messages to kwesta:
(click here to add new message):

from papichulo19 :
hey how come i cant read ur blog?? it asks me for a username and password
from xxholding-on :
hey sorry for bothering anymore just wanted to let a few people who supported me to know that the art contest closes its voting tonight at midnight, so if you have a chance please stop over and put one last vote and review in for me, thanks so much =)
from xxholding-on :
looks good, and if there is any way you could send it out to other people to help me out i would appreciate it! My art just moved up to 10th spot, so exciting!
from xxholding-on :
thats awesome! you have to send the ad to me!
from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from kwesta :
Lily H.'s blog...
from nominatim :
erm, hello. how nice of you to ask before you listed me? sure, I'm a little flattered. but only a little. I suppose my journal is public. still.
from kwesta :
3rdShadow: Brendon R.'s Diary
from adrip :
howdy kwesta, i appreciate your suggestion. however, it appears that i am html deficient in that i have no idea what you mean. should i take all the other sorrow.gif s out and leave one at a time individualy or take out one of the .gif suffix? i want my diary to look pretty too. :(
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Relena T.'s New Diary
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Carmen C.'s Diary
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, a cool guy, must read. He use to be d-rex17 ID:me Pass:tropicalia
from my-oblivion :
Hey! Here is my password and everything: (username: ju, password: lie) xoxo!
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Relena T.'s diary...
from son-souvenir :
I like your lay out. I partied like it was the year 2000 last night (the new years paraphenalia was outdated :) ). Hmm, I don't consider it mean to cut off connections, just healthy usually. I try to keep my friends to a minimum, but have been lost in the music scence in my town lately. I am turning 18 this year, and can finally be given LIFE for murder. But that is not on my to-do list! Happy New YEAR!
from son-souvenir :
Just checking this note page. Nice to meet you.
from paco0010 :
Merry Christmas! I love your diary, keep it up!
from hazing :
happy christmas
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, a school friend (ORCH) of mine Rebecca C.'s diary...
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, HEY!!! Nick F.'s webpage...
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Look! --> Ashley M. has a diary! I never knew...!!!
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Whaa... Ben A.'s diary...
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, I have no idea who it is, just an El Paso person... It's just good...
from kingjack :
Had to lock it up, due to certain circumstances. Let me know if you.d like the username and pw.
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, this is my online friend from Fridae, online asian personals website... SO this is BluDragon's diary...
from kwesta :
This is Mark B.'s diary. Yea. M_V...
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, a school friend's diary Eleese B.
from mintgirl45 :
hey, thanks for always leaving me awesome notes. i, unfortunately, am a little forgetful sometimes and won't check them for like 4 months. have a wonderful day, i like your diary, btw!
from shadow-box :
I am confuzzled, but that usually precedes learning something, so thaty's a good thing. Vat iz dis 3rd Shadow? Am I happy to be in that grouping? Why iz evry un a 3rd shadow, Why can't I be 5.6 shadow, or 7th shadow? <--- iz confuzzled
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, A new school friend of mine that moved from H-TOWN!!! Up in da Hizza!!! Jessica C.!!! -->
from no-yes-maybe :
Great diary. I love the layout!
from danpaul :
I just went ahead and unlocked it. Peruse at your leisure! D[p]
from dirtyasian2 :
thank you for your note, it was massively confusing, but thanks anyways. it is just that i am sick and tired of my friends forgetting about me. i mean it is so hurtful, i feel so betrayed. i don't know what to do about it.
from ljungberg8 :
i like this diary a lot. tis nice
from kwesta : My good friend from school Heidi B.
from dirtyasian2 :
ohh, you're so amazing. thank you for you're note. i've never given a couple's watch to someone either; i would love to have one. you're so sweet. you're note made me smile (a much deserved one at that). much love, Sonia
from danpaul :
hey, gimme your email, and I'll send you a password.
from vegastar :
hey therre, somehow came across yer site, me likie very muchie......... I`m sleepy, but still had fun. ~Vega*
from kwesta :
A friend of mine Steve Z. yea... Some of y'all know who he is...
from dirtyasian2 :
hey there, thanks for the note. have you started school? how did you throw your back out? maybe if i am down in texas sometime i'll go to some clubs. where exactly do you live in texas? ~Sonia P.S: you're under my dail reads too.
from fourohseven :
Hey, thanks! Yeah, I turned 21. Who's legal now? w00t! LAN parties are awesome, even if I don't get a lot of time to go because of work and school and all. Sometimes, I do wish the senior guys at work would quit so I could be lead, but then again, I often like just working there. :D
from kwesta :
My chinky friend Sidu A.
