messages to kylaia:
(click here to add new message):

from hamiltonian :
banner isnt showing and i am interested...
from invisibledon :
I really enjoyed reading your banner and almost didnt' thinking it was for another diary that I don't read glad I was wrong
from pinkbowshoe :
I loooove Labrynth. Thats the best movie ever!! I love your layout. :)
from banefulvenus :
great job on your banner!!
from goldn-eggsit :
hi I'm a big fan of David Bowie and Thanks for liking him too. Or...whatever makes sense... I'm a little "manic tonight.
from for-you-only :
Hey. I'd like to give youa tip on your banners... I really think your banner is awesome, I mean, I clicked it, but I've seen it at least 10 times. When a person keeps on seeing your banner - then they disregaurd it after a while. It works better to post small amounts of banner views, or make lots of banners and submit them each for a small amount. That way, while you might not be getting everyone, no one is seeing the same banner 10 or more times. :) Just a thought. I used to put up more, and realized that less is more. :)
from orangesugar :
from compclass :
I had to meet you!!!!

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