messages to livesand:
(click here to add new message):

from tater-fay :
Yep, the Netherlands is pretty damn kick ass. I've only been here for 2 days, though..ha ha. Well, Tracy's husband is Dutch and he understands the comparison between Dutch and German. He said a lot of people speak both languages here. I bet the older generation would be more offended, though!!
from haloaskew :
Actually, nope, he didn't have Down's Syndrome. He was probably more "slow" than actually mentally retarded. He was short, medium build, but he had kinda a cute face. The way he talked through his nose was very weird though!
from onedayhero :
I've seen several blogs on blogsspot and it doesn't give me the satisfaction as i'd get from a diaryland. It may be just me. And an option for the photo storage would be photobucket. Ok I admit, it requires a bit more configuration. but still... Diaryland for me. It's just sad that I see many diaryland users changing.
from onedayhero :
So actually what i'm wondering. Why is everyone going to blogspot or another blog site instead of diaryland? i'm rather new here and i'm curious. love, koen
from forty-plus :
You know I want to read about your fish! ~ Yvonne
from tater-fay :
God, I am so sorry to hear about your friend Jim's death. I'm trying to have hope and so is Mom, but ever since Sarah was murdered, well...hope is hard to achieve...actually, it's hard to achieve much of anything. I really hate life sometimes. I hope I won't feel that way forever! Take care and tell Ruth "Hello!" You are both in my thoughts!
from tater-fay :
Oh, please have Ruthie read her notes section on Hobbstweedle..I just wrote something to her in there and am not sure how often she'll be back on!!
from tater-fay :
Thanks, Bruce! I think about you and Ruthie tons. I wonder how she is doing since her dad passed away. Take Care of Each other!
from forty-plus :
Hugs and comforting thoughts to Napkin, you and Ruthie.
from forty-plus :
Welcome home to your brother!
from haloaskew :
Oh my god! I'm so sorry to hear this news. My deepest condolences to you, Ruth and the family.
from forty-plus :
I would not have imagined there were that many types of mussels in one river system. Amazing.
from haloaskew :
Thanks for the info! :)
from forty-plus :
Merry Neolithic Winter Solstice Festival Day to you and Ruthie!
from forty-plus :
So glad Claire is alright!
from forty-plus :
Her nose was almost bitten completely off? That's horrible. What happened to rabbits being cute little cuddly things? And 18 guys are wonderful!
from forty-plus :
Would you please tell Ruthie I got to witness the first two hours of an alpaca's life? I took about a bazillion pictures through my "this is too beautiful" tears.
from forty-plus :
While I am so pleased you and Ruthie made it through the storm safely, I am so sorry about the passing of Snowflake.
from forty-plus :
Awww. Happy Anniversary!
from tater-fay :
Did you guys get my package?
from tater-fay :
Nope, I don't have any of the Nuggets stuff on Cd...I have one of the Back from The Graves, a cool mid-60's Japanese comp, another put out by Sundazed (I think)...etc.
from tater-fay :
Howdy! You and Ruthie rock (the package..WOW!) Anyways, I need to burn you guys some cd's...Today I bought a Pere Ubu you guys like their early stuff? I also bought The Cramps "Bad Music For Bad People" you want copies of these?? Otherwise I have tons of garage/psych comps to records amongst other stuff..let me know!! Ah, to have a job again and spend ALL my money on feels great!
from forty-plus :
Hurray for the rabbit placement, severe boo for the flame chub damage and loss.
from forty-plus :
Happy Easter!
from tater-fay :
I understand the "invasive" part of the honeysuckle bush, but they SMELL SO GOOD (or at least I think they do!)
from forty-plus :
Awesome! Who else has a leech named Leonardo??? Who else has a leech?
from forty-plus :
There was no sympathy in your Northeast statement!
from forty-plus :
I am, most definitely, thinking of your brother.
from tater-fay :
WOW! Thanks for the additional Civil War history..I would have never adds even more the story of Daniel Gallivan. I passed that onto my mom, who would find it interesting. My grandfather was a Civil War History fanatic...I think I slightly inherited some of that from his blood!
from forty-plus :
I talked about you yesterday when at the aquarium with my oldest son. Were your ears burning? It was all good!
from forty-plus :
Sounds like they should call you "Papa Dr. Bruce!"
