messages to lou-bee-doo:
(click here to add new message):

from j-quest :
Hey. I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive now. But are any of us (Steph's friends) ever gonna find out what's wrong with her. We've been panicing for five months now with nothing more than "she's ill" to go on. A lil update on the situation would be LOVELY. I'm so sorry to hear uni ent going great. I'm sure you can try and pull things back again xx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh lovely Lou...I'm so sorry things aren't going well for you. I can't think of anything to say that isn't totally pointless and crap about how you're feeling, so instead I just thought I would let you know that there's somebody thinking of you and hoping things start to pick up again soon. You're far too lovely to have bad things happen to you xxx (PS: haddocks are deceptive little minxes, what with their breadcrumbs pretending to be not be hot and then making my finger go red, bloody fish!)
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the happy thoughts! I'm feeling strangely unstressed about exams at the moment, it's quite pleasant (and also a little worrying as my first one's in two days, eep!). Your paragraph on your nose piercing made my stomach turn over at least three times so I hope you're happy, you little minx. And the bats are very cute! xx
from big-bean :
Herro...can you guess who this is? Can you guess?'ll just have to take a peek and see if you can figure it out. :oD
from skinnylizzie :
Good luck for your presentation, I have every faith that you'll rock it :). I'm loving the jeans (where are they from?), and I know I've said this before, but your dog is the shizzle. Seriously, I have to find me a dog as cool as yours, the photos of him make me chuckle a disturbing amount! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
You're welcome! Although I don't think it's a case of getting over yourself, you don't strike me as that sort of person at all :). But anyway, YAY for new things! Everybody has to start somewhere when learning something new. And it'll be CV-licious too! xxxxx
from skinnylizzie :
I've NEVER heard of Wagamama's, but now thanks to you I've been enlightened! As for the starting over thing, I'm not sure I'd want to start over...maybe just have a holiday from all the stupid thoughts and worries? But on that holiday, you forget totally about all of them and that you have to go back to them. Mmm, doesn't it sound good? And finally, you should totally go for all the new things. At least 50% of people can't dance anyway so even if you can't you won't be alone, but the exercise will make you feel great. I always used to worry about not finding anybody I liked in classes and then I thought (rather morbidly), 'if I died tomorrow what could they say about my life? That I did lots of amazing different things, met many people and learnt new skills, or that I wanted to do them but was too scared to?'. Not saying I'm any less of a worrier now, but you should just take the leap and refuse to be worried until just before you get into the room, and when you are in there, who cares what people think?! If it's that bad, leave the class and you'll never see them again. Bugger me, have I shut up yet?! xxxxx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, that note was lovely! I might print it out and pin it to my wall :). I guess we all have hang-ups, right? Mine's just always been my nose! Ever since I was intelligent enough to realise that it was my reflection I saw in a mirror. Ah well, it's not like there's a lot I can do about it! And I'm with you on the evils of myspace. And yet...for some reason I just can't leave the bastarding cunty shack alone...
