messages to lemonteaser:
(click here to add new message):

from beanernizzle :
LT!!!! So I guess you are back in the dland world?!?!? Lemme give you my new email addy so you can email me!! [email protected] I saw the Real World Austin and they showed PARADOX and I thought of you!! I miss you and I hope you are doing good!
from cdghost :
from bagsofbeans :
You never gave me the new info!!!!
from princessdy :
Well said, LT!! *sniff*
from princessdy :
Oh no! Don't take a break from the's the best place to vent when bad things are happening.
from princessdy :
Yay! The pup is feeling better! Give her a hug for me...
from beanernizzle :
Hmm PD was drunk?? HA! Funny because last night was the first time in weeks I haven't been! TEEEHEE! Anyways, I would so love to do the amiga package w/u. God knows I need it!
from princessdy :
I'll do the friend package with you. :) I'm drunk right now, but I'll call you this weekend. I'm applying all over Seattle and Portland this summer so we can hang out this summer. I miss you, chica!
from princessdy :
Love the new layout. I'm stuck in the law library again for the night. I promise I'll be in touch soon. Love to you and the doggies...PD
from princessdy :
Hey Seattlegirl...Thank you for the birthday wishes. I've had my phone off because my world has been hella crazy as of late. As I type, I'm sitting in a Washington DC hotel because I have some interviews tomorrow. Yay. I guess. Love you. Miss you. Talk to you soon. -PD
from beanernizzle :
Glad that you made it safely!! Personally, I don't know if I would have been able to make the drive through the mountains!! E!!
from bagsofbeans :
so sorry I haven't been in touch. I am so happy for you, things really do come together for sweet people. I hope you are so happy with the new job.
from princessdy :
Yay! Good for you!!!
from beanernizzle :
YAY!!! Congrats on the relocation!!!!!
from princessdy :
Where are you moving to?!? To Iowa, I hope. :) Anyway, just wanted to tell you that you are NOT alone in this world. Love ya!
from princessdy :
Hey chica. Just got your voice mail. I'll try to call you sometime this week. Finals are two weeks away and I'm going crazy. I updated my diary.
from beanernizzle :
WHAT UP GIRL!!! I was doing homework (as usual) but I wanted to leave you a note and say HEY!!! Keep it real!!
from loveandlust :
I'm glad your dog is okay, poor thing!
from princessdy :
hola chica! Love the new layout. You're stylin' and profilin' as always. I just thought I'd drop you a line. I have a massive paper due Monday, so I haven't been in touch, but I'll call you next week!
from beanernizzle :
YO chica! Thanks for the kind words about my abuelito. It means a lot to me!! Hey and I might be making a trip to AZ next year..maybe you'll still be around?!?! *Hugz* Miss you!!
from princessdy :
Nooooo! Don't go!
from princessdy :
What up, chica? Your new year entry sounded so cool and so inspiring and so...YOU! Thanks for the Christmas card. Hope you had a great New Year. I'll give you a call soon. You ROCK!
from bagsofbeans :
hOw are you!!! Merry christmas.
from princessdy :
I promise to update as soon as finals are over. For real! :)
from princessdy :
Hola chica! Love the new layout! It is so you. You just prance around this damn country like its your personal shopping haven. Love ya! :)
from princessdy :
Hey...can you email me your diary password? Also, why did you take me off of your favorites list? Did I do something? :(
from bagsofbeans :
hey what's new!!! I haven't talked to you in forever. I again want to apologize for the hectic phone call that night I also wanted to thank you!!!
from cdghost :
enjoyed reading your words..all the best
from beanernizzle :
YO! I was in SA Labor Day weekend. I've been busy with work and that's what's up with me!! FYI...if you close your diary I will miss you!!! Take care you!! Miss you!!!
from crackheadred :
yes...i did a horrible job of photoshopping that pic...still funny tho...LOL
from princessdy :
I'm sure you got everything done on time. I prayed for you, but it might have been too late!! :)
from princessdy :
I love the beginning of your list!! *sigh* I wish we were at the ghetto Riverside theater right now. Love you. Miss you. Come see me in Iowa. :) ME-freakin'-OW!
from bagsofbeans :
Get Yahoo Messenger!
from bagsofbeans :
I am bored and at work, e-mail me!!!
from princessdy :
Hey chica! Sorry I missed your call last me at work if you can. Hope you are feeling better, but I know what it's like to be super angry (especially at work). Love ya!
from princessdy :
Awww, man! I'm so disappointed. But I ain't mad atcha. I know all about bills. Maybe you can see me in Iowa then. We'll find some Iowa gringo chulos to hang out with. :) Love ya!
from beanernizzle :
Dangit I can't believe I missed the show!!! I read about it in Entertainment Weekly and I had made myself a mental note to watch it! GRR!! I'll have to remember again next week!! Yo, becareful in AZ, LT!!
from princessdy :
Hey Bohemian chica...stick to your guns. You've got the right idea. Go shopping and have fun! If he really wants to go out with you, he'll ask again. You have such a f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s life.
from crackheadred :
not to break up the PD and BN tagteam thats goin on...but glad you understood where i was comin from on the whole serena thing...LOL
from princessdy :
Hey, Miss L-to-the-T!! Thanks for the note. It was fun talking to ya today. And, *ahem*, yes, MELissaVICtoria used to say that she looked like DB. WhatEVA!
from princessdy :
Hey LT, where you at? Hope you're feeling better. I'm missing our weekly phone session! Update soon, chica.
from beanernizzle :
Hey girl. Sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my prayers. *HUGS*
from xscar-mex :
how old are you?
from princessdy :
I can't believe I missed two calls in a row! Awww...I'll try to go to work from now on.
from beanernizzle :
YO! Hey do you think I can tag along with you to Costa Rica?? I could sooo use a break from this bad weather here!!!
from princessdy :
It can be a "PD and LT" against the world kind of day, a'ight? :)
from princessdy :
Hey, LT...I just want you to know that I am always always always going to be here for you and you can count on me for anything! Maybe I can go visit this summer...I'll bring a blanket and pillow and we can kick it Hamptons style! Te amo como una hermana. (did I say that right?) :)
from princessdy :
Hey chiquita! I just wanted to leave you a note to say Happy Cinco de Mayo and I lovelovelove you! La Raza por Vida! :) P.S. I think you are having some html problems with your site. I'll email you about it later.
from princessdy :
Congrats on doing the relay!! You do not EVEN need to lose 10 pounds, chiquita. You are wicked hot. BTW, I'm collecting for the March of Dimes 5K if you want to donate. And I'll donate too if you are collecting for the leukemia thing.
from beanernizzle :
Yo LT! Maybe you should see a chiro. He fixed my bad back and all! Well it's never going to be better and my job's insurance did give me a nice settlement *HEEH* but I haven't had any bad experiences with him!! I hope you feel better soon!!
from princessdy :
Good Luck on the relay, LT!! As Ice Cube would say, "Damn right it was a good day." Love ya!
from princessdy :
Hey chica-where you at? You owe it to the lemonheads to update your diary on a regular basis...:)
from princessdy :
Hey girly! I love reading your diary and looking at that superyummy pic of Dave. Keep the updates coming so I can follow along with what is going on in your fabulous life. Love ya!

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