messages to kopa:
(click here to add new message):

from some-trouble :
Happy New Year to you and yours, and may 2007 bring you all you hope for!
from knicker :
It's kind of like a buffet. Everyone makes food and brings it in.
from tandia :
I'm at now lady. I said it right here in your notes when I moved! Maybe you didn't get the e-mail reminder. My notes do that sometimes and then when I check them months later there are a bunch of messages.
from tandia :
I'll be over at from now on. Thanks for joining in the move.
from tandia :
Well, at least it was a good game.
from acidreviews :
your review is up
from acidreviews :
We can't review you unless you link back to us. Let us know when the link is up.
from caraxus :
Just surfed in from random links - like your diary, will keep reading... caraxus xxoo
from tandia :
Try this to add notes..... I think it should work but I'm not really all that sure. <a href=""> Notes</a>
from cvaldah :
ajattelinpa kertoilla ett� olen t��ll� taas, ja sit�kin ett� se on hienoa kun joku jaksaa kirjoitella t�nne aina, minulta kun se ei oikein onnistu.. :) p�rj�ile..
from blondeinside :
Argh, well actually all is quiet on the smart guy front except that I found out he's in my degree so i'll probably be seeing him around in like all my classes for the next few years, argh! Current boy crazy, is well, there's a boy, he thinks he loves me... it's a whole big thing. click back a couple of times in the old diary to read stuff about it, actually he has a diary too, we met through diaryland... so yeah, stuff. And ohhhh, dublin sounded cool! I so want to visit... and damn guestbooks! they don't let you message again so soon after. And hi! And also, it's nearly 2am and I am braindead, so night!
from morgaine17 :
you said you read my diary and wanted to give me advice...sure...go ahead

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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