from cera-jeanne :
Hey - here is the website for that bodyworlds thing if you want to check it out! :) it was pretty interesting & not nearly as gross as it sounds. :)
from skinnylizzie :
Oh you are lovely! I did come here to tell you something else as well, but it escapes me for now. Damn. Must make sure brain is engaged before I start typing anymore notes... xxx
from skinnylizzie :
I had to try that 'how much do you weigh' quiz thing...I weigh about the same as you and yet my 'weight' ended up being something ridiculous - why do they make food so goddamn yummy?! And exercise is so bloody boring. Thank you for your kind note the other day as well; I really do appreciate it xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Aww your notes leave me with warm fuzzy feelings :). I have come to firstly say THANK YOU for all your good luck wishes and yayness about my presentation, and secondly to wish you huge amounts of luck in yours which, if I remember rightly, is taking place around these couple of days! So I hope that goes swimmingly and that you get a big sense of reliefosity afterwards xxx
from skinnylizzie :
20-30 minutes...okay, you win! Thank you for the luck and hugs and things, I return them tenfold to you for your presentation and also just for life in general! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, I'm always leaving notes to myself! I just hope nobody notices before I'd had time to delete them :). I am absolutely definitely not brainy, Classics is far too hard for me! And English looks like a lot more work so I conclude that YOU are in fact the brainy one :D xxx
from lou-bee-doo :
Thank you!!! I love them too! :o) The brown ones are amazing too so I almost died trying to choose. I know you'll understand how it is!! I send you many many hugs and happy thoughts and happy juice to make you HAAAAAA-PPPEEEEEEEEE :o) MWA! lots of love and hugs and shoppering bugs to you x x x
from skinnylizzie :
Boots! I love the boots! And also the disco ball, but that's irrelevant. You left me a lovely note so I shall leave you one in return, and I shall also say that being upset for other people isn't at all selfish, it just shows what a good friend you are. So give yourself a mahoosive pat on the back! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Bonjour Loubee! I haven't left you a note in far too long either so I came here to return the noteage love! Your lovely puppy gets cuter and cuter by the day. In fact, the only thing that could make him any cuter is if you bought him his own mini beanie like your excellent one! Oh, the possibilities! I hope things are going all well and good and groovy where you are and that you've had a fabby weekend :) xxx
from the-moo :
I've come to tell you I miss you again only I'm wishing for stronger words than MISS because I like UBERMISS you... truly truly truly totally madly miss you like MENTALNESS!"!!! *hugs* loveyou xxx
from the-moo :
I miss you!!!! *hugs* xxx
from kate-lee :
Where is the update I'm waiting for? Hm? I'm waiting dammit. Update thine diary. And I shall be contacting you later (rather than incurring wrath by calling at this ungodly hour) to arrange meetage and doing-of-things-age and duckfeedage and baby-cuddlage and all sorts of other stuff. Stuffage. Mwas! xxx
from steffateetee :
*grin grin grin grin!* WHOOOOO LAST DAY... did you get your shirt signed, throw flour and eggs around the place and tell your boss what you really think about them?? If not, you should have done =) love you tooooo... Yay for video making
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for your kind note, my lovely Lou-Bee. I shall give that a go tomorrow when I'm hopefully less sleep-deprived! And whilst it's not nice that other people feel crappy as well, it is kind of comforting to know that you have company in Poo City :) xxx
from steffateetee :
That would be more than amazing, apparently auntie Trisha says it takes YEARS to even recieve the emigration papers. Grrr grrr grrrr. And i could nip up to Quebec to practice my French =) lol. You always look BEAutiful!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, back to uni shopping, how I love it! I've already spent about �200 of my loan in my head, I'm far too excited about plunging myself into even more debt! And thank you for the lovely email with the truly fantabulous Vimrod thingymabob, I love Vimrod as much as I love Edward Monkton (i.e., A LOT) and so I'm still chuckling every time I look at it now! Made my day, it really did xxx (PS: I see my good friend Gaffer has passed through this way...he's a madman. MAD I tell you!)
from gaffor :
Thankyou for the kind message. Glad I cheered up your rainy day a little.
from steffateetee :
Thankieeess louble dooble. I only know about 3 people there now, im so unpopular (cries) hehe. Love you loads and loads. "Barry.. i am your FATHERRRR!!!"
from the-moo :
I'm back I love you I have no energy but I'm here!! I'm home and your random text of love came at one of my lowest points and spurred me into finishing!! *hugs* you've no idea how much it meant to me!!! xxxxxxxxxx
from steffateetee :
Im a bit too addicted to youtube and saw that video about 5 squillion years ago hehe, it does indeed RAWWWWWK! SERIOUSLY.. is it December 15th yet?!?!
