messages to kristinhank:
(click here to add new message):

from sizenothing :
also... my aim is vollyfever.. feel free to msg me though im not on that much how old are you?
from sizenothing :
Hello :) How are you? I am so glad to have you on here! Please read entries from today, I need support! Love ya :)
from sizenothing :
Hi darling!! I am still hanging on. My body is so numb and floating right now. Please send good thoughts my way. I am sure what I am doing will bring out lots of creativity in me, it already has. Today I am really sleepy though.
from sizenothing :
Thanks for the message :) I definetely need your support :) PLEASE keep reading, I am new!
from we-made-love :
I love where you went with that...
from hibiscus101 :
from lissacakes :
Thanks for sharing that. Beautiful.
from lissacakes :
"And late at night, when the shades are low, you dress each other up like paperdolls and paint your lips with cream." Wow, love that.
from sparkspark :
Thank you, bella, for the lovely note--I look forward to catching up on your archives. XOXO Violet
from drugged-skye :
hey.. thanx for starting to write again after such a long dry period. i love reading your thoughts. sometimes they get me through the day..please keep them coming
from djraindog :
Hey there...When did you start writing again? I apparently have all these lovely back-entries of yours to read this weekend while I'm off in northwest Connecticut. I had missed your words. I had missed your voice. It sounds weird, but I had thought of you often. (That comment in your faves list made an impression.) Thank you for coming back, for starting again to share with the rest of us.
from recieveher :
from hibiscus101 :
*Happy Holidays*
from hibiscus101 :
from gumphood :
plus she likes that floor
from badmj :
I like reading your diary its really good
from gumphood :
you have a very nice diary. I like it, and normally I hate poetry.
from sweetresent :
Very interesting. Simplistic phrases. Well depicted. I like. I'll be back.
from msunknown :
your words are absolutely stunning.
from honestliar :
kristin michelle dennis?? Nice to meet you, I'm Amanda Jo Dennis. Wonder if we're related.
from m0nique :
great stuff.
from banefulvenus :
loved your broken heart banner!
from pepper-spice :
i think i got it...thanks for the uppers!
from poetichealth :
:) - no prob . . . it helps when people support what you write and give you compliments. have you heard of if yes, have u heard that it's a rip-off? *hugs*
from poetichealth :
i like it - neaties. i find ur poetry inspiring, i must say. :)
from orionreviews :
Your review is up.
from poetichealth :
hi - just have to say i like your poetry - inspiring and unique :)
from for-you-only :
Nice banner
from lttln :
I dont really understand some of the stuff you write about...but I like to read it over and over outloud because it sounds so pretty even though some of the time I dont understand what your trying to say.
from heartshaped :
from widyaz :
Clicked off your banner. Love your writing. :-)
from spritopias :
Thanks for you comment! Tomorrow we are voting on my page for President of Diary Land (I am running against Hamiltonian/Gumphood)
from spritopias :
Thanks for you comment! Tomorrow we are voting on my page for President of Diary Land (I am running against Hamiltonian/Gumphood)
from mutemind :
haha. i forgot. i'm "my-passion." i accidently noted you with this username. this is for my OTHER diary. anyway, yeah. my bad. <3
from mutemind :
you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome. oh, and happeh halloween! *offers bag of candy corn* and your diary is abesolutely gorgeous :-)
from miss-shirty :
Just found your diary... i'm a sucker for those banners... anyway... i'm happy i did... because i found something beautiful. -miss shirty
from lissacakes :
I love your diary. I love the picture on your profile.
from fridayfilms :
Your last entry was sublime.
from robotsarered :
hello, you left a note on my diary. i'm not sure when because i just discovered the note feature. thank you for the kind words! i am perplexed and astonished at having fans of any kind. i will take the time to read your diary too once i stop feeling inadequate due to your far more inventive visual scheme. cheers!
from asiwas :
Your banner was yelling at me to click it, so I did, and am a better person for it. I write to, but not as well as you. Hardly as well as you....I have a page dedicated to just my poetry. If you're at all interested, leave me a note and I'll email you the address. Way to be beautiful. -K
from gods :
we're going to look at your site for a while...
from beagle47 :
...but then i think that life is a concerto, not one note, so why ruin the symphony...
from his-boy :
hey.I hope you know how much I love your writing.adorable
from beagle47 :
hello. romance is drama spelled all wrong. hey, you write beautifully. thanks. i'm going to bed. you should too. peace. (and i really mean that).
from petlovebook :
someone in the ball of the mitten who knows how to write, and shows it as if t'were a badge of pride...where you get the courage to do so i don't know, but it is warm to feel the shine of your words hanging out there above the other 40 stories in the smoggy daylight; who can see it except those that are looking. -thank you for sharing* *sps*
from beagle47 :
only a fool ignores what the poet said...or wrote for that matter. ;) peace. (and i really meant that).
from beagle47 :
7/31/03. thanks. me too.
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for the encouragement. You have a lovely diary but I have to admit, it ticked me off. I would be a poet, but I am a freakin' idiot. I'll leave it to the intelligent people like you. Thanks, Leon
from amberfalls :
I got here through your banner. I like your writing style. It flows very nicely.
from kill-my-star :
ive put my diary on private. if you want the username & password, email me at [email protected] (dont forget to say who you are). ^_^
from beagle47 :
hello. your banner deserved a click. your words deserve a return. see you later. peace. (and i really mean that).
from darkfairy13 :
cooool diary
from asilentplea :
oooo thank you :) Its always sooo nice to be told that ! Im in a bit of a rush at the moment but when i get chance i'll filter through your diary :) thank you once again charlie xx
from moow :
Excellent Selection of Authors! Ligel Rulwar

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