messages to l-empress:
(click here to add new message):
from annanotbob2 : |
Thanks for the'add'. I'm having a bit of trouble with it only showing an entry I actually deleted, but if it says I've updated and it doesn't show it should be in the archives. Sigh. I read you via Google reader xx |
from life-my-way : |
Thanks for the note and the encouragement. It pleases me, too, to have become a more regular writer on d'land (though I hesitate to say that for fear I'll immediately stop writing here). I love to read you, as always, though don't comment as much or as often as I should. You're a great role model for me in many ways, and I never miss reading (or nearly never). XOXO K |
from wifemotherme : |
Mother Impress. Thank you for the link. I was feeling like an odd duck until I read what you wrote. My hair "hurt" too! Isn't that odd! |
from boxx9000 : |
from boxx9000 : |
Oh, I am DEFINITELY a BLAKE fan (swoon) |
from l-empress : |
A quick guess -- 'cause I don't know all the details: that little girl has about a 60 percent chance of having dark eyes and hair. |
from boxx9000 : |
8-16-08 The future in-laws are Irish. I'm Portuguese from the Azore Islands and Brazil (also Italian and Hawaiian) My daughter was saying they would probably have a blonde hair, blue eyed baby. I said, "HEY, my genes are in there SOMEwhere, it COULD have brown skin and brown eyes!" |
from boxx9000 : |
8-11-08 I have the Rosetta Stone for Spanish and I have 6 months before my trip to Mexico. I am HOPING I will be able to dedicate at least 30 minutes every day to learning Spanish between now and March. |
from boxx9000 : |
6-18-08. I just had a mini panic attack and I needed to go check the difference between imply and infer to make sure I hadn't given the kids bad info. Here's the link: |
from mzbee : |
Thank you for the post card in today's mail (2-22-08) That was such a nice surprise. THANK YOU. What's that comment in regards to teachers below? Did I miss a post of yours about teachers??? |
from her-story : |
Hi. Thank you for linking your post. I can't agree more. Except, most people who go into teaching, enter through the history department... and I have to say that it annoys me to no end. I love and appreciate my field. I didn't become a history major because it was "easy," however, many did. I don't know who they had a professors, because all I ever did was read, write, read, write, and then talk about what I read and wrote, not to mention having someone with the intelligence of a chimpanzee tell me that my writing was "sub-par." Ya, the education field, as I observed as an undergrad, is filled with some of the lowest achievers I've ever met. That's sad. What's sadder is that my MA program was FILLED with knuckle-dragging dimwhits. I felt EXTREMELY smart during grad school and it's no wonder. Most of the people in my classes were.... teachers. Surprised? Hardly. I realized early on that even teachers are fallible. I guess it's taking the rest of the country longer to figure it out ... |
from boxx9000 : |
I wasn't aware of the Boy Scouts being anti gay? That's really crazy as we all know there are MANY gays in scouting. They're anti atheist too? I had no idea. I was in scouting when I was a kid and I had both my kids in scouting and I never heard a thing about the scouts being anti gay and anti atheist. |
from her-story : |
Your popup comments didn't work for me (hmm). Anyway, I wanted to shout BRAVO from the mountain tops. I was bullied as a kid. By my parents, my YOUNGER brother, kids I went to school with, and a boss (who was way creepy). Over the years, I've gotten tired of being pushed around and threatened. I stand up for myself when necessary. I also became a teacher, not only to teach history, but to protect the bullied. HOWEVER... I've come to learn that many administrators allow bullies to perpetuate either out of fear, frustration, or complacency. I, personally, have NO tolerance for bullies. I've stood on the line between being gainfully employed (and ridiculously underpaid) to gainfully fired by standing up to bullies. What I think peeves people off, and men in particular, is when a WOMAN stands up to a man. I'm not afraid, I tell myself, because a bully is nothing more than a coward in shoes (or, if you're from the deep south, barefoot with chaw in his back pocket... heh). Needless to say, I've also learned that riding with both barrels loaded can be a dangerous thing as well. Like, defending kids by confronting a bully can sometimes make the confronter "look" like a bully. I always started my year with, "And, I do not believe in bullying. If you so choose to try to push someone around either physically or through intimidation, then remember this, bullies are cowards." And, I stand by my comment. Thanks for posting! :) |
from mahvalicious : |
Sounds like an extremely strenuous and stressful day. Hopefully thing will start going better and your vision will get to 20/20. |