from skinnylizzie :
Haha I second that! Oh that note made me chuckle :D xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Ugh universities! I feel your pain! Hey, feel free to take my place this year, I'll let you have my degree and everything ;) xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Ack, I want to be in your happy place! It sounds much better than where I am now! xxx
from steffateetee :
Is it december 15th yet? xx
from steffateetee :
Love you loads, it was really nice talking to you on msn today xx hope you're feeling better sharpish! :D mwah x
from skinnylizzie :
Oh no, I hope you feel better soon, that's a pretty sucky list of symptoms :( xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Aww well done on your uni place! And HUZZAH for leaving work!! xx
from steffateetee :
Hahaa, think ill start doing the text-phone-voice thing aswell? Id prefer to be David Tennant though, standing in front of the mirror all day.. yes please. xxx love xxx
from steffateetee :
Thankies louuuu xxx care to give me �160? *holds a gun to your head* ghee.. thanks =)
from the-moo :
can't watch it but I feel good just knowing you feel good. xxx
from steffateetee :
I love you Louuu, and that note you sent me was so nice... loveyloveylovelove xxx
from the-moo :
looooooooooooooooooove I've been replying to your email for hours ahaha I'm crap but I love you xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Haha thanks for the note, I could DO with a huge glass of wine! Or maybe a vat that I can just stick my head in and glug... Petty thieves are the scum of the earth, I hope they BURN IN HELL (sorry, residual bitterness). And McDonalds breakfasts are soooo good! xx
from the-moo :
I love you work is mental but I am taking time to read your diary and your email before I even start because yes foolish as it is - I value you above my job and you're faaaar more interesting anyway *hugs* love you looooooobeee xxx
from lacatch :
yay for straight hair - wuhoo! i know the feeling of spending time making it look bootiful for the rain to them spoil it - it happens to me far too often but never mind.... yay for straight hair again ;) good luck for interview, perhaps u could ask what typical jobs ppl have after graduating? maybe thats bit of a crap questions but thats all my head can come up with at the moment. x
from the-moo :
aaaaaaaaaaaaaw what a lovely entry.. I have the same problem with people feeling the need to comment.. people look at my life and they think "I wouldn't be satisfied with that" (I do NOT understand why but they do) and then they try to project their opinions onto me and MAKE me understand that my life is bad and I should be miserable... but I LOVE my life I LOVE being me and MY GOD DO I LOVE MY HUSBAND AND FRIENDS AND EVERYTHING!! I'm glad you love Matt I'm glad you're proud of him and I admire you far more for WORKING at your relationship TOGETHER than I admire anyone who just isaperfectcoupleandneverargues!! You RULE and I LOVE YOU!! *hugs* xxx
from the-moo :
bluuuuuue loooooo I saw you talking alone with a nice dog blah blah blah I give up but you get the idea!! loooove you xxx
from the-moo :
I got your text about enjoying teaching and just pressumed my phone had hidden it yesterday hahaha *hugs* I love you funny girl hope you don't feel too much like you lost a day tohugh I hate it when that happens I look forward to the vids I'm going to come onto msn now see if you're about xxxxx
from steffateetee :
^^^^ YAY FOR HUGS ^^^^^ (Takes on the challenge of the stupiestnote) du du deeee du, deluu de-due duleeuloulouuue WOW wowwweooooweee oooow eeeee ooooow (guess the theme tune and you will win, at life) Safari indeedy... wait can i not. meh. Errmmm, yeah.. think i have totally won on the aforementioned award thingie. =) much of the love and shizzlybizzlywizzly. (dont think ill be able to say stuff like that when im 16 so im making the most of it) and i shall be off...
from lou-bee-doo :
from steffateetee :
In one word... snap. In two words... bloody snap. In three words... really, bloody snap. In fou-- i guess you get the picture.
from leesmry :
awwwwwww I'm all hugged out...Thanks sweetie!!!!! Your enrtry took me to a very happy place imagining coffee, and bagels and snow and sun...and then I may have added 'The Hoff' just to bring about that perfect finishing touch. Would you like to partake of a bit of 'The Hoff'?
