messages to lapisllong:
(click here to add new message):

from naomibeth :
You've been on my mind lately. Now I guess I know why. Thank you for sharing.
from amazinfuckup :
Just emailed you my number, sweetness. Don't be a stranger :)
from amazinfuckup :
I'm so glad to see you again, lovely! As always, I want desperately for you to stick around, but I understand that real life can be... time-consuming, haha. Shoot me an email or hit me up on facebook or something, alright, my dear? Humbled that my thoughts made you smile :).
from zombiezygote :
Ooo. How did you manage to code your text to stay on the bookpage? Whenever I attempt that, it fails, due to screen resolution.
from amazinfuckup :
You're right, absolutely. I keep having little relapses: "Oh, but he's so sweet," or, "He's such a good guy!" I have to keep reminding myself that neither of those statements means he's right for me, or that he's right for me right now. Thank you for the input, sweetheart :). I'm glad to be back!
from amazinfuckup :
This morning I woke up to find you'd added me on msn. Today's gonna be a good day :)
from amazinfuckup :
You always hit me the right way. How come you don't IM me more often?
from amazinfuckup :
Thank you. Thank you so much. I needed to hear that. <3
from amazinfuckup :
I'll be back soon, just, there's been some drama with a friend of mine who wants to base his poems on my diary entries. I don't know. I should be back soon. Email me for the password and stuff: [email protected] Or message me again, that would be fun :D
from amazinfuckup :
Thanks. Yeah, everyone is okay, I'm just a little shaken up, you know? But thanks for your concern. :)
from amazinfuckup :
Hee hee, thanks :D
from aisling2005 :
i really love the 05 chocolate factory too.
from non-fuckabl :
Haha, what a rant! You hit the drum! (Made noise)
from non-fuckabl :
Hey, AXL was the genius of the band, not Slash, he was just decoration!!!! Axl was the cool one!!! I LOVE AXL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!! (You hit a nerve there)
from cherrygirl :
hello sweetness, been away a long time but i have a good reason. i swear. talk to you soon... if you remember me :(
from angel4hire :
It's not the cunt, it's the ghost. I never said I hated you. But I guess that's not really a point you care to hear about so whatever. I am really happy for you to be free, progressing in life, and truely being happy. I'm sorry that you put your life on the shelf for me. I can see that your doing so much better without me. I hope that your great fortune and high spirits continue.
from naomibeth :
What assholes! I feel so bad for those kids. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Please call me if you have time. I'd love to talk to you.
from naomibeth :
I've totally lost your address and phone number and I'm really bummed about it. I can't call you, so here's a note! I hope you're doing peachy! Or at least strawberry-y. Or something. . . okay. Um. Enjoy the Spring rains!
from sixelasauce :
oh my gosh I loooove counting crows!!! I am super stoked that you do too!!
from toasterboy04 :
hey kiddo i need your home address please!! and im sorry you were puking and shitting never fun.. esp when they want to come out at the same time..eww.. later love.
from toasterboy04 :
so by mug you mean.. you know it doenst matter the school that kind of stuff is everywhere. the rich kids are so bored they're always trying something new. and the 'not-so-rich' seems like thats all they got.. so its a lose lose situation i know that must be hard for you. i am so afraid at the thought of raising kids these days! its outta control! but i got you in my prayers! wanna touch my bumm.. later, toasterboy
from juliet1976 :
thank you so much for the note you left me about Granny. I really appreciate that...she has been moved to a nursing home now, but we really don't even think she realizes where she the way girlie...HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
from fairy-topia :
well u are really fucking loved here at d-land wow come to the notes and bam feelin the love baby!!!! lol any how canasta is grerat game huh it's like crack, i was going to call but i saw that it is 11 pm so i didn't would hate it if i woke some one up i love ya and i was just saying that i know what kind of perfectionist u are.... and im so total not lol : ) later
from hissandtell :
Well, where feather boas are concerned, the more colourful, the better - I think! But then, I like to look like a gaudy parrot sometimes - lots of reds and yellows and oranges and hot pinks to balance the ubiquitous blacks and purples of my clothes. (One of the nicest thing my mother ever did for me when I was about 16, btw, was buy me feather boas in every colour - one can never have too many, you know...) I was watching a documentary on Janis Joplin the other day, and I was completely transfixed by the TWO boas she wore in her hair, trailing down her shoulders and front. (One was purple, of course.) It made me ache just thinking about how wonderful it was. I can't wait to see your finished product, darling! Love, R xxx
from savern :
I hate Mondays. :-) But I love you! :-D
from wildrosie :
Can you see me from here, on my knees and begging? I'm not totally incompetant on the computer, but I certainly lack the skills to make my page look the way I want. I would appreciate any assistance you could give me. My real mail is wildwestrosie at yahoo... Thank you! Rosie
from savern :
I love the frogs.... I get a giggle everytime I roll over them! And you've kept my cat entertained with them as well! :-)
from savern :
Hello love!
