such a breath of fresh air...
from lonesome1 :
Thank you. When I'd done it I realised that it looks a little similar to yours. It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery though, so I hope you won't mind too much :)
from liaklunk :
My daughter thinks the Whips are awesome. I haven't tried them yet, but she can't get enough of them.
from sigur-ros :
your diary makes me feel kinda happy
from liaklunk :
I'm very excited for you! Keeping my fingers crossed :)
from lonesome1 :
Hey, thanks for signing my book :) Thanks also for your wonderful diary, which always manages to raise a smile :D
from mixup :
Lovely entry, lovely ee cummings quote -- my first poetic hero...
from mixup :
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I know what an accomplishment this must have been. Cool.
from mixup :
Hey, I said I was THINKING about it, that's all...Everyone's all ready to write me off already. Jeez. (That's the fourth thing I've signed "Jeez" this AM. Jeez.)
from lonesome1 :
Hey, thanks for your note. I really enjoyed reading your diary and will definitely be coming back for more :)
from mixup :
nothing wrong with you, Mel...people aren't their conditions. PS: nice entry -- almost poem like. ;-)
from mixup :
Well, if it's not, it won't be for lack of effort...
from mixup :
RE expecting to be crushed: enjoy the triumph, and stop worrying...
from mixup :
Loved the quote about silence not being valued in our society...
from liaklunk :
the personal faces of drama?
from liaklunk :
I was going to wait till tomorrow, but I'm not sure when I'm going to be home. I hope you have a nice day tomorrow, what ever you decide to do. :)
from liaklunk :
Thanks for adding me. Great to meet you! :)
from mixup :
Hey -- I'm about to plunge back into Plath's journals meself, when I finish this monster poem and my website and the feature gig this weekend in DC and all this work I have to do and clean my house and brush my cats and...Um, maybe you'll have to tell me how it turns out. Does she live happily ever after? (Yes, that's a joke. I know it's hard to tell.)
from mixup :
Hey -- good luck getting help. I resisted getting treatment for my bipolar disorder for years; resisted meds for far longer. It's not perfect, but you have to put out the fire first before you try to rebuild the house. Good luck. Let me know if I can offer any help.
from mixup :
Wow -- thank you -- and your diary's pretty nice're a hell of a writer. Welcome aboard.

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