from boxx9000 : |
re: The custodial staff.....I did write a THANK YOU note to the custodian crew yesterday and placed it in their cubby. They like me because #1. I never complain. #2. I always say please and thank you. #3. My Dad was a school custodian. #4. I'm brown like them. |
from mahvalicious : |
I, too, have often wondered about feline dementia as I watch Senior Citizen Simon. H wants to eat constantly, as though he forgot that he ate five minute ago, and often stares off into Never Never Land as though he's reliving some episode in his kittenhood. Poor old duffer. |
from mahvalicious : |
Aren't pedicures wonderful? I've been treating myself to them regularly for the last couple of years - ever since my tummy started getting in the way of reaching that far. I too have trouble seeing well enough to do a good job. So just sit back, relax and let someone else do it! |
from mahvalicious : |
After reading your today's entry I went back and read the pages on your parents' family history. How very interesting. I'm into genealogy also, and do so wish I had asked my mother more questions before she passed. I have all kinds of names and locations, but want to know the daily tidbits, etc., and now I'm afraid they're lost and gone forever as my mother was the last of her generation. |
from pink-circle : |
*The Circle of the Phoenix* Hi, I'm Phoenix, and I'd like to personally invite you to join The Circle; a writers' and artists' group for diaryland members. It's a public journal, so that anyone can post to it, but members have profiles on the site, as well as critiques, and once promoted to Apprentice have buttons to show off their achievements on their site. I hope you don't take this as spam, you can just delete this message if you're not interested, but if you are, please visit our welcome page: -- Thanks for your time -- Atara Phoenix |
from boxx9000 : |
from jenniam : |
Fluttering in on behalf of the fairies to say thanks! I too, like you, don't celebrate the "holiday" for the same reasons. Save that one year in college when the green beer talked to me. Anyway, if the Irish (generalizing, I know) really *were* good Catholics, they wouldn't need a note from the Pope excusing them from eating meat when the 17th falls on a Friday. In which case, I make a better Catholic. Oh and I heart your daughter (not in THAT way) so thanks for making her :) |
from boxx9000 : |
from forty-plus : |
Happy New Year! |
from forty-plus : |
Thank you for my holiday card! |
from beagle47 : |
"not often enough, i guess. hence the drops. and the blurry eyes i suppose. i'm sorry, was that your foot? i suppose i ought to just sit down..." |
from boxx9000 : |
Happy Birthday to your baby boy who is now a married man? Almost? With that fall birthday....was he the youngest or oldest in his class at school? |
from boxx9000 : |
I know you know this, that's why I'm asking. What is the format for logic. You know, the if A than B, must be C type thing. I tried to google but couldn't find it. I took a logic class many moons ago but I can't remember how to do it. (obviously) hehehehehe. |
from mahvalicious : |
Since I've come to the downside (the WAY downside) of 50, I've come to the conclusion that aging is certainly not for the faint of heart. But then consider the alternative and I guess it's okay! Great writing. |
from kitchenlogic : |
Thanks for sharing the funny Charles Nelson Reilly story! |
from boxx9000 : |
from boxx9000 : |
THANKS for the post card you sent me. I was quite surprised (and honored) THANK YOU!!! ♥ ~boXx |
from boxx9000 : |
I rememebr my first apartment (I was 16!) I couldn't BELIEVE I had to pay for things like.....UTILITIES!!!! |
from boxx9000 : |
MERRY DECEMBER 25th 2005!!!!! |
from boxx9000 : |
I found myself identifying with so many of the things you mentioned about your love of books. (is it our generation?) My Dad used to read me a bedtime story EVERYnight. My Mom was an avid reader. I remember when I got my first library card. I do remember learning to read, it was MAGICAL! |
from acaldwell : |
your comments page was down today, so here i am!! i miss baseball the way it was also!! 1967 was my 1st game i attended, watching the cardinals beat jim longborg and the red sox in the world series, with curt gowdy announcing!! hes still alive, to my amazement!! also remember the 69 mets with tom seaver pitching, and then later on towards the end of his career, he pitched for the red sox!! the dodgers seemed like the belle of the ball in the mid 60's!! i recall sandy kolfax too, too bad he had to retire early!!! those were good baseball days!!! baltimore and brooks and frank robinson, and boog powell!! oh i can go on and on!!!! lovely entry!!! i didnt see the world series either this year. |
from forty-plus : |
Thank you for your words of support. |
from sixweasels : |