from hissandtell :
Your writing is fabulous! I admit I'm still chuckling over the notion of feeling emotionally restricted by one's bra, which is something I completely sympathise with. (Okay, fine; I'll also admit my dirty little secret of loving maybe three John Denver songs, alright? AND, I knocked him over in a shopping centre once - he dropped like a stone.) I must come back soon and read more of your older entries. Thanks so much for adding me, too. (And before I go, may I say that you are completely gorgeous and your bosoms are spectacular?) Love, R xxx
from wildrosie :
I think what I like best about the twins is that they roped in Castor and Pollux, and have those two eating out of their hands. Those two needed a comeuppance! Heinlein is by far my favorite author, I think there are only maybe 3 or 4 of his works that I don't have. In hardback. Have you ever read Spider Robinson? He's different, but he was a friend of RAH. Great banner BTW!
from steponmysoul :
Great banner ad!
from cyberpurple :
It's good. I can read it now (well, if I had time I could, LOL...) I'll be back to read some later!
from stardustcboy :
hey!! great to get your note!! hope all is well over in lapisllong land. yeah, people are so back-assward nowadays it boggles my mind. whatever, i'm workin' on my will now so that people don't have to sit around a contemplate this stupid crap when i'm (brain)dead. for serious. i think my final clause will make it mandatory that people have a huge party and drink a lot. yeah, that would be sweet. anyway, take care out there! i'm reading you! ~B-)
from redtoaster :
hi... your banner got me. I like your blog... and your tastes ... I am weird and I have gained one life span credit today. Never mind that...but why is your brother toasterboy??? is he my son? Sincerely, Redtoaster
from cyberpurple :
I just clicked on your banner and found that your diary doesn't show up properly for me (I think it's cutting the first cou;ple of letters of each line off). It might be because I'm using firefox but I just thought i'd let you know.
from hannahlore :
Lol! That does make more sense and i think that little thought put me in a good mood. Right after i read what you wrote, i turned around and got a mail from my friend talking about rainbow speedos...suddenly i thought of potatoes... -Q Chan Starr
from jfsuperstar :
awwww, you say the sweetest things.
from hannahlore :
A tojan? How would i get something like that in my HTML? I don't have any files, everything is HTML and HTML linked images. -Q Chan Starr
from hannahlore :
First of all, i must get this off of my chest before i explode...FOAMY ROCKS! WELCOME TO ETERNITY, BABY! *coughs* Yes, i am done now. And i do adore your rabbit *starts slobbering a bit as she is describing it on the phone to her friend Winky now* but i have nowhere to put it if i did decide to place the HTML somewhere. I have over 10 dland names i'm i'm shutting most of them down...sorry. =( But do find a good home for him...then i want the link so i can properly worship.
from hannahlore :
I saw your banner and had to click it. I worship your rabbit. Oh! Gives me the shivers. Gracious, that rabbit is awe-inspiring! -Q Chan Starr
from jfsuperstar :
great site, i was led to it via your banner. feel free to stop and visit anytime. ps. i have nightmares involving vampires. does that make me cool?
