messages to literatewit:
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from harri3tspy :
Sorry about your kitty. My late boy kitty had that problem once too and he pulled through just fine. I hope the same for yours. We've got a sick kitty in our house too (her surgery's on Tuesday), so I know just how you're feeling.
from harri3tspy :
That's heart-wrenching. Your friend is most definitely in my thoughts
from harri3tspy :
Thanks so much for your comment the other day. I really admire people in your line of work. I think it would be very difficult not to bring the job home at the end of the day.
from annanotbob :
Hope you are well, kiddo. Don't understand a word of your sports stuff, but thinking of you and hoping things are going well. xxx
from annanotbob :
Hope all is well with you xxx
from yelnad :
Where have you been? Everything ok?
from harri3tspy :
from harri3tspy :
I love the disclaimer!
from annanotbob :
Sounds promising - hope it goes well xx
from harri3tspy :
Here here. I wish I had some answers for you.
from annanotbob :
Weird habits?? Moi???
from yelnad :
Tag, You're it. Check here for details. Love, Donna
from harri3tspy :
Indiana is one messed up state. I am embarrassed to have been born there.
from harri3tspy :
Good luck in the interview! As for yoga, I don't get Oxygen, but I'm very partial to Yoga Zone videos (I don't think it's on TV anymore, but I'm pretty sure you can still get the videos). I always feel both like I've had a workout and also very relaxed after those shows.
from annanotbob :
Thanks for letting me know - I've emailed Andrew and await a reply. Some people can read it as I've been getting notes. Hope you are well xx
from harri3tspy :
Way to go! That's fantastic news! I hope the job search is going well too.
from annanotbob :
Yay! well done you. Do you remember when we were both writing dissertations in the quiet room at Sussex? Every so often our eyes would meet and we'd go out on the lawn for a smoke and a natter about whatever point we were wrestling with. I always knew you'd be a star...
from bonkrood :
You rock. But you know that.
from annanotbob :
Yeah - we were just so cool then xxx
from bonkrood :
Remember when we went cow tipping and the bull chased us around the field and we tried to jump the fence but my sleeve got caught and you saved me at the last minute from certain doom?
from annanotbob :
Sometimes I just think I love you xxx
from mare-ingenii :
Thank you so much for your sympathy, as well as your support. I will be sure to check out your recommendation... Be well.
from harri3tspy :
from lilmasochist :
I'm really happy that someone that's special enough for you has come along.
from harri3tspy :
Congratulations! I aspire to your soon-to-be-graduated state.
from yelnad :
Hey girl. Miss you.
from annanotbob :
I found your post today very moving and comforting. All the best xx
from bonkrood :
Hey there you. That was really nice reading.
from lilmasochist :
Pay day, right... that's why you left early.
from lilmasochist :
I forgot about the giant pore hole she has now. I had one of those on my arm. It's actually a cyst that once it gets cleared out will remain open forever apparently. So everyone can be creeped out by the weird hole you have in your arm or in her case face. Yay.
from annanotbob :
Have you read the journal 'Harper's'? It's got a great article in the current issue about some of the stuff we've been talking about.
from annanotbob :
Ha ha ha - I made a link!!! I blame you - for shaming me into it! xxx
from annanotbob :
Hiya - can't believe it's only lunchtime for you. I'm home from work and fading fast. Bloody hell, those 'biblically correct' tours. Leave me speechless. It would all be OK if it didn't always seem to come in a package that includes a lot of hatred and judgement and demanding that other people change. Thanks for the namechecks - loads of people are reading me!! Or at least starting to ... they may all click off after a sentence... xx
from missy-17 :
hi, i saw you in annanotbob's list of notes and thought i might say hi, i am gonna check out your diary right now if its not locked!! bye
from annanotbob :
email you where?
from annanotbob :
So what job do you do? How come they're called 'the prof's classes' when you're teaching them? Why aren't they your classes? And loads of other questions, but those are the most pressing right now. I just LOVE your site - you write beautifully and put up great links. I read the one about 'dude' and got all worked up as I started a doctorate in 1990 deconstructing masculinity when there was NOTHING written on it. This made it tricky, as did getting a supervisor and funding and in the end I gave up. And you ranted about Halliburton too... All the best xx
from annanotbob :
I know - I felt like that when I read you - brilliant isn't it? Thanks for putting it on your page though - I got all embarassed and had to walk about a bit, blushing with pleasure and pride...
from annanotbob :
Just found you and I've got to add you - fantastic xx
from yelnad :
i love you :)
from yelnad :
Hugs. I hope you get a new site placement.
from alogglalala :
Where do you find this stuff? That was so funny, it hurt.
from alogglalala :
Good luck finding a new and improved MyinternSite. Sounds like this one isn't providing what you're looking for. What's their motto "unprofessionalism is us"?
from bonkrood :
numbers 2, 5, & 9 are my favorites!
from alogglalala :
Sometimes, I swear you must live in Darwin.
from bonkrood :
try sparkmatch, it's free and a little interesting.
from bonkrood :
Good to see that name turn red!
from alogglalala :
I hate making decisions that will change not only my life (usually for the better) and people around me's lives too. I always feel guilty for upsetting them. Even though I shouldn't. And I really hate the stress that always comes with the inbetween phase. Also, I have to say, I'm suprised that the people you're working with aren't giving you the feedback you've requested. I would have thought that in your particular industry, being upfront, honest and direct would be one of the golden rules of dealing with people. Apparently that only applies to clients, not fellow staff. How rude.
from cinnabar :
saw you listed me as a favorite, and then I realized ... I KNOW YOU! I've missed you.
from yelnad :
HUGS. :)
from lilmasochist :
That bitch stole my idea about greeting cards for people having affairs. I came up with that in 2003. Dammit. I knew there would be a market for it.

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