messages to linguikat:
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from thecrankyone :
If you don't I'll catch you another time. If you do, let me know and I'll send you my phone number so we can arrange something. Good Luck!!
from thecrankyone :
Yikes!! Glad your okay..
from thecrankyone :
Must have been someting in the air tonight. Warren had a meltdown because I woudn't buy him a cd player at the local pawn shop. But he got over it. Was great talking to you on aim earlier.. hang in po' folk gotta stick together.
from thecrankyone :
Thank you for asking... I updated with some details. I'm still having a hard time talking about it, but I think I am getting a handle on things.. I have no choice..
from circling :
O.M.G. you're published! congratulations, much adoration and respect. who cares if it's old research. you've got an isbn - which i'd prefer to a SS# any day of the week. many thoughts on the pro-choice rally. in short, my favorite bumperstickers that read "every child a wanted child." burns me up how rhetoric of pro-lifers collapse that distinction: want and choice... in all aspects of the decision making...i'll save the rest of my rant for later. for the now, glow in the triumph that is publication. yippeeeeee!!!!
from thecrankyone :
You aren't the only one. It bugs the crap out of me, when people I don't know well call me honey or sweetie. Its worse from men, because it sounds so demeaning, like they are talking down to me, because I'm "just a woman". grrrrrr..
from vaaylin :
(re: losing the battle, 6.12.04, "Still I'm sad, because now I know what she'd choose, and it isn't me.") Kids are funny.. And just because they like being one certain place better than another, doesn't mean they love you any less. You'd probably be surprised if it came down to the choice.. I find that Grandmas are fun to be with and they get to do and say whatever they want, but in the end, they always want to come home to Mom. That's the absolute miracle of children, I've decided - that blind and unfailing devotion. (At least until they turn into teenagers, anyway...)
from zoeblackhawk :
i am unbelievably relieved that someone other than a little old lady with a thousand cats writes about theirs as much or more as i do mine :-)
from damefortune :
Thank you for the kind note, I tried to look at your diary, but there's no writing. :( Well, take care, I'll check back sometime. ♥
from harri3tspy :
Another congratulations from a total stranger via a banner click (and also a fellow mom/grad student)!
from candoor :
congrats on the new place (see what a banner can do, get you congrats from a total stranger :)
from silence4 :
see what you want to see. you should see it all. take what you want from me. you deserve it all. nine times out of ten our hearts just get dissolved. I want a better place or just a better way to fall. but one time out of ten everything goes perfect for us all. I want a better place or just a better way to fall.
from linguikat :
is this thing working??

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