from lillymoon :
Great site. I promptly sent some crack to 3 people. One was actually for thier birthday! Thanks for the link!
from to-my-heart :
cool site.
from lillymoon :
Hello! Clicked on your banner. LOVE IT! I am now catching up reading thorugh your archives. FUN! Oh by the way in your bio I saw you want to see Duran Duran. I just saw them in concert on Feb 26th in LA at the Staples Center! IT WAS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!! Good stuff Good stuff. I am so glad they are back. Just thought I would let you know. : ) Feel free to stop by my world. Stay, catch up, chat! Now I must get back to reading your diary.
from for-you-only :
I make banners when I'm bored too.
from naomibeth :
I'm glad you're feeling better. I would really love to see your new house at some point. e-mail me and let me know what days/times are good for you. Or less bad. Whichever.
from savern :
smooches baby! dope wars turn out good?
from cherrygirl :
hee. you are sweet to offer a new template.. do you happen to have anything laying around just basic black with a few ivy leaves? i was thinking of going dark and simple. sure, come to L.A. and we will set fire to all Starbuck$ that we see... but no library burning... that's not nice... Jeannette. xo
from cherrygirl :
Mis!! apparently we are both editing my template @ the same time (i think)... i changed a few minor things like putting the beloved square cherry on the archive page only, but it's cherrysential beauty is left intacto :) don't worry about the red X @ the top... i fixed it so it stays that way.. i'm starting to like it! (yes, i'm crazy in spades)... thanks. j.
from mamaness :
We couldn't find any homes in our price range in ATown. We are out in FW now. But we own a home. I guess it's an OK trade off, for now.
from savern :
If you've got a couch for me to sleep on, I'll see what I can do about stopping in for a visit! :-)
from savern :
I am taking a vacation in October I think, for an unspecified amount of time. :-) Go me! P.S. I'm taking the cats too. :-D
from savern :
honey, don't hate me, but i lost the link to your webpage with your format thingy's on them. i wanted to peruse them again. can you send me the link? sorry! [email protected]
from savern :
Anita Blake, kick ass series! I'm a big dork and re-buying them in hard back. The Merry series too. Yay!
from badsnake :
Mis, you big sweetie. Thank you very, very much. Deb thanks you. And the people who were annoyed with me (I'm sure there were some) for letting my SuperGold lapse thank you. And I'm sure Andrew thanks you, too.
from luciangrey :
Miss, I was reffered by my long time friend, Morguecrawl to your diary. I am in need of a custom designed template, as my current diary is a record of events and not a personal place in which to deposit my thoughts? Can you help? Thank you for your time. Please Respond (if it suits you to do so of course) to [email protected]
from madam-rose :
kewl site. i love the the drunk monkeys lol
from marn :
It came this morning! Don't blame the USPS--I think any international mail gets slowed because of terrorism concerns :( THREE CD's AND a kitty! Oh man, you went way overboard. I adore the kitty. He's sitting on my tee vee. And, because I'm extremely stupid, and today was garbage pickup, I threw out the envelope without writing down your address. Senility. Not pretty, not pretty at all. Mis, could you write me at [email protected] with your full return address so I can pick up something for you? I promise that it will be suitably goofy :) I'm really sorry to make this extra hassle for you. I'm going to have to hide that kitty from Norma. It's exactly the sort of thing she steals!
from marn :
Mis, I'm sorry for not writing sooner, but I've been wrestling with such sadness lately. It's probably just the tail end of a long winter wrapped in with the crappy international news. Hard to find my happy, you know? Anyhow, I just wanted to say thank you. I'm so touched you noticed about the kitty figurines. I'll let you know when it comes in and send you something suitably goofy back, promise :)
from cherrygirl :
Hi!! Remember me? :)... i still have the cherry template you designed for me... my diary is unlocked now and i am (finally) adding new entries.. hope you drop by!!.. C.
