messages to kpsycho:
(click here to add new message):

from needingalex :
sorry i wasn't trying to be mean. you can change it if you want, you know. just go to "your diaryrings" then scroll to the bottom and click "edit" next to that ring.
from needingalex :
i've never seen the show, but even i know that it's not spelled "allie" mcbeal it's "ally" mcbeal.
from elateddream :
I've decided to come back =)
from ringofthorns :
hello...just following the order on your survey ::signs your guestbook:: uh bye now ^_^
from tenaciousnat :
call me fick but i cudnt find ur g-book so im leavin 1 of these buggas instead. Take care xXx Nat
from kpsycho :
from kpsycho :
from lhsbarbie :
He DIED because of it? Ewwww how do you like Walker? Fun times, eh? Hehe. What period to you have him?
from lhsbarbie :
Hmm....I didnt have any of those teachers, but i heard that Sato is really cool. Have fun with your year....I know you'll love it. And if you ever need help or anything with Walker...i've been thru the Walker Experience, i know what a bastard he can be, so I'm here! Hehe
from lhsbarbie :
Walker is hard, but more than that he is just rude. So who are your teachers?
from spoof-review :
hey- your review is up! you changed the design of your diary right before i posted it.. so when i reviewed, i talked about the old one. sorry about that! i like the new look, by the way.
from lhsbarbie :
Oooh that is too cool! I would have gone there too, if I wasn't in Spanish Immersion! Oh no....haha you have to have Walker next year! That's a given...all SI students get Walker. He teaches you a TON, but he is a MAJOR asshole and he is so rude. Anyways, yeah. Haha, sucks to be you. Lol no I'm just kidding :-) I had to have him too.
from lhsbarbie :
Do you by chance live near Hillsdale? Because there is a Subway and a Natures there....just wondering, because I live about 15 minutes away (walking) from there...
from loveisbliss :
merp merp. Greetings. I love you. Muahaha.
from kpsycho :
I just got notes. I really kindof hate notes, but some reviewers can be SO picky. I mean really, why do you need a guestbook AND notes? Jeesh. Oh well. Sign if you want. Or sign the gbook, like USUAL.

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