messages to loqsusaheja:
(click here to add new message):

from suhaila :
I hope you're okay too. :)
from suhaila :
Tak tau apsal takde updates kat tempat dia. Busy kot? Or or or...sebab muse dia tak update jugak, hehehe.
from suhaila :
I was browsing through your profile(s) when I stopped short at one userid: moveon. Sekarang saya BARU tahu (the big dense gong that I am)! Terima kasih Ms Bloggerity! :-)
from suhaila :
YESSAH! 'Tis the time to bitch and be sarcastic about people who REFUSE to admit that they're wrong. Padan lar dengan muka dorang.
from kieli :
orang yang tutup blog tu kan?? I kenal gak kan? (kenal di alam cyber ler). Tapi boleh ek tutup terus blog?! sebab tak terima error page not found tapi terus masuk frontpage provider. p/s: kalau salah orang, ampun!
from suhaila :
I echo your sentiments. Personally, I would also love to purchase a brand-new flat. Thanks for taking the time to pen out your thoughts. 8-) I really appreciate it!
from suhaila :
Aisey, you're going where? Selamat maju jaya! Email masih sah tak?
from suhaila :
Speaking of chocolate cake, I've been craving for it too. A few days ago makan a slice at CBTLF tapi lepas makan, macam dah taknak makan lagi. It's not as nice as it looks. Or maybe tekak aku yang dah berubah. Hurhurhur.
from suhaila :
CNY holidays: pergi kursus! Will update radiohijau later.
from kieli :
thanks for the mmu contact. eh.. taste kita in movie samalah. Lepas ni nak try cariklah that Broken Flowers movie.
from kieli :
eh I like you template lah. Tiru ya (dah tiru pun) :)
from kieli :
wow. it is you. Punyalah I dah lama gila meninggalkan alam diary (2 months lama lah kot sebab dolu2 hari2 update kan). Tapi tak tahulah akan rajin balik ke tidak. Tadi sikit lagi rasa nak delete the entry sebab cam tak best tapi what the heck.. biarkan aje lah.
from suhaila :
Oooh Cik Siti, nanti saya buat journal lain khusus untuk awak dan KakLong. Jadi dalam journal tuh saya isi kisah-kisah mengenai Iskandar. Amachiam? Hohohohohoh. Eh tapi serious nie. Your chronicle/book idea somehow gave me the idea to do that. Tapi entah buat, entah tidak.
from suhaila :
Tak dapat comment pun tak apa. Tetap setia membaca. :D
from suhaila :
Thanks Rafthah! Nehi nehi, this year take back my P1 class yang last year tuh. Ahh...hope they're still bully-able. Heheheh. Will update tonight, insya Allah!
from suhaila :
When I become HULK! it's not pretty. Habis my brother kena jolok dengan hockey stick! Harharhar. Tapi nanti siappp! Saya akan stock up lagiiiiii.
from suhaila :
Okay, journal is back up. Dah habis masa menggodeh. Hurhurhur.
from suhaila :
It's half-closed. Aku memang update tapi sengaja tak letak %%entry%% dalam template. Takpe, tak miss banyak. Nanti aku bagi tau bila aku dah godeh-godeh layout.
from suhaila :
Heheh, thanks. How long eh? Let's just say before '07 ends, I hope to be married by then insya Allah. :)
from suhaila :
Fishy eh? Haha, takdelah. I got engaged je.
from suhaila :
Hey thanks babe. Now I'm on a mission to find the Wonka chocs. :D
from suhaila :
Ahahaha, sorry Rafthah! Bukan niat nak kenakan awak, cuma generalisation of that kelompok of people. Sorry eh. :-p Tapi kalau bab nak jadi teacher-blogger tuh, eeee..seram. Kadang-kadang ada swear words dan benda-benda yang explicit, mampos makbapak nak pancung kepala saya nie. Saya tukang ajar anak dorang weiii. Kalau nak amik gambar kena censored muka atau selubung macam hantu pocong, minum Pepsi Twist hahaha.
from nmj :
hari tu, nak tinggal kan notes, benda ni tak up lagi. ingatkan takleh nak bernota-nota dah ngan si rafthah ni. ive yet to see HP4. then again, normal lah ni. btw, would like to say, saya SUKA nama blog baru ni : loqSUSAHEJA..hehe, who gave you that idea? (memang susah eja pun). just in case, i also do this 23moments.blogspot. but you cant buka blogger punya blogs on gprs kan?
from suhaila :
Ah...I heard in some news that the local police nak raid 33 homes of the people who have been downloading and sharing songs illegally. Tapi entah eh, I rarely share nor download. Kalau ye pun, lagu-lagu yang susah nak dapat. Wallahu'alam, but hopefully tak kena tembak dengan dorang. 8-) Amacam lagu tuh?
from suhaila :
Btw, I was kinda disappointed with HP4 jugak. Wanted to see the Quidditch World Cup matches! That was my favourite part in the book seh. Sigh.
from suhaila :
It's a song, a duet actually, by Evergrey. The vocalist dueted with his wife (not a member of the band at all). Tapi sayang, the vox dah kena axe from the band now. I'll email you the song if you like?
from suhaila :
Dey Rafthah, I also want to watch HP! Ouh yeah, and I love this new place of yours. Dark and sleek. But kinda miss your old place also. :-)

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