from forty-plus :
You have SPRING! No fair.
from forty-plus :
Merry Christmas to you, Ruthie, the bunnies and Nigel!
from forty-plus :
Do you have extra jets in the tank to recreate current, or do the regular filters work well enough? I am thinking about setting up another aquarium. Of course, it would not be for scientific purposes, only for my personal oooh, ahhh, purty fishes purpose.
from forty-plus :
I am sure Nigel is one happily cozy boy!
from omnipre5ence :
from tater-fay :
Pink Flag is my fave, though I do like Chair's Missing, as well. They are distinctly different!! Now I'm inspired to break out MY copy of Pink Flag!! Gee, between you and Ruthie, I wonder how many albums/tapes/cds we have that are the same?? You and her have such similar taste in music to me!! We all ROCK!
from forty-plus :
Not talking to one's mother-in-law is not such a bad thing. Not talking to one's mother is not such a bad thing. However, when they say and do something that disrespects our spouse, we are ready to rumble!
from forty-plus :
You continue to prove my theory, you are a great guy.
from forty-plus :
Playing Santa to bunnies on your birthday! How could it get any better than that? I hope you had a wonderful day!
from atomicbuddha :
Happy birthday tomorrow fellow Saggitarian!! May it be merry and full of bunny love!!
from forty-plus :
A typical day in the life of Dr. Bruce! I think I need a nap just reading it.
from forty-plus :
Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and Ruthie! I hope you have wonderful day.
from forty-plus :
I remember Ruthie sharing the story of being on the phone with her friend when the friend had to say hold on and she yelled at her goats to get off the roof of her car. I love that cut-out, it must have taken quite a bit of time to do. Very, very cool.
from forty-plus :
Have a safe journey and best of luck to Ruthie. I am positive this event will be a great success!
from forty-plus :
You NEVER attacked me or disrespected anyone. It's one thing to cheer a team on, especially an underdog, and be excited at the prospect of winning. However, I was out to dinner the other night and Hubby was wearing his Yankees ball cap like he does all the time. We were well hassled by people who felt it was okay to tell us we "suck," among other things! That's not being a fan, that's being a jerk. You, Sir, were never a jerk.
from inkdragon :
Beautiful colonies. Makes me feel kind of bad that I worked so hard to my 75 gallon brackish tank "clean."
from inkdragon :
I believe people bite too, when in pain.
from inkdragon :
The mushroom looks like a throne!
from inkdragon :
Ah, the scientist lead the process to a workable solution. How nice.
from inkdragon :
I'm ready to push every politician off the roof ... front or back, doesn't matter to me!
from inkdragon :
Be safe.
from inkdragon :
"The unexamined life is not worth living." In my humble opinion, this is not felt by the party who is not examining ... they are oblivious!
from inkdragon :
A very happy anniversary to you and Ruth!
from inkdragon :
I'm glad you gave the cheerleader a chance to try again.
from inkdragon :
Raspberry sherbet sounds like a perfect summer dinner!
from inkdragon :
The sperm count facts are scary. Luckily for me, I already got the two I wanted and I named them Oldest and Youngest Sons!
from inkdragon :
I hope the COX-2 inhibitor works for Loki! Spies? It makes sense, terrible sense.
from inkdragon :
Have a wonderful trip with Ruth.
from inkdragon :
My prayers are with Miguel.
from inkdragon :
I hope Loki is alright. I feel my blood pressure go up a million points if I think one of my pets is ill. I wish you and Ruth a wonderful Saturday!
from cccerberus :
thanks for letting me know- i don't know why that's happening. about a week ago i tried to paste my stats onto my template and the blank page thing occurred. i have bad luck with html (rather, I have no knowlege of it) so, presto- i just redid my template. according to other diary readers, that made my page readable. i'll try it again. if that doesn't work within 24 hours, would you please let me know again? i'll write to "help." thank you kindly for your inquiry, blogging onwards through the blank...J
from inkdragon :
Tree Huggers -- UNITE!
from inkdragon :
First of all, good luck with your speaking engagement tonight - I'm sure you'll thrill them! I hope Ruthie is doing well and her project will be completed soon. AND I'm off to Google Paddlefish, I love learning new stuff. Thanks for sharing!
from inkdragon :
Congratulations on the successful trip. Poor Ruthie! I hope she recovers quickly. Sunburns are awful.
