messages to kyneburh:
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from lacuriosa :
My week was vastly better than yours (finally had a week where I was happy all through it; hasn't happened in a couple of years) and my prayers will be with you and your folks. Giant hug for you.
from turgeis :
Damn Girl!!! And I thought I was having it rough because I may have to spend half of December in Alaska. Don't know what we (Sunniva and I) can do to help, but we're here to be asked.
from pirate-cat :
I took the EMT-I class last year. If you want/need some cardiology books with really good ways to ID rhythms, let me know. I'll lend you mine if you like. Catalina (chirurgeon from ponte alto)
from findlaech :
Kyna: I may be a bamboo needle, but I'm not a circular, I'm a double-point, dammit! Elisabeth

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