messages to lklittle:
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from marredhope :
With hammer and flame I forge my weapons... to create the world as I see fit... I use them to make things as I think that they should be in my life... a pitiful existence it may be, but it is all that I have... We have little choice� bend to the will of others or bend our worlds to our wills... I myself� I am not much into servitude... what of you?
from reallyhuman :
indeed i did know that lewis caroll really was on drugs when he wrote Alice In Wonderland. Although despite the acid type nature of the Disney film, he was actually on Opium. Sorry it took so long to reply.
from marredhope :
How often I must repeat myself... no one dictates my actions to me... I live by the sword and accept that I will die by it as well... my choice in befriending you is of NO concern to anyone but you and I... if anyone else has a problem with that then they need to see their shrink not you� not me... I have no ill intent nor do you� so FUCK THEM... my whole life has been a series of trying to make people understand I am not a monster and I will tolerate it no longer... if my word to them, which I have never broken, is not good enough proof then to hell with them... they choose their path and I choose mine... and you choose yours as well... Fuck salvation, fuck redemption�
from sieric :
well, parents are shlubs anyways.
from whitebunny :
<thx for the note...> I'm glad I wasn't the only one harming barbies. I actually felt bad when I'd dye their hair blue and then cut it really short so they looked like boys. Thinking back, mutilating barbies was fun (I wonder why I felt guilty!)
from xrazorscarsx :
lol..thnks for adding me...that.s not actually me in the pic BUT HE IS HOT! the guy in the pic.s name is can marry him if you want
from sieric :
nobody is non-existant...there are those that accept this existance, and then there those who wish to get out (oh my god, is this the matrix?!?!?)
from lklittle :
wow! i feel special. people actually read my diary. and this whole time i thought i was nonexistant.
from marredhope :
Listen... it is not for you to be heard in this world... and that is ok... no one hears the ones who really need to be heard... but we are nobody... so we do hear one another... and we always get back up... dust ourselves off... and keep going... and do you know why? cuz FUCK THEM, that's why!
from marredhope :
wow... eating a baby's body like a snack... and you are affraid to be commited... wonder why? come on man one of your reasons to live is best taken care of in one of your fears... they have the best drugs at the mental ward... btw sex is not all it is cracked up to be...
from sieric : i am adding a note...thanks for putting me in your favorites. you seem interesting.
from marredhope :
Anger and hate are all that god gave us to survive this hell he created for us as a test to see if we deserve his prize... fuck salvation... fuck redemption...
from lynseysam :
Hi I joined your diary ring , but I spell it Lynsey does it matter?
from losing-hope :
aww hehe, i luv yew 2! just doing a friend a favor! [=
from devouredsoul :
hello Lindsay. I see your name all over diaryland all the time and I was just gonna drop a note to say hi. so uh hi. sorry to bore you with my less than interesting method of introducing myself. HEY YOU LIKE KITTIE...see I love you already. Sadly my name is Brittany I get by with the tag though.
from the29th :
Um. I'm not a guy. But it's neat that we were born on the same day - just 14 years apart. {I think I'm going to cry now.}
from asteroidbelt :
my mom's birthday is on feb 22nd too. but she's exactly thirty years older. good story by me! hahahahaha.
from zfcollision :
-note goes here-heh heh
from tithonus :
No, it doesn't sound gay at all. The two men should marry each other, then it would be gay.
from lklittle :
Hi Lindsey, I see you have problems.... *SHUT UP BRAIN!*
from yourusername :
a note for you, i am the note fairy, hey did someone call my a fairy? I'm all man.

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