messages to lannylee:
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from strawberrri :
hey stranger! i am alright, thank you for your lovely note though xx
from boxx9000 :
MERRY CHRISTMAS. Peace, Love, Health & Happiness in 2009
from boxx9000 :
from strawberrri :
that's really sweet about you and the boyf :) also, saffi is without a doubt the definition of kitteny goodness *steals her* xx
from strawberrri :
hmm, i'm not all that knowledgeable about laptops. had mine about 6 years so it's probably a bit of a dinosaur now. dell is meant to be quite good, i think.
from strawberrri :
I LOVE THE 2p FALLS YOU GET AT ARCADES!!! especially when you spend a fiver or so getting some crappy ornament that's worth 50p. the satisfaction is immense!
from strawberrri :
i live in stevenage so MK is about 45 mins away! last time i was there was with my dad, who developed severe road rage as he doesn't like the whole east/west thing the roads have going on. was quite amusing :D
from strawberrri :
woowooo! hiya!

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