messages to littlelloyd:
(click here to add new message):
from b0b0 : |
hey littlelloyd! I am glad you are still around, although you havent updated in like 6 mo so I didnt have you added till I saw ya added me. Thank you. And country music is the begining of the end. Be careful out there. |
from mom-on-roof : |
Dear Lahlittle Lahloyd, I was going to ask who I had to F#*k to get you to visit me, but now I see, it's some chick. Might see ya in a couple years if my husband doesn't straighten up. |
from malthus : |
I feel you on this one man! Financial pain is the worst thing in the world - WAY TO GO!!! By the way, the dance at the end...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? |
from malthus : |
DAMN! I thought sure it was you. No, the authorities wren't notified, we just hid and observed... |
from malthus : |
L2...were you at the Smithsonian on Sunday? Were you in the Museum of Natural History, in the Gem area? Were you really tall, with closely cropped hair and a goatee? We're you wearing a black T-shirt with Asian print? Were you? |
from malthus : |
L2...dude, I work in DC Monday through Friday. My oldest daughter is visiting this weekend and we're going to be in the city a lot. I can totally see it now, "O.k. kids, on your left you can see the Lincoln Memorial and...HOLY CRAP...look kids! Over there - it's the wild Littlelloyd outside his natural habitat! This is unprecedented. Watch out now, he loves kids, but he can never seem to finish a whole one." |
from mom-on-roof : |
Oh Lahloyd for that is how I pronounce your name, you'll be about 5,6 hours from my roof when you make it to Baltimore. You could look in on my Uncle Dick and Aunt Barb, however, if you need to do some stalking in Maryland. |
from sallydallydo : |
All you need is a Red Ryder bb gun to help that sucker take your eye out... If you want an even dozen you need some bait. A bowl of Snickers ought to do it. |
from malthus : |
Dude...Steely Dan ROCKS! I knew I wasn't alone... |
from malthus : |
Just so you know...I like it when you update. You have readers and fans. I'm both. |
from kitchenlogic : |
Dude - You're so dang tall, no one could see that zit unless it was another Giant like you! Why do those things always appear so untimely? Thor had one right between his eyes just in time for his office's Christmas party. Perhaps I should come up with a piece of jewelry to accessorize zits - make them look like they're part of the plan? |
from mom-on-roof : |
Lahloyd, for that is how I pronounce your name, you must, dahhhhling, you must update more often because I need a good laugh, even if it is at your expense. You got a little schmutz there on your face, here, let me get that for ya... |
from virginmary : |
happy thanksgiving (a week and a day late!). i'm thankful for having met you last january in bloody cold wooster. because seriously? you rock. big hug! |
from sallydallydo : |
When my daughter was almost three, she would tell my parents and me about the ghost in their house. We were sitting in the den one night and she looked at the doorway and said "There he is, don't you see him?" That happened lots of times. Enjoy your new buddy, if he didn't like you, you'd be sucked through a closet by evil clown dolls by now and be talking to your wife through a static-y television... |
from sallydallydo : |
We're not all backwater, ya know. ;) Some of us can be QUITE cosmopolitan. And cool. Not to mention, I make some mighty good mashed taters! Day of rest? Phlllllbtt! There is only one hard and fast rule here in the Bible Belt...Thou shalt not mow thy lawn during church service hours. I, for one, can deal with that! Oh yeah, we turned our heat on last night, but right now it's nice enough to have the windows open...thinking of you up in the permafrost. Hee hee |
from sallydallydo : |
THANK YOU, that is one of my all-time favorites, right up there with Gossamer in the Converse high tops and Wile E Coyote in the Acme bat man suit. What a fun way to end an evening. :-D |
from sallydallydo : |
Hey, great photo of you! (3rd one, "arms") Heh heh! Be proud of yourself...I'm working my way up to the, uh, 3-pounders. Quit laughing. |
from sallydallydo : |
Um, no technological electronic mushroom clouds here, but the ear fell off my son's little clay Pikachu he made me in first grade...wanna come fix THAT for me? ;) |
from kitchenlogic : |
In your list of tax write-offs you did not once mention Sebastian Joe's ice cream! There's just gotta be a way! p.s. when is your next sale? |
from sallydallydo : |
Just read your "Arrowmont" were 30 miles from me! I shoulda begun reading you sooner... |
from sallydallydo : |
No pressure. No pressure. But hey, sometimes LIFE is just funny, whether it intends it or not. ;) |
from sallydallydo : |
OK, read a few, and... BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Oh you are just TOO much fun! |
from sallydallydo : |
Well howdy, and THANKS for listing me as a fave! Off to read yours... |