from the-moo :
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lets just up and leave.. yeah? xxx
from the-moo :
aaaaaw just skanking about online and was reading some of Kates backentries and found this comment about you: "Heather's middle name is my best friend's name. She's an amazing woman who I couldn't live without. I'm as close to her as I am to Alex and I don't know what I'd do without her. There's no possibility that we will ever not be friends." just so you know... that made me feel all teary I love you both and I love your friendship *SQUISHES ALL AROUND* xxx
from the-moo :
I missed you today but it was nice to find the memails at yahoo waiting for me!! *hugs* xxx
from the-moo :
THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!! *hug* the image of you singing HIS songs... made me cry though hahaha but in a good way! I'm glad he had you in his life and I'm even MORE glad to have you in mine!! I love you xxx
from steffateetee :
Hahaha, it's alriggghtt, i cant upload the ones off my phone (unless i use photobucket on the laptop) because my mp3 is being "no". eeeeeeeeeek taking fletchy to the lakey would be acey!!! Should i delete the pics off that memory card now?
from the-moo :
*HUGS* xxx
from steffateetee :
Hi Lou, thought i would say heloooo, hope you are having a good day =) love you lots xxx stephie
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, thanks for your note, made me chuckle like a mad chuckling fool! And I agree, glotter sounds like some depraved kind of substance (although that might just be my odd brain making that up!). Ooh and your hair looks nice straight! Not that it doesn't look nice any other way, but you know what I mean :) xxx
from the-moo :
IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou I am emailing you but I just wanted you to know I read this!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Well hello there! I've liked your Canada photos, I had a quick flick-through last week and they were very pretty :). I'm sorry to hear about your granddad, have a totally unsatisfying HUG from someone who thinks you rock. And your bite your thumb comment made me laugh A LOT, I may well have to start using that one... xxx
from leesmry :
Hey sweetie-pea. Moo told me about your grandad. That's so sad. I wish I could do something to make it better. I can send you a squeeze and a virtual cup of magic tea *drops in 2 sugars and hands it to you with a biscuit* biiiiig hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
from steffateetee :
Helooooo.. how is my lovley sister? And i am coming to seee you on fridayyyy. Have to meet somewhere were i cant get chatted up by randomers again. God, scaryness. Love xxx
from leesmry :
Hello sweetie *flashes a big chhesy grin* I would be the most happy person alive if I was loved with all of somebodys shoes!!!! I love the world too, isn't it great really...I mean there are loo-bee-doo's in this world and that makes it a great place to be! xxxx
from the-moo :
I love you - you know that! I'm here - you know that too! you're fabulous - I'm not sure you do know that... BUT I DO!!! *hugs* xxx
from the-moo :
SO glad you're back... haven't been in touch because I was waiting for you to get home and get settled buy my oh my how I have missed you xxxxxxxxx
from leesmry :
Loooobeeeedooooobedooooo Hiya! the holiday sounds fab but the vids wouldn't work so I couldn't see them! Have a hug! ta daaa! xxxxxxxx
from the-moo :
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK yaaaaaaaaay I had to watch them with no sound because I'm at work but as SOON as I get home I will hear them and I will die from the squeeeeeeee!! *hugs* xxx
from the-moo :
so so so so so glad you're enjoying yourself and I LOVE the photos!! don't be home sick everything you left will still be here when you get back... only it'll be grateful (yes the whole of england I mean) to haev you home safely!! I love you xxx
from the-moo :
I just got some POST FROM YOU!!! GAreth brought it to work on his way away overnight so that I could see it because with it having a birmingham thingy on he guessed it might be you and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW I love it all so so so so so so so very much but I can't send yours now until you get back or it will end up stuck in the post office so I'll wait until you get back and I'll add to it in the meantime thank you so so so so much I love you TOOOOONS I realy do!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Aww Alton Towers, I haven't been there in YEARS! You've rekindled my love for the place, I haven't been since they built Air and I've always wanted to go on it. Anyway, I came to say that I hope you (and Steph!) have an absolutely fantabulous time in Canada, and also I think I may have just accidentally added you as a contact on Flickr (I didn't realise I was signed in, doh)...I hope that's okay! xxx
from steffateetee :
You are in the house.. and im note-ing you. How cool am I???