from inkdragon :
Happy netting!
from inkdragon :
I, too, am hoping all is okay with Ruth. Take good care of her! :-)
from atomicbuddha :
You are greatly welcome...and thanks for the information...yikes. It's hard to believe anyone as benign and sweet as Ruth could incite such psychotic interaction and accusations! What a weird world sometimes.
from atomicbuddha :
Hey Dr. Bruce, I FINALLY added you to my fave list...I was just lazy but WAS reading!! I hope all is well with Ruthie since she has her diary locked, not probing for info., just concerned.
from inkdragon :
That's a great flower! I think it's funny Biology majors won't step up to give it a sniff. How bad could it be? Rank or not, it's not going to bite!
from inkdragon :
Congratulations on winning the Teaching Excellence Award! Have a great time on your trip.
from inkdragon :
Cooperation and respect. That's a great combination for success.
from tater-fay :
Yellow violets? I'd love to see one! I didn't know they came in yellow!
from ariadne518 :
Hey there, been reading some back-entries; nice to hear from a fellow exploited-laborer! You're fighting the good fight - and writing about it all quite well. Thanks for the note, keep in touch.
from inkdragon :
I hope you can help keep the environment as it should be.
from inkdragon :
Classic! Thanks for sharing.
from inkdragon :
Ruth stepped on a water mocassin and it did not bite her? It probably wanted to just get away! My oldest son just walked in and I asked him your bonus question. He got it! He described the conditions and the soil. I had to ask him why the plants ate bugs and he completed his answer! He's a sophomore in high school and has an eye on teaching.
from inkdragon :
I can't wait to see the photos!
from inkdragon :
The hellbender is awesome! Wish I could have held it.
from cccerberus :
I had an adopted boy from russia with asbergers in my class from when he was age two until he was four. he knew all his letters and could count to 100 when he was two, but was had marked lack of affect when it came to people, even at that age. we did lots of tactile physical therapy and spinning him on a tire swing seemed to really help his frustration. too bad the university program doesn't have someone to assist him and serve as a liason between him and the other students. this is what's usually done in the primary and high schools.
from tater-fay :
thanks for your advice about credit...I have been sending them money every month (even if it's $10.00) except for this month I just can't. I think I'll go to a consumer credit counseling place and see what advice/help they can give me..maybe I can consolidate all my debts into one payment (it'd have to be a really small payment though until I actually get a job!)
from balsam :
You can get those Friday Five questions emailed to you every Friday from I plugged them into my journal but never had a chance to put my answers in. Hafta catch up today!
from inkdragon :
Good luck with the exam process!
from inkdragon :
I can't believe you have Spring already! In Connecticut we'll probably be needing coats until the middle of May.
from inkdragon :
Hey! I don't have a New England accent! Much.
from balsam :
Oh - almost forgot: I think spiders are really beautiful even though they do make me quake a bit. Post some pics of the tarantula sisters sometime!
from balsam :
Wow - you listed me as a favorite? I am really flattered! Thank you! In reference to your entry about Asberger's Syndrome: I am very interested in this disorder and not just because I occasionally accuse my husband of having it! I recently read the book "The Speed of Dark" which is a novel about a very high-functioning autistic man who has to make a choice about undergoing a surgical procedure to essentially bring the socialization areas of his brain up to speed. It's a very interesting book and written by a woman who has an autistic son. Anyway, congratulations on your diary. I look forward to reading it!
from inkdragon :
I have a photo log at This forum has gotten huge and the owners are having a hard time keeping up with the growth, so sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth. I like to take pictures of everything, with animals and spiders as favorite models.
from inkdragon :
You should tell Saladwhore how furry those "little" spiders really are! (After all, she loves her furry bunnies). I loved the two photographs. I really need warm weather to take my self and my camera outdoors.
from saladwhore :
Yeah, what Inky said! Welcome to your own diary, always loved to hear from you on Ruth's and so I've added you to my faves as well. :) I'm totally creeped out by the thought of those tarantulas though. They're not in your HOUSE, are they? *blink* Ruthie is a good, good woman!
from inkdragon :
Welcome! I've enjoyed your guest entries in Ruth's diary and am looking forward to reading more about your work. Congratulations on adopting two tarantulas!

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