I didn't realize that you'd been through this with UD. It makes me feel better to know people who have come out of it on the other side okay. And Sesame Street! My mom used to watch it with me too. Oscar was my favorite, although I loved Big Bird and Snufflelufagus too. I haven't seen SS in 20 years or so, and now I'm missing it. |
from forty-plus : |
Happy Birthday! Have an absolutely wonderful day! |
from forty-plus : |
Thank you. |
from sixweasels : |
I wish I could have been there with all of you! Meeting those you've read for so long is such a wonderful, comfortable, all-around-great experience. At least, it has been so far for me. Glad you got to be a part of this! |
from forty-plus : |
Happy Mother's Day! |
from forty-plus : |
I have to apologize, in my transition from Inkdragon to Forty-Plus, I lost you in the mix. I fixed the problem now! |
from katiedoyle : |
well, you kinda have to *pass* math to demonstrate you understand math, and as he pulled "gentlemen's c's", i think we can say without any reasonable argument that he's a fugging moron. for the unaware, "gentlemen's c's" are c's you get when you are actually *failing* but happen to be the son of someone influential or famous, and your teachers/profs are therefore *not allowed to actually fail you* and must give you a passing grade. so yeah, he's a frigging idiot. i've been trading mail with an older, wiser friend this week, and both of us are really freaking out about the dollar's waning strength and value anywhere but here. we're headed for a depression of epic proportions, and no one seems to give a rat's butt. they just keep sticking their head in the sand, intoning "dubya gets it". it makes me so angry, i actually cry, and since today is going fairly decently thus far, i think i will move on, now. ::sigh:: you really are a relief to have found. |
from boxx9000 : |
I'm still here. I'm still reading. I &hearts you. |
from wifemotherme : |
Oh Dear wise Impress, thank you for the note. Your so right about how quickly the hurt would pass. I woke up today elated! I did it!!! I stood up for myself, and I am so damn proud. I have the last few years of advice and support from you and UD on that subject tucked away and I did it! |
from boxx9000 : |
Thanks for your note. I laughed so hard I started coughing. GREAT. Yeh, wouldn't want to feel this bad and have it be my own little secret. PRICELESS! I needed that type of comment. You always know the right thing to say. I hope you are feeling better? And your husband, too. Wishing your family health and happiness in the New Year. |
from chaosdaily : |
i hope you and your family had a good thanksgiving... |
from boxx9000 : |
from boxx9000 : |
♥ thanks ♥ |
from boxx9000 : |
78's?!....... I do remember seeing that setting on the turntable but I only ever used the 45's and the 33's. Thanks so much for your note, it always makes me happy to hear from you. |
from candoor : |
impressed am I with l-empress, and I feel like it's easy to get comfortable reading you too :) |
from hooterville : |
I can relate about "Snow White"! I was a youngin' at the re-release (It must have been '84 or '85), and my dad, charmer that he is, told me that the large wood panels on on the walls of our town's old-fashioned movie theatre would open up and the witch would really step out into the theatre to get me if I talked during the movie. Of course, I couldn't actually watch the movie, just the panels for the entire duration. But dad got what he wanted: A chatter-free movie. I'm not sure if that's a happy father-daughter memory or if that goes in the dysfunctional column. |
from cosmicrayola : |
You should really rent The Manchurian Candidate. Excellant movie for us "older" folks |
from catsnapples : |
The movie list you posted has many of my favorites. Since my surgery, I have watched lots and lots of them since reading seems to be difficult for me during recovery. I have missed being able to sit at the computer to read my favotites. I hope all is well with you and your family |
from trinity63 : |
You stated that so well:) |
from auntie-mari : |
Haha, that is one sure fire way to find out what the song is! Too funny I remember some of those songs. Our little school wasn't rich enough to have a piano in each room so our music teacher pushed an old upright from room to room it was fut to help her. *S* Have a great day and I loved this entry brought back fond memories of Mrs. Stewart and elementary school. Thanks! |
from chailife : |
I just got back ... happy birthday! |
from chaosdaily : |
thanks, and you are more than welcome to lurk anywhere around my diary!! |
from boxx9000 : |
Thanks for your nice note at my diary. Have I told you how much I like you? Yeh, I do. I hope you had a fantastic special birthday. |
from trinity63 : |
I am so glad to see you writing:) |
from boxx9000 : |
Happy Mother's Day! |
from wifemotherme : |
