messages to lazarus:
(click here to add new message):

from curiousboy :
Hi! Im new in your fine state, would you like to go out? Please call 315 521 3644.
from confetti :
hi! i have your mom! :)
from jnco-girl :
Hey there. How'z it goin? Well I don't really know what to write in year. Yesterday I was just thinking "hey, I should try to leave a comment on everyone's Analyzer page." Why?? Good question...I don't really know though. I guess I'm just hoping to get more comments in my own Analyzer page. Hehe
from manon :
Heyya -- you're a wonderful writer. I look forward to all your entries. :)
from lazarus :
Love you too! And rock on Liza!
from liza :
duck hunt! that is too cool. YOU are too cool.

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