messages to kiorama:
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from mettalica :
waynes world is awesome!
from sneakysneaky :
Um, popular. Not that it really matters. Um, here's a clue: We once rode barefoot on a ski lift together at Great Escape cuz we were too chicken shit to go on a coaster;)
from sneakysneaky :
Hey woman! if you can guess who this is you are a ROCKSTAR!!!! (And very poular Dahling!) Love you! Mystery Friend
from stenzycakes :
i bought hannah garbage pail kid stickers in (in the original packing with the original gum) at the market on sunday.
from stenzycakes :
i bought hannah garbage pail kid stickers in (in the original packing with the original gum) at the market on sunday.
from threadss :
what is wrong with you?
from stenzycakes :
baseball games are not more fun than you can shake a stick at. but i like shaking sticks at you. the end.
from sabeynoose :
just wanted to be pathetic and pathetic. here's patheticing at you kid :(
from lostrage :
Just wanted to wish you a happy one year anniversary without me. Here is not looking at you kid. :)
from stenzycakes :
poop on you. i want some fresh words on this page, stat.
from threadss :
for your 'other' name regarding maury (and don't be dissin' him because he's my favorite): they have that same topic coming up on jenny jones. i saw the preview and thought of you. and in case you're wondering, your 'notes' thing isn't turned on on your other page, so i couldn't leave a note there.
from threadss :
sheesh. your phone isn't on and you don't update your page? how's a cat supposed to know what's the goings on?
from stenzycakes :
ben. ben is my hero. ben is excitement. ben=fashion and fame. my point? i like you more than ben.
from threadss :
i guess: 1.sam 2.danielle 3.kiley 4.christi 5.sal 6.nate 7.cara keep in mind i don't know two of them. laura helped.
from monkichi57 :
if you would have had a wish list up for your birthday, I might have ordered you something off of it. . . *wink* Your diary's a treat.
from shawnbus :
from shawnbus :
But Katherine Dunn wrote Geek Love. LOL
from stenzycakes :
oh, you so knew that this was coming...i did not have more friends in high school than you! and besides you were voted best hair, best smile, most artistic, smells the best, best socks, best person in this class that is cooler than her friends. and i was dubbed "class quietest" you might as well just say "here's stenzy. she doesn't speak to any of us. and we don't speak to her either because she's unimportant." quit making your upset face. i'm teasing. we were equals because we both suffered the torments of being uh, dorky. so, you wanted to know if there is anything i do at my job that would seem abnormal in regular my job i have to work on goals with my clients such as "i will change my clothes daily with staff prompting" or "i will schedule an appointment with the podiatrist to have my toenails trimmed." but we tease each other about our own personal goals. mine is "i will brown-bag my lunch at least one day a week." outsiders might think i'm odd if they overheard me discussing my goal to "list the benefits of getting my oil changed." that was astupid example. you're such much cooler than me. it makes me nervous. love, your pal, stenz
from kiorama :
blah blah.

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