messages to lonelyhaven:
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from dangerspouse :
Holy crap - welcome back! Looking forward to seeing what you have to say after all this time. I hope you've been well :)
from aryssa90 :
I just read your entry. I think one of my favorite feelings in the world is when I make a connection with someone. It doesn't happen as often as I'd like. If you find out where to go from here, let me know!
from aryssa90 :
Thank you. That really meant a lot to me. Welcome back :)
from herdarlinsin :
How was your Christmas? How have you been? I haven't spoken to you in a long while. Hope all is well. Miss you.
from herdarlinsin :
:( You locked your doors. I hope all is going well for you though. Miss talking to you.
from my-serenade :
Might I have the key to your mind once, again?
from herdarlinsin :
I like your new update. Its wonderful to see how much you've grown over the years. So much brighter and wiser.
from herdarlinsin :
How are things for you, really?
from atwowaydream :
"My song, my heart, is becoming the background music to a frightening world" --very pretty.
from herdarlinsin :
"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were."
from herdarlinsin :
I got your note. (weeks ago) It's not that I have not wanted to return the favor, life is just... life. Things can go from moderately okay to crazy within seconds. Things are so different now. Much more than I ever thought, or presumed they would be, at this time in my life. A grandmother before 40, dealing with a son leaving/returning from the Marines, the death of my parents, then the death of my childrens' father. (all within its sadenning 6 month span)Its been a heavy heartache since October, of last year. I do think of you (often) and so many of the times that I do, I'm just too damn lazy to get on here and do anything. Anything of importance that might matter. My life is becoming a black hole sinking inside of recalled and forgotten dreams (again) I wonder where I will find myself. I miss you, and I barely know you. Maybe its the thought of you that I'm missing, or the not knowing you part. Either way, it all ends with how I am, and how you're doing. I hope you are fine; considering the love-sadness thing with your "Hunter" Things become what they become in the end. Memories are all we ever have left. Be good, and be safe. Always.
from auj :
Love is funny, ent? Your words don't ring totally true to me yet (in your note). Maybe they will someday in retrospect. But for now, I'm too caught up in this sickening melodrama. I can't wait to have 20/20 again someday and look back with a clear sense of humor and self-assurance in my past actions. Someday I'll be glad I vomited all over this sick relationship and (still in progress) flushed it down with the rest of the dragon-slaying princes on white steeds from my past. Can't wait to wash my hands and say 'lesson learned'. Then I'll look back on your note and thank you again for reminding me about simplicity. Nice entry by the way. Something about THAT resonated with me.
from my-serenade :
in my head, i'm nodding saying of course, that only makes sense. but in my heart, all i hear is that hope isn't reasonable and giving up is where dreams end. i've found a sense of knowing, a sense of self. an overnight understanding like my soul got off its knees and never looked back. and nothing, not a single earthly thing, can touch me up here.
from my-serenade :
and i still, and always will, wonder where you go to pick up our pieces. i'll wonder how you've changed so much to remain entirely unchanged. i can't help but wonder, wonder where you've gone...
from herdarlinsin :
Darling, life is too short to be stressed continually. No, youre not worse. I just feel yourself slipping more and more into that downward spiral. Youre amazing (even if you dont believe a word that comes out of my mouth) just know that its the truth. I miss you. You'll rise above all of this that is bringing you down. You'll see. Momma Chrissy is always right *hugs*
from herdarlinsin :
It's kind of fuuny and sad at the same time, to come here and see that I'm the only one who's ever left you notes here. It makes me feel a little stalkerish. That's not something good lol I just wanted to say hello. I hope you're doing well.
from herdarlinsin :
Did you write Nice Girls? Because its the first time Ive read it, and its awesome.
from herdarlinsin :
thats a beauitful poem. I like it a lot. It reminds me of someone. And how are you these days?
from herdarlinsin :
Such a fiesty lil thing when youre angry. Im glad you wrote about how you felt though, better than holding it in. Just keep your head up babe, things do get better. Hopefully as your week progresses you'll be less stressed and feel better. If you ever need to vent, I'm always here. I'm proud to say that I'm a good listener. Not too sure about advice though, :P. *hugs*
from herdarlinsin :
You need to add me to your profile woman, and you need to add Leticias new diary too. Okay? Okay *smiles* C'mon, smile and be hoppy . Err I meant happy dammit. Happy. There. I feel better now.
from herdarlinsin :
Merry Christmas hon. Chrissy

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