from hokusai529 :
aw, thanks for your note! it made me feel so special. we were so sad when you left the room. :( but yeah, we'll keep in touch. :)
from kwesta :
What's up d-rex17, me & tropicalia really like your diary! It's kick ass! Check it out! -Third_Shadow
from kingjack :
'Lo! I have a 2nd diary up: Go check it out & tell me what you think? Thanks! <33
from d-rex17 :
yeah, i just have to e mail it to you, or give it to you on aim. there's a good reason i passworded it though. i'll explain.
from d-rex17 :
monsieur shadow, ou es? je t'aime, et je veux parler avec toi maintenant.
from born-fallen :
3rdshadow- i have left only to start from a new beginning. take care xoxo
from anniers04 :
hey third_shadow thanks for leaving me a note, and good job with yalls diary too ;)
from fourohseven :
Hey, thanks for the comment on the picture! I did use a part of that for a background once. It's one of my favorites, too.
from d-rex17 :
but let me tell you all about the scottish
from fourohseven :
I haven't seen any of those. My favorite fucked-up movie is "Shallow Grave". That shit's crazy, yo.
from fourohseven :
Yeah, I've seen Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. I liked Snatch more. And, if you liked Snatch, you should check out The Transporter - Jason Statham is in that one too.
from dirtyasian2 :
the person on my layout is the lead singer of cold, scooter ward. they are my favorite band. i hope all is going well with you and your friends. i might change my layout back to the girl who was crying in her bed-sheets or to the girl in the mirror again. which one do you think? ~Sonia P.S: keep up the good work too. :)
from fourohseven :
Thank you. I appreciate it. Here's a movie you might like: "Boondock Saints". Check it out - it's one of my favorites.
from fourohseven :
I explained myself, and made a little change. What do you think now?
from d-rex17 :
that was the sounds, and the only reason they're gone is because I have a compulsive need to change the background frequently. But let me tell you all about who I woke up next to the other night...
from danpaul :
Thanks for reading my books and droppin' by the site. The thing you've got goin' here is pretty darn cool. Dp
from restlessfear :
yay I feel special!
from dirtyasian2 :
your layout rocks! i <3 your diary.
from nikubus :
hey, thanks for dropping a note and the nice comments! glad you enjoyed it even tho i haven't been updating as often. your layout kicks ass!
from kwesta :
Wow, a great new french/english diary read for me!!!
from d-rex17 :
brian: eat it like a vulture
from exoth :
brian: town east. thanks for the note ^_^
from born-fallen :
brian: thanks for the note in my gbook and for adding me. cool diary by the way. it took a delayed reaction for the whole sharing thing to click. haha, but i get it now. take care.
from kingjack :
username: maliise password: deathtotheking. (God forbid I have privacy from my mother... as you will soon read.) Enjoy. <3 Rissa
from kingjack :
Hey darlin'. I added new pages to my diary, bio, poem page. I changed the layout too. So go! Go on! Go see, and sign the gustbook while you're there! Muah <3 Rissa
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, It's all about a energic happy young girl from Canada! I like it, very unique and tight diary. Great daily read!
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, hehehe, ever wanna read a full blown out French diary... I went off in French diary scouting...
from my-oblivion :
aww, thanks for the note. i LOVE your layout!
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, intersting.... Random person... From Tx... My friend Corey was searching up profiles off emode.
from d-rex17 :
thanks for adding me- what is third shadow?
from evilsilverx :
Hiiii! I like your diary..and the layout! It kicks ass...yay! I got my first note-thing from you, haha. (: Your cool..and I'll ttyl! Hey, I used, "!'s" to end practically every sentence. Sorry, I'm easily distracted, lol.
from kingjack :
I was trying to figure out how to give you a note. Well, I did... Today I'm somewhere out the window. Anyway, I locked it because of some people who were using my writing against me, but you're not one of them, so enhoy! <3 Rissa username: Maliise password: deathtotheking
from supercilious :
Nah, got out of the tending gig for awhile, lasted just short of a year. The money was fun since it was on tap every night but eh.. the life style wasn't healthy. I've got bigger and better things to do. Oh and the girl is Corinne, not me hehe.