Happy Mothers Day!!! Your a true blessing to all of your diaryland children who adopted you rather you wanted us or not! |
from chailife : |
Well, I want to be a grammar goddess, too! I just finished a book that you would enjoy: Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynne Truss, who is herself a punctuation princess. Good to see you again. |
from chailife : |
I enjoyed your entry very much today. And I don't know how to spell it, but I wish you a zeison pesach! |
from trinity63 : |
thank you so much for sharing that with me. I really enjoyed reading about it:) |
from chailife : |
Something nice about passing it on. We never ever did the whole kitchen cleaning thing; my grandfather understood. When my kids were little we had our own little seder-ette here at home, using a little haggadah that I wrote myself. It was enough to give them an idea of what it was. My father wouldn't have led a seder if his life depended on it. |
from trinity63 : |
I was six months old:) |
from chaosdaily : |
no, you arent alone. i dont like wasting food either, but supposedly this was going to be a "movie" for one of their classes. interesting how it suddenly isnt an issue now that i wouldnt let them waste the eggs. and we waste very little food at the store, everything (almost) is used for something. |
from chaosdaily : |
gee i had 4 hits on february 30th!! |
from wilberteets : |
Thank you for the kind note. |
from chaosdaily : |
sure we use them, we call them easter shamrocks. and weve had valentine santas... |
from golfwidow : |
Go the Mom! |
from neurotic-one : |
I hope all your tests turn out to be good. |
from trinity63 : |
I am thinking about you, and hoping the rest of your tests come out A-okay:) xoxooxo |
from spritopias : |
I'm sorry to hear, via your daughter, about your friend's son. That's very tragic. |
from ibikensail : |
Hey I looooved Lincoln Logs!!! Man. And I used to play with worms outside lots, ever eat a worm? -Jc |
from sunnflower : |
I love Horton too and the Cat in the Hat was one of the first books I remember reading as a kid. |
from boxx9000 : |
I did think of you when I saw the card EMPRESS. |
from chailife : |
Horton was one of my early favorites. My sister's was "The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins." But the Dr. Seuss that totally captured my imagination as a child was "On Beyond Zebra," about the letters of the alphabet that come after Z, and the words they stand for. Nicely surreal. |
from trinity63 : |
Horton Hatches The Egg - is the book we are using to explain HRH's birth and how he came to be:) I love that book. Thank you so much for reminding us how special and important Dr. S really is:) xoxoxoxo |
from sunnflower : |
I just wanted to say that I always enjoy reading your entries. You say what you have to say without creating hostility or passing judgements on others who may have different perspectives when you right on topics where there are bound to be different points of view. I really like your style! |
from bastion : |
Yahrzeit glasses, explains why as a kid at the homes of two of my Jewish friends the glasses were identical. Glasses that came in soap boxes, and things of their ilk I think would have passed for them too. There is a Jewish cemetery I pass once in a while and I note the rocks on the headstones, what a beautiful way to say. "I was here, I remember." |
from wifemotherme : |
empress writes "well, wifemotherme would agree with me because she's a real Christian." and WifeMotherMe thinks "if they are looking to me then we are all in a lot more trouble than I thought! ; ) |
from trinity63 : |
You know I think Ladies Home and Journal still has this "Can This Marriage Be Saved" -- and thank you for sharing with me what the defenition of "yahrzeit" is. I do that every year, but not just for my parents as they are still alive thank G*d. I light a candle for my grandparents, my daughters, and my brother in all, all deceased. However, I go to the Grotto in Portland to do it. It really gives me a sense of peace. I do so love reading your stuff -- I always leave your site learning something new. And I love that. I hope you are feeling well. |
from cosmicrayola : |
I even found an easier way to do it, but I'm not posting because I think most people already figured it out. Just highlight the list and copy, then paste it into the word document. You get the colored list, no other garbage and you get the entire list in one click. I guess I am one of those people that have to go the hardest way first. lol |
from chailife : |
Drinking from the yarzheit glasses -- I didn't make that connection. I don't think we four (my parents, sister and I) did that, but my grandparents most definitely drank tea (with spoons) from yarzheit glasses, with the overflow spilled onto a saucer, where it cooled, and they drank it last. Haven't thought about that in years. |
from chailife : |