from steffateetee :
I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to it, can you believe we are actually going to smegging CANADA? golly gossshie.. love you more than you'll ever know miss loubelouuu xxxxxxx
from j-quest :
Angel Delight - Good for the soul. Bad for the hips. xxxxx
from steffateetee :
You do realise i love you more than life itself? .. and chocolate.. and heath... andronaldo (before he turned into a James Blunt and kicked us out of the world cup *literally*) MWAH MWAH MWAH... A WEEK AND A DAY... A WEEK AND A DAY.... A WEEK AND A SMEGGING DAY... ONE WEEK.... ONE DAY.... YAY
from the-moo :
I LOVE YOU (full stop) xxx
from the-moo :
If you want someone to explore it with I'm here!! My GRandma was my best friend and I think I was probably closer to her than any of her own children ever were you NEED to allow yourself to be sad not just sad gutted devestated you KNOW how you feel about it you just won't let yourself - you're mean to yourself loubeedoo!! *hugs* I love you and I think you should get on a train at lunch time and come and live with me!! I HATE my arms for not being long enough to reach you today :( lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove xxx
from the-moo :
Looooouuuuuuubeeeeee!! you can't even BEGIN to imagine how much I'm missing you at work at the moment... everything else that goes on here I can handle but NOT HAVING YOU TO TALK TO has made a massive sad empty hole in my day and I MISS YOU LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!! makes it worse that I know you're having similar problems to me the SWINES shall I come and flatten them and kneecap them and just generally make their lives miserable for you? GRRRRRR AT HER STUPID *SWEARSWEARSWEAR* anyway.... I love you I love that there was a huge big dose of LOULOVE in entry form waiting for me because although you wrote it a few days ago now it makes me FEEL like I spoke to you today!! I LOVE YOU LOU I LOVE YOU LOTS! xxx we must msn and stuff so we can talk about the matt stuff and the you stuff and just have a nice chat!! MOVE HERE!!!! xxx
from steffateetee :
Hi wonderful sistttteerrrr, hows your week been? I love you, you know. More than ever. XX
from the-moo :
None of your words are scrappy bits of crap I love each one of them I apriciate the time it takes you to get them up here and I LOVE you for everything you are as well as everything you do *hugs* I'm sorry that you're cross and he's upset you GRRRRRR thank you for your text today ILOVEYOUSIXANDSEVEN!!! xxx
from the-moo :
*is worried now* are you ok? I am going to go online and look for you but if I don't find you feel free to memail me!!! *huuugs* xxx
from steffateetee :
hey lou, although you're coming tomorrow i just wanted to see how you are and leave you a note on here. Love you loads and loads xxxxxxx stephie xxxxxx
from the-moo :
sorry I haven't emailed today it's been MENTAL here but my day has gone REALLY fast because of it!! LOVE YOU LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVES xxx
from the-moo :
from skinnylizzie :
Wow, it really is a small world! I thought you lived nearer to Birmingham than that (I realise it is still quite close...but I am a muppet of epic proportions). Twas a vair nice part of the country, judging from the bits I saw from the motorway and when I wasn't passed out in bed! xx
from steffateetee :
damn it
from steffateetee :
from steffateetee :
rebellious steph is at large again..schooling it up like a pro. Love you xsteph x
from steffateetee :
Well i must be a seriously bad judge of character because i think you're totally amazing and not any of the things you said you are. xxx Love you loads and we should blatently just run away together to the hills. XXX steph x
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, thank you! And I'm sure Laura would thank you if I could pin her down to tell her (the drinking started early today). I only hope our letting agents don't notice the radiator hanging off the wall... xx
from the-moo :
I love how much you and your sister love each other it's just about the cutest thing in the UNIVERSE!! also.. I love you and I hope you got my emails I shall send you some more (to the hotmail on of course) xxx
from steffateetee :
You are a truely amazing sister and i think seeing you not as regularly as we used to has made me see this. I apreciate the time we do spend together more and miss you loads.I know this whole note is far too (nearly typed fart) cliche but thats what i do best. Love you loads and loads (bucket and shit loads.. maybe a bucket of shit loads?) mwaah x x
from the-moo :
missing you already....really badly terribly missing you!! xxx
from steffateetee :
Yer it was really ace the other day when we all met up, it was even better that due to you being there xxxx Love you shit loads xxx ... dildo ahem
from leesmry :
I'm really sorry but I just HAVE to do this. It goes through my head every time I see your name on the screen. "loo-be-do-be do, where are you, we've got some things to do now"....(incase you're confused its the scooby doo theme...I'm not sure the words are right though. I just couldn't help myself...sorry big hugs enjoy your day at work xx
from the-moo :
ILOVEYOU who is rosey can we know more about her now??? now? how about now? who is it? Iloveyousomemore email me your address please lovely one!!! OR ELSE I WILL SEND IT TO YOUR WORK HAHAHAHAHA :-p xxx
from steffateetee :
did you get my text?
