messages to littleabby:
(click here to add new message):

from toasterboy04 :
hey whats up its dustin, email me [email protected] wanna catch up with ya! later, dustin
from scarydoll :
little abby? Where you at lately? When are you coming back?
from quiet-lovely :
It's fixed. Thanks Abby!
from ontheoutside :
9/15.((((HUGS)))) for my Abby-girl. Call me if you want to talk ok? ~Jodi
from quiet-lovely :
Abby dear, when you update, you might want to let your fans know your password. Love ya, kid.
from keeds :
hey sporty, i read your diary
from comment-anon :
Good luck!!
from benniesans :
none of that came out quite right. sorry i forgot to read what i wrote. fyr white girl.
from benniesans :
be don't think it's true? you don't think your typical per se typical white girl. how old are you. well it doesn't matter actually but still, maybe i meant that you're the all-american girl. and that's only half of an insult. i wouldn't really worry about it. take it as a compliment and an insult. you got an onion and some honey...might be tasty. white girl. heh.
from morticai :
haha, "littleabby" was flashing on that big banner name's abby...known to many as littleabby...nice to meet you!
from raven72d :
Novels... Try Ralph Peters-- more thoughtful than Clancy... And Alan Furst-- superlative spy thrillers... (Also: Mark McGarritty, "A Passing Advantage")
from picassomoon :
Aww what was the big purchase? I used to run a headshop... it was the most fun job I ever had. Anyway, I hope your notes aren't lonely anymore :) ~moon
from littleabby :
my notes are lonely...anyone wanna help me out??
from littleabby :
yeah, i'm not quite sure what's up with the whole holiday tribute in here, but i'm all about it!!! yay!! come join us winter!!! yeah...that's it. that's what the holiday praise is about...bringing on winter! keep the praise a-coming! oh, and the computer thing should be fixed within the next week. no connection is HELL!!
from thenidanced :
hey hey :) this note thing is pretty schpiffy if you ask me :) anywho, get your comp working! let's go! and, yeah...happy holidays and stuff...:)
from fuboowuzzle :
Merry christmas.. happy holidays.. whatever...

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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