Ah, tried your guestbook yesterday, but no luck. We did have yarzheit candles in the house when I was a kid, but since using them was more religion that tradition, my mother gradually gave up lighting them. But we always had one on hand, at least, for some reason. |
from capt-jim : |
Mom! Augh! **HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG** Call me stupid and dense for not getting that! GW had to smack me into reality. :) Makes my Eye Of Doom seem pointless ;) - The Captain |
from spaceb0t : |
Hello, this is your daughter's friend Heather. I just wanted to leave you a note of support and to say that I hope you get better quickly. |
from sunnflower : |
Golfwidow says you needs hugs so I am sending some. |
from trinity63 : |
I am hugging you:) Lots and lots and gently:) |
from dislodged : |
Hugs! Not really sure why, but lots of loving-wonderful-smooshy-why-are-you-hugging-me kind of hugs! |
from awittykitty : |
I suffer from fibromylgia pain and see a masseuse every two weeks. Have you considered that? Massage is truly wonderful when you get the right person. |
from wifemotherme : |
Thanks Mother empress! You always write what I need to hear when I need it - and boy I needed to hear it today. I was really close to forgetting what my main job as a parent was. |
from cosmicrayola : |
Congrats on your 300th!!! |
from summer-gale : |
You know, at least a couple times a week somebody comments and tells me something I should already know. You're right that special feeling came from inside me! Maybe I can find it again. Thank You! |
from trinity63 : |
You know sweetie, that is the longest entry I have ever seen you write!! I loved it:) |
from alwaysange : |
Hey, I just caught your entry on Adecco and found it interesting. I am a manager for a company that has a contract with Adecco in the event I need someone temporarily. I haven't used it at all in the two years I've been with the company because cost-wise, Adecco isn't a very wise choice. It's hard, because jobs seem scarce and the economy is tough all over. I wonder if that impacted Adecco or if they were slipping before the economic troubles surfaced. |
from auntie-mari : |
I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. Tis sad to lose someone you care about. ***hugs**** Thanks for the nice note in my Guestbook. I am scared thinking about this proceedure tomorrow, but I don't feel like writing an entry about it, maybe tomorrow night when it is all said and done and things are fine. I am sorry you hurt. (((hugs)))) |
from wifemotherme : |
(((*Hugs*))) I am sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope your doing ok. |
from chaosdaily : |
ok, i just read golfwidows diary. are the two of you related? i dont get it...... and hugs, she says you need one |
from kitchenlogic : |
I do have the Swiffer wet thing. I HATE the smell of their stuff. I'm hoping that the new scent they just came out with is better. I'll have to pick it up on my next run to Wal-Mart, uh, I mean Target! I've been letting my car warm for 20 minutes before I even attempt to drive anywhere in the hot Minnesota temps of eleven above! It's almost like summer! |
from chaosdaily : |
how safe are we? i flew to mt place shortly after 9-11. i told my mother, if its my time to go, its my time. i could get killed walking across the street, or slipping on a wet floor. or i could have a heart attack lying in bed. who knows? so i go where i want to, and dont worry about terrorists. im no more scared of flying than i was before 9-11 |
from sixweasels : |
I adore that picture. The expression on his face is absolutely priceless and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. |
from inkdragon : |
Happy 76th Birthday to your husband! |
from auntie-mari : |
Hello, I just wanted to send a friendly hello your way since things seem to "staticy" for you right now, I hope they all work out for the best. If you're interested I can tell you how my mom and dad dropped their suppliment insurance and are only on medicare if want just drop me an email. Take care and remember, I read every one of your entries and enjoy them all. *S* |
from inkdragon : |
Maybe hope there is always plenty to do? Happy 2004! |
from wifemotherme : |
Happy New Year!!!! I hope you have a blessed year |
from cosmicrayola : |
Pie for breakfast? Haha. Actually, there is a lemon maringue calling my name, gotta run! |
from chailife : |
David Levinsky was my favorite of all the books I read while in college. At the same time I was reading Sinclair Lewis and especially John Dos Passos, and I found the comparisons fascinating, also that Cahan made his own socialist ideas look good by making David somewhat unsympathetic, at least at times. Cahan's stories are also excellent, and even better known, like Yentl the Yeshiva Boy (Streisand made it a movie) and Yekl (which I think was the movie Hester Street.) One of these days, I'll try to re-read David, maybe come summer time. |
