messages to kisetsu:
(click here to add new message):

from markslament :
Yeah... I like to think of myself as well travelled. My love affair with travelling started with a trip to Hong Kong when I was 10 years old... I always have the travel bug.
from ca467-hi :
I love your template, you sound like me read your latest, at least I know I'm not all alone. But, I'm from the US and I've never heard of Singapore.
from brightendale :
Ok! Your review is up but you have to wait until we unlock our diary! We have to finish lots of reviews b4 we unlock okz! Your review is at
from brightendale :
hey! just thought that you would like us to review your diary. don't worry we are new people to the reviewing thing so visit us to request and don't forget to read the rules and scoring first!!
from rajeshg :
hai, u sound pretty much like few recent entries of urs and i was smiling..u sound very innocent at the same time so very mature..ur funny as well..u impressed me..hey..u have to get urself a guestbook...its difficult writing these notes..oops...iam too tired..mail u sometime..stay happy...stay cool..bye

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