from dirtelilhole :
I don't mind changing the title at all. It's really great! I love it.
from dirtelilhole :
Thank you! You really are the best.
from dig-deep :
Thank you for the kind words. You have been such a good friend for no reason, and I thank you so much for that. You are an amazing person. Thank you again for everything you have done for me...
from dig-deep :
Thank you for the kind words. It has just been a rough few days. Between Celia in the hospital, and Luke basically telling me that we can't be together, I've been a little bit shaken up lately. But thank you again for everything. You've been great...
from marn :
I had a very, very bad habit of turning my anger and/or my stress against myself for a very long time. I would stew about things. I would build things up in my head. I would over-eat because of the comfort food gives. Mis, what you're doing now is one of the greatest stressbusters/angerbusters I've ever found. Exercising burns off not only calories, it burns off stress and anger, too. Kudos, kiddo, kudos.
from mangledoll :
misiiiiiiiiiii....... i read your diary today and was so saddened by what's going on... i hope you and roni are doing well and i don't know what else to say except i'm sorry and i lost your email address and you should email me so i can give you my new #. love, amy the jaunty elf.
from jjslair :
mis~ i had to have the bed of nails template once i saw it, because like i said in your gbook - it definitely fits me, lmao! anyway, i copied the source and got most of it up, but i need the html for the older entries page (if you made one), the basic coding for the layout, and the link to the image, so i can host it on my site. let me know, ok? you can email me at [email protected]. thanks!
from harlemrain :
Hi :) Thanks for the note, I'll keep your offer in mind next time I need a change of layout! I know what you mean about loosing then, Bazy's like my baby, I don't what I'd do if I lost her, I feel so lucky to have been chosen by her. But, I'm also a firm believer that if you're ment to have a pet, they'll find you whether you think you want them or not. Anyhoo, great diary, I like your lay out too, very creative.
from beagle47 :
thanks a lot, really. what you didn't say said it all. peace. (and i really mean that).
from marn :
Mis, you scamp! I was sending a grateful vibe your way today. I'd been feeling tired so I used your Monday workout CD. That one always throws my ancient butt into gear. I really 'preciate it :)
from marn :
Wonderfully put, Mis, wonderfully put.
from rant-in-me :
I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!OH MY GOD!!!!!I LOVE IT!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! *runs around like a fat kid in a candy shop* ahhhhhhhhhhh....i love it!!!!! wheeee! thank you so much!!!!!!!!ahhh! -rAgEr
from dig-deep :
I know, I know...and I'm not ashamed. I don't know...there is more to him than that, but I just hate fighting so much...and beats on people all the time...I don't know. I'm curious about him. I want to know who he really is. You know? *kit*
from emoisawesome :
Cool, is that on the site you gave me or is it somewhere else?
from emoisawesome :
Thanks so much, I was ready to kill my diary. -Katie
from emoisawesome :
Thanks for the tip. I was wondering, how do you make tables? Like... um like on her sex diary, the main background is black but behind the entry its gray... how do you do that? -Katie
from dig-deep :
kisses is adorable!! so cute. i think it would be nice to have a softer template for my new one. something to show a different side of me. i love it. if its not already claimed, it would be wonderful. unless you have others to show me, but that one is precious. -Jess
from dig-deep :
Hey Mis, this is Jess (aka jess-a-me and lulu-skitzo) I know what you're thinking..."how many damn diaries does this girl have?" lol. just wondering if you had any spare templates laying around. I think this diary is going to be my favourite of all of them. no one will ever know. -Jess
from chikbeatnik :
that makes me happy that you dig it. you have super good taste. i fully intend to buy him another year's gold membership for this... or at least donate to his paypal so he can.
from cherrygirl :
hey girl.... I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK. LOL. cherrygirl xo
from chikbeatnik :
i already changed it. :( sorry. what do you think?
from chikbeatnik :
yes... i used to like my diary. i have a couple of images that i've fxcked with and would like you to maybe put tables on them for my entry (with scroll bars) and such. send me your email address & i'll upload them both to you. (if you don't want to sign my notes with your email-- my email is [email protected]). thanx.