from steffateetee :
It's late.. im tired.. that note didnt make sense... ''sorry if i annoyed the hell out of YOU'' god i hate my lack of typing skills :)
from steffateetee :
Thanks for the meal tonight it was really nice spending time with you, sorry if i got a bit excited like usual and annoyed the hell out of me.. surely you're used to me by now?!? lol Love you shit loads, x x x x xsteph x x x x
from lacatch :
Hi. Well done for applying for a masters - half of me wants to do the same, but unlike you i havent got a clue what in... i just want to be a student again. thanks for your msg you left ages ago. :)
from steffateetee :
Heya lovely sister, I am at school... WHAT A REBEL eh? Love you loads, cant wait to see you soon x Mwahz
from skinnylizzie :
Woo for applying for the masters! And YAY for more impending studentdom!! I went to see an ice hockey match once, and spent the whole time cowering in my seat because I had visions of the puck leaving the ice and breaking my over-large nose like that episode of Friends...hmm, random note, sorry about that! xx
from the-moo :
*hugs* I'm emailing you but it's always nice to have notes too xxx
from the-moo :
can't watch the videos BUT.... that C4sex thing on the car... is it just me or does he have a newcastle united thing on it too?? haha it was me shhhhh! lovleoveloveloveloves xxx
from the-moo :
I LOVE YOU - I missed you so much it's not right really though.. missed you DISGUSTING AMOUNTS! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
from steffateetee :
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, I leave stuff out...can't say I make it fluffier, but I definitely leave stuff out, paranoia is a terrible thing! Anyway, I came here to say that I liked your healthy Pot Noodle idea very muchly and shall be sampling it very soon, it's ingenious :). And all the chefs I used to work with refuse to cook anything when they're at home, they only do beans on toast apparently. I was really disappointed when they told me that xxx
from steffateetee :
Thankies, I love him way too much. Did you and mom have a good evening? x x
from leesmry :
awww what a lovely happy entry!I'm excited for you. Go girly :-) hug
from j-quest :
Heeey. Stephs on about meeting up for lunch with you during the holidays.. Would be cool to meet you! Hope you're up for that. xx
from the-moo :
I'm glad you love Enola!! I do too!! it's all one massive love fest! xxx
from kellbelle :
Thanks for the comment! I don't think I've EVER done taht well ever in my life at anything :)
from j-quest :
Hey. Thanks for all your notes, only just got round to reading them cause Steph was all like..stalking me haha. Thanks for the email. Made me laugh soo much, loving this whole bread shizz. STOP THE ABUSE. Will be speaking to you on MSN alot I am sure. xxx
from the-moo :
from steffateetee :
Hahaha... but then i would have no-where to sleep.. maybe the road may be comfortable? Thanks about the glasses.. �10, thought it wasnt that bad eh? loveessss youuuu, have you killed adam yet?
from steffateetee :
YAAAYYYY.. can we sacrifice him? Maybe eat some of his brain to make us more