messages to l-o-l-o:
(click here to add new message):

from subordonnee :
also, i like anais. scratch: love.
from subordonnee :
"these rules we set were ment to be broken. lets ruin everything. passion, motherfucker. passion." thoroughly defines how i get myself into trouble. (i like you, and your stark template)
from pan-opticon :
Sometimes I don't like reading your diary because it reminds me of times when my heart got so full it exploded.
from soursaurus :
call me silly but i like your journal and can not figure out..(this is so silly) to backtrack on the entries..can you tell me..? thanks
from bendme :
still <3 you
from relient-a :
i like you. and i don't blame you
from bluesquare :
fuck that shit, lets dance the disco 'cause you know the baddest DJ's come from san francisco... xoxo accept no substitutes. the check's in the mail/
from girlgenie :
hello love.
from thisisjohn :
don't worry. what did you think?
from antijamsect :
did you get? did you like?
from breaklight :
well. i have no idea.
from breaklight :
well. i have no idea.
from nakedembrace :
oh but i would only set those cotton candy bubbles free over the atlantic/wishing+hoping they have it better than me. x♥x♥
from makemeastar :
So perfectly imperfect.
from mymetrocard :
i.ll be around -- i.ll be sure to keep enough of you in my pocket for those down days when all you need is an arrow pointing up.
from heartshaped :
yr beautiful as always. cheers.
from thisisjohn :
so. im a big procrastinator. can you tell? soon. soon. soon. ive also been away from my homely home, so is that a valid excuse? probably not. soon, though.
from literatura :
It was nice talking with you.
from le-depart :
i'm at now--my previous diary that i had shunned (just my fickle self being my fickle self..) p.s. - you write so very lovely.
from literatura :
Pull me apart.
from bendme :
dear lo. you are lovely. keep my insides turning
from joe-average :
jesus christ. someone who has actually heard of, and likes the mountain goats. it had to happen someday. im just glad it was you.
from thisisjohn :
dear you. i hope you had a great birthday. i would like to inform you that the task you have assigned me, i have found much difficulty in carrying out. i feel so... unworthy? i think that defeats the purpose of the lesson, however. but i will try. promise.
from literatura :
I suppose you kill me, you fucking destroy me.
from theltomyolo :
my name is lolo... well not exactly... laurier, but lolo for short and lo for even shorter. apparently google likes to find your diary when i type in "lolo" and not mine. oh well, have fun being lolo.
from bluesquare :
to which she leaves another one:
from bluesquare : but.your.presence.would. be.loved.more.
from literatura :
Bite down and break.
from bluesquare :
he.said. "we need to talk" eighth.grade.math.teacher. too.hard.
from lotusboy :
hello gordon
from bluesquare :
from thisisjohn :
do you do MSN or AIM or some such thing? Id love to chat sometime.
from thisisjohn :
lyons ave. ha. sorry.
from thisisjohn :
a written word? does that mean a real letter? if so YES. john mosley, 915 ely nv, 89301. if thats not what you meant, you should write me anyways. that would be awesome. ill write back.
from thisisjohn :
it still snows here from time to time.
from thisisjohn :
poorly suited

featured screens

whispered loud stories

that pre-drip

with fallen tree


can you hear them


at the tops

of their stomata

from thisisjohn :
dear you. john likes you. a lot. ah lohht. ah lok u ah lohhhht.
from heartshaped :
good luck, dear.
from heartshaped :
i love yr newest entry. very much. <3
from heartshaped :
hello you. it's been too long. xo.
from girlgenie :
loface - you+me+lotus = rad triad.
from thisisjohn :
you are too kind. thankyou. =) you put a smile on my face. i wear it. gladly.
from heartshaped :
you are beautiful and hole is still good. no worries. xo.
from heartshaped :
thank you for the note. have a nice xmas. xo.
from heartshaped :
hi. you are gorgeous as ever. xo.
from disheveled :
ooh. aah.
from youturned :
from heartshaped :
thank you. your little place is gorgeous, and i can relate to you immensely. keep in touch, love. xo.
from rockstarusa :
youturned touched it. my words seem out of place in your journal, but flattered to say the least that i stumped you...especially since you asked one to answer with something other than i dont know. but hey, we all move in twisted circles. you move around a lot. ever been to the wild wild west? air's transparent here in l.a. on a temporary reprieve from the normal smutladen cloud that surrounds would the wind carry your whispers (yes i love this word) to my eyes burning i am jealous of your flow proud of your talent. sorry that the valley seeped out of me in four or five contrite words and that is now what you know of me. peace miss. becky*
from youturned :
I thank you for your beauty. I feel wrong for saying this. But I thank you. Nobody should thank another for such naturalness, but maybe I am thanking for your ability to enhance it.
You give compassion a whole new meaning.
from girlgenie :
you are [kinetic] .fucking love.
from soflown :
You're writing is very beautiful and poetic. Kind of reminds me of Weakerthans lyrics.

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