from re-ravel : |
Oh yes- love kayaking- but I only recently got into it and I use the cheapy little touring ones. But I really like it better than canoeing. I mostly go down in West Newton - river area that dumps to the mississippi. But I am always open to new spots- long as its relatively calm as I dont like waves! Not one of those flippin upside down crazy kind of yakkers! Bye- |
from mom-on-roof : |
I'm with you on the nuc-u-lar thing, drives me insane, EXPECIALLY when the President of the United States says itAAARRRGGGGHHH!!! As for that other one, I think it is spelled "heighth". I have one: My husband says "breakthest" when he's talking about eggs and toast. I feel like chucking a brick at his head when he says that. |
from rachelliz : |
Wow...those pots on eBay are nice, but I can't imagine spending that sort of money. Maybe those people appreciate more than I do? So can we find your stuff up on eBay? You could earn gajillion dollars, give or take, or so it seems. |
from mom-on-roof : |
Wow, that is ONE IMPRESSIVE penile extension you got there, LLoyd! |
from re-ravel : |
thank you for the note and taking the survey! sorry it took me so long to re-add you. Bye- |
from kitchenlogic : |
I'm gonna be needing me that recipe for the salad dressing from you. Because of you, I have the bestest produce in the southern Twin Cities. It was Farmer's Market for me today and my kitchen smells amazing! |
from reddirtgirl : |
It wasn't! But I was there, and I filled out a police report. All the kids here at the iSchool are buzzing, wondering who did it. What was your I, Anon about?? |
from b0b0 : |
Hey there! The undy contest has begun. Please stop by to cast your vote! |
from rachelliz : |
How does one go about finding a good (ie not fraudulent) psychic? |
from kitchenlogic : |
Bless you my friend! I'm heading out to the St. Paul Farmer's Market today! I've been a sucker to the Minneapolis one for far too long! Keep your fingers crossed that they have heads of basil bigger than my own! |
from rachelliz : |
I found you via VM. And you just mentioned Catie Curtis and Dar and Ani so I will have to keep reading. |
from b0b0 : |
from you entry I take it you now understand when I said rochester sucks it does, I dont understand , the population is high enough and diverse enough there should be so much more here- anyhoo, bye |
from b0b0 : |
I am sorry I did not get back to you sooner, I have been very busy here. The only thing that comes to mind is an internet cafe that opened up a little while ago. Its on broadway about a block from the Hilton downtown. Sorry, I do not know of anywhere else, this town sucks, good luck. |
from mom-on-roof : |
Hey lloyd! There are COLLOSSAL coincidences pulling your life toward something right now. You should buy a lottery ticket or something. You think I'm kidding, I'm not. I don't buy lottery tickets. But I may play you diary entry number tonite! |
from kitchenlogic : |
Next time you have a pottery sale, will ya let me in on it? I love pottery!!!!! |
from poolagirl : |
You are too funny! And definitely were in your own little world back then. I seem to remember that your grunted most of your answers. You have definitely changed! |
from poolagirl : |
HA HA! I've had fun reading! And truly enjoyed your email! |
from b0b0 : |
good luck at Mayo- I myself am on a simular quest- same thing- in the beginning I lost weight- now the scale is stuck- I thought about buying a new one! I do notice I am changing shape- but the numbers would sure prove I wasnt just imagining it! Good luck with yours! |
from soapboxdiner : |
Untouchable face is an excellent song. Currently, I'm digging the heck out of Nora Jones' What Am I to You. I think I've played it exactly 600 times this week. pretty pretty. |
from poolagirl : |
WOW! Thanks for making me a fave! I am reading through your diary - good stuff! I'll be back! |
from kitchenlogic : |
Just think, all that way to stalk Weetabix when you could easily stalk her at my house...and it's probably a heckuva lot shorter of a drive. AND we have hand.made.pots from when Thor was in junior high school! |
from b0b0 : |
Thank you for the add to your faves. You seem to be very kind from all I have read. I am adding you as well. I like your list- although, number 39 is a bit puzzling. Anyhoo... |
from virginmary : |
you ARE a rockstar! i'm quite impressed, too, that you know how to redo your plumbing stack. (what does that mean, anyway? i hope i never have to do it.) so my beast says "woof" to you and that she hopes she can meet both you and S this summer, if summer ever comes. ta! |
from kitchenlogic : |
It's so nice to see a Native who knows about Gary Paulson and Winterdance, the Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod. Welcome to Diaryland! |
from virginmary : |
so you're saying we *don't* share a brain? how novel! |
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