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Holly Shit!!! Rob Rob!!! We gotta try this!!!! This is kick ass!!!
from d-rex17 :
the cello. I know some French- I took Latin, therefore I learned Spanish, and susequently French (a little). j'aime ton layout aussi. ma jeunesse est morte ainsi que le printemps, non?
from dirtyasian2 :
new found glory rocks my socks!
from d-rex17 :
what do you play? we could duet or make Beethoven piss his pants. -d.
from dirtyasian2 :
thanks for your note. the part about joan rivers made me smile. thanks again. where do come from? ~dirty asian
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, This is a female school friend in my Orchestra class, she's mixed. She knows what "Bak-la" means!!!
from danpaul :
Cool site. I am still not absolutely sure I understand, but that's part of what makes me likey. Ja! Thanks for swingin' by my redred room and leaving me a note! BYEeeee!
from naoma18 :
Well Bri Bri, thanks for helping with my site. Me and Brandi are hanging out Sat. you should come. Anyways thanks for being so sweet!
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, here's Timmy C.'s "blog" Gosh that sounds weird! Damn lil' azn boi, is he mysteriously w/ someone? Let's read & find out.
from kwesta :
SolAr, it's bill zilliox the hot crew guy! matt w.'s old high school friend. It's actually interesting. i guess. i dunno. maybe it's just me.
from kure :
Thanks. ^-^ Yes, it's Gackt, yes I'm a *big* fangirl (get laughed at for that all the time..), and it's a song by Box Car Racer. Not mine. ^.~
from dland-stamps :
Howdy. Thanks for making a stamp! I've added it to the page - yippeeeeeee
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Check out my friend Corey E.'s diary... She's in my 1st period Business Law class... Also she's connected to Brandi S.!!! Who da thunk!
from ryan8-5cut :
kidssuck kidssuck
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, here's the WebCam of Nick F., Matt W., Ian N., & Alan W.'s Apt. Some times we are over there... Kristine D. is like over there every weekend!
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, My friend Kerri K. a school friend of mine. She very sweet to me :D
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, My friend Chrystal S.'s Journal... A school friend of mine, shes awesome and nice.
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, A friend I meet him at Esenbergs thought he was interesting, Then found him on line by reconizing his face! WHoa! Here Ya go! Richard(Garth) C.
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, here is an interesting individual's journal. Found him on the top 10 Rice Bowl Journals...
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, A friend I meet trough (Twinky)Stephanie F. which I meet her through Nick Z. at Steph's '03 Super Bowl Party... So, here's Shannon M.'s journal... :D
from kwesta : Jeff W.'s Journal... It's another Journal of my same good friend from Illionis... :D -3rdShadow
from kwesta : A good friend of mine from Illionis... Never meet him! LOL! Just a internet friend... :D -3rdShadow
from kwesta : This is my school friend's Journal... Danielle T., I didn't know she's a fan girl... hehehe... :D
from limeboi :
Here's a simple fact of life that will come to you as you grow older .... ****************** oh, you do know what's pathetic, is that you are too cowardly to tell me all this yourself. maybe then i will have more input on what to say, and we can end this much faster. but please, don't include one of our friends in this and make her our messenger. it's not right. hahaa, i find that very odd, because you claimed to have experience in relationships. well, here's another flaw then, don't send other people as your little messengers. this is a problem between you and me, don't bring other innocent people into this mess. they shouldn't have to be included. leave them out of it. *********************** There is a *distinct* differance between cowering from a subject or event and seeking a 3rd party in which to mediate the conversational back and forths as it were. While I'm sure you are mature enough to under this simple concept, I can understand while you are young, and you have not been through something that someone my age has been through... You should at least know right from wrong, this is an intrinsic lesson taught to us by our parents who learned it from their parents parent and so forth and so on... Now, while I don't really care what your ideology behind being able to justify that cheating is an okay item because I don't see how you can logically come to this conclusion. I would like to see you attempt this however, mainly for the sheer amusement factor of it all. However, I digress.. one of this things that will become blatently obvious as you add even as little as 2 more years to life that you can call your own, is that if you are not happy with what you have.... *change it* ....
from kwesta :
3rdShadow here... Here is Chyie G.'s Diary Half Black & Japanese... Cool person! So Nice! :D
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, Here's Nhat N.'s Diary... She's the short small cute asian girl... Dress kinda Freakish...
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, here's a DDR friend, Kevin's, online journal... He's more Carmen's friend I think, and Kristine, I'm not sure about Nicole...
from kwesta :
3rdShadow, My school friend, Jeska's, online journal...
from kwesta :
Hey tiz 3rdShadow, this is our friend, Carmen's, online diary at...
from kwesta :
just checking to see if this works at all. Neko

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