messages to lazyhour:
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from tet :
Looks like that little message of luck didn't do the trick. Sorry. And this forum sounds like fun; you say you hang out with popcore? And make fun of idiot bigots?
from tet :
Wacky, those little pieces of tape, huh. Luck with Level 3.
from sheet-ghost :
that's a good observation, about not being able to quit things in childhood. and chris ware is amazing.
from soupstain :
Thanks for the message, Lazyhour. I'm kinda semi-retired at the moment (due to NOT having too much time on my hands - what a difference a year makes, and how I envy you!), but y'know, maybe when December rolls around I'll revive my Jim Woodring pics and write something again. I'll be reading yr journal in the meantime anyway. Seeya around - Soup

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