from chailife : |
I think maybe there are fewer Jewish children in foster care because there are fewer Jewish children, period. It never occurred to me that there wouldn't be a regular distribution of children in foster care according to the population. BTW, I think you're right about my mother's menorah being one of those cheap tin ones that were given out. When I was in college, the Lubavicher "Mitzvah Wagon" tried to give me Sabbath candlesticks like that. (I told them I had a menorah.) And it was so cool getting a message from UD! Thanks! |
from neurotic-one : |
Please believe me when I say I'm not being a wise a$$ in querying these questions. #1- I thought Hanukkah was a minor holiday and why is there such a big deal being made about it now? #2- Why is it that you rarely hear of Jewish children being placed into Foster Care? Does the Jewish Community take care of those things themselves? #3- What if you don't live in a major city and there aren't any Kosher restaurants? #4- (okay, this is where my name came about). When at a grocery store deli, do Orthodox Jews purchase lunchmeat there? They also slice ham on the same slicer without cleaning it. I'd email these questions along with many others if you had a link for email. I'm rather embarrassed questioning you, but I'm so very curious. |
from trinity63 : |
The best coffee pot I have ever used is The Kitchen Aid Brand. I won't ever use anything else now:) And I give up on Andrew. You should see the notes I have left, and nothing, no reply. |
from chaosdaily : |
no problem, you can cook vicariously through me... haha |
from golfwidow : |
Silly mommy, you can't use just the middle of a picture unless you crop it. Your template is allfoobetter now, though. |
from neurotic-one : |
Funny about putting the sub in the oven to dry it out. =] I'd of probably just tossed it and moped. By the way, I hope my comment in the favorite wasn't offensive. I thought about it a couple days later, and thought that it could be misunderstood as being as such. |
from trinity63 : |
Hugs! That must have been kind of scary for sure. Thank god your ears work girl! It's amazing how meek our spouses are, until they decide they don't wanna be anymore. |
from chaosdaily : |
i know, i have one of their books on living day to day. ive gone through this before with him, but the kids were too young to remember. im more upset over how my son feels, posting in diaryland helps a lot. he and i will be going to a therapist to start, then working everyone else in. our insurance covers single therapy, but not family therapy. sheesh. |
from chaosdaily : |
lol well if you do get to cowtown, ill save some pastries for you haha |
from chailife : |
Oh, I did enjoy that. It even reminded me that my mother made whole-berry cranberry sauce when I was very small! You'll be amused by my updated Thanksgiving tale tomorrow, too. Happy Holiday! (Way better than last year's disaster, I hope!) |
from chaosdaily : |
i still have that album, the first family.... it is kind of funny now that i know a bit more about life. i was only 10 when he was shot, i was in a catholic school, and all the nuns were crying. it sure was a day that will stick in my mind..... i even remember the gloomy november weather, just like todays. |
from chaosdaily : |
have you considered listing your jonah education on |
from chaosdaily : |
some of the brownie recipes i have suggest freezing as a way to store them... they will last 3-6 months depending on how they are wrapped. if you want a recipe or two, just let me know.... |
from auntie-mari : |
I love that I'm a keeper poem. I think that it is a very big thing when people in this day and age realize that sometimes there is "no more" and everything isn't disposable. So sad because if they think everything is disposable then they are missing some of the greatest things in life. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a good day, and that you get that insurance thing figured out. I hate them too! GRR! |
from chailife : |
I loved the original Trek when it was on and even after, but The Next Generation is my favorite. I liked DS9 too, but couldn't get into the others, sadly. |
from golfwidow : |
I have "David Levinsky" if you want to borrow it. Also, this goy I know refers to the actress from the motion picture "Chicago" as "Queen Latvia". |
from chailife : |
And I leave the second. Don't I just love this stuff, about where they all came from over there? My grandfather who came from Vilna (now Vilnius) in Lithuania always said he came from Russian Poland, and his language other than Yiddish was Russian. Loved the picture! And from the Forward! Have you ever read A. Cahan's The Rise of David Levinsky? One of my all-time favorites. |
from golfwidow : |
I left your first note. Know why? 'Cos I rule like that. |
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