from marn :
Well, there's nothing more individual than how the body works, eh? I mean, I had lightly crampy periods and my sister had The Periods From Hell. She went into menopause three years ago even though she's two years younger than I am, and is having a very rough ride :( Thanks for letting me know that Angel has a diary--I'll add a link to him and thank him personally, too. Mis, I wish you could have seen my face this morning when "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" came up on the third CD--I just adore that song and I had an ear-to-ear grin when I was listening (and motoring away) to it. Thanks so much for taking the time to make these CD's ... it was a kind thing to do. Your candy should be there any minute now ...
from marn :
Nope, it was the Monday, hard core Masochistic one. See, the thing is that something that would be just too frantic to listen to at home actually makes a great workout CD--to a point, the more energy, the better. I mean, when She Bop came on I looked down and I was motoring away at 55 steps a minute when I normally only do 45-50 ... it's gains like that that REALLY get your fitness up (and poundage down).
from pinkplaidpjs :
ok thanks!
from nipple-biter :
(: hehe. Hi. -K
from pinkplaidpjs :
hey, thanks for letting me use your template... but how do i use it. lol sorry.. im kinda new at this
from marn :
No :( but don't worry, Mis. They've been taking between a week and a week and a half to get to me. I really live in the boonies, eh.
from invisibledon :
moo deer -too funny - that made me laugh thanks
from invisibledon :
Happy New Year
from marn :
Well, my previous meatloaf SHOULD have been out standing in a field :) I made Stephanie's on Friday and it really was good. I only added one clove of garlic and next time I'd add two and some green pepper. Everyone gobbled it down and asked for seconds :)
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays
from lulu-skitzo :
hello, i know you don't know me, but i saw the awesome template you designed or gave to nipple-biter, and i have been looking for someone to even show me how to do anything to my diary. its so plain and boring, and i would really love some help. i don't even know how to change it in the first place. thanks for your consideration, and if you don't want to, its fine, but you know, i gotsta ask, right? *smiles* -LuLu
from nipple-biter :
oooh. that kissgirls template is awesome. i love it. can i have it? or can you custom make something for me? thank you so much!
from invisibledon :
how you doin' today?
from speedway :
Hey hey, thanks for the noteregarding birthdays and my dislike thereof. You made some good points, however, 21 means nothing to me, cause I live in Canada. ;) been livin the good life for a year already. It's old hat. :) Bye for now! EmT
from marn :
Yeah, I'm guessing a poker face is pretty much crucial when you work as a cashier, eh?
from toughcasey :
hi this is casey, just wanted to say howdy, hope things are going splendid!! ~kc~
from marn :
Your note truly saddened me, Mis. My mother-in-law, who lives just down the road from us in one of the safest places you could be, shares your fears. If I had one power, I would request the power to be able to bitch slap some sense into every person who puts together a news cast, every person who paints this terrifically skewed reality that's fed to us every evening. We are bombarded constantly by the bad things in life. All we hear about are the tiny group of people who snap, not the people who get on with their lives and somehow under great pressures still manage to be good people. Oh, it makes me crazy, the poor way the world is presented to us.
from invisibledon :
from marn :
Yeah, you're right, of course. The spousal unit and I are good friends and it's very easy to take that for granted, to overlook it and instead focus on the stuff that makes me crazy. Perspective. Why is it so freaking hard to keep perspective, eh?
from invisiblepal :
:) Thank you, I appreciate the effort that went into making that other layout. But, I like my layout, and I enjoy setting my own up. (:
from milkgirly :
Thank you for saying hi, I can't wait to read your diaries, I've read good things about you on here.
from invisibledon :
Wow and stuff all three surveys - thanks for playing in my neighborhood
from marn :
Yeah, your kids are your kids whether they're a baby or in their 50's. (Paul's mom STILL sends him home with extra baking because she considers him too thin--I'm laughing as I write that.) They drive you crazy, they make you laugh, and if you're really lucky when they grow up they still like you. Even if it's your turn to drive them crazy ;-)
from marn :
I'd completely forgotten about Thunder Cats! Jess liked them, but Transformers *really* intrigued her, so they were the ones that stuck in my memory. Godfather I is kind of a shoot 'em up, but you need it to understand II which is simply great. Everyone says III is a letdown. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're wrong *sigh*.
from marn :
Oh, Mis, you made tea come out of my nose with the image of strippers using Christian rock. Oh, man, I'm still laughing ...
from cherrygirl :
Hi.... I love the page you made for me and I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT.....hehe I'm so tardy...., cherry xxoxxx
from twitchygeek :
wow, you like ani and portishead... mucho spiffiness. and the fact that your rat is named alex trebeck... you are a superior diety.
from jjslair :
mis~ ahh me dearie, you know you'are the one i aspire to someday t'be....... i luv ya, y'know.... jj
from jjslair :
mis~ YOU ARE THE FUCKING MAN!!!!!!!!! thanks for adding me to yer favs, i will defintely link you up to my diary. NOW YOU WILL BE FAMOUS, BECAUSE MY DIARY FUCKING KICKS ASS!!! heh, heh!! luv ya, jj
from shereen :
thanks! :)
from shereen :
i like the forgotten flowers
from shereen :
ha! that was so long ago! i wonder what entry of yours i was reading? and how long have you been reading mine?
from juliet1976 :
Hey just popped in to see what was going on in your life. Speaking of Diaryland templates, do I have to be a member to personalize mine??? If not, maybe you coould help....
from carp :
i miss you too & hope you enjoy the update(s).
from pixiekins :
um, heinlein is god.
from lapisllong :
no, but . . . hhhmmmmm . . . flattered that he actually HAD the conversation . . . but still not sure what to think . . . confuuuused . . . but hey, you gave up fingering eggplants for the uummm . . . i DON'T KNOW! you have pink hair! what can i say? YOU HAVE PINK HAIR!
from aryanachild :
Wazzup Misi, Scared ya didn't I, with my choice of subject matter? tee-hee
from lapisllong :
because no one loves me enough to fight for me : ( *sniff!* thanks, babe, for pointing that out . . . .
from fuckup :
hey how come fights never break out in your analyzer?
from methybeth :
YOU are so incredibly sweet and wonderful. And I know what you mean about reading--I can spend days inside a book, only to emerge, blinking and confused, wondering where the real world came from.
from lapisllong :
and so does the BLOODHOUNDGANG!
from lapisllong :
even if i never quite get there . . . did you know supertramp did a lovely song by the same name?
from crackbaby :
I think Misi got it because she "Always takes the long way home". Rock on.
from naomibeth :
Good work, Mis. I'm cheering for you! And I cannot believe that you and Chuck didn't know that storks mass produce babies and drop them into the waiting arms of expectant parents. Sheesh! You need to re-subscribe to the cartoon channel!
from lapisllong :
well, chuk . . . i'm thinking i can't answer where Roni came from becaues that may incriminate me . . . but one of the killer drops The Morning Edge uses is a quote from South Park: " . . . then the man puts his hoo-hoo-dilly in the woman's cha-cha . . ." and i'll just leave you with that thought! ;)
from fuckup :
Where do babys come from?
from carp :
vegan pumpkin pie 2 350-g boxes of silken tofu, drained - 2 heaping cups of cooked pumpkin - 1 1/4 cups brown sugar, not packed tight dash salt - 7 teaspoons blended "pumpkin pie spice" OR: - 2 teaspoons cinnamon - 1 teaspoon ground dry ginger - 1 teaspoon ground cloves - 1 teaspoon allspice - 2 teaspoons nutmeg - 2 pie crusts
from crackbaby :
To answer your question... most of the time I refer to Bob, it's in the subgenius icon. We made a mockery of the subgenius religion, which is already a mockery in my book... and we just ran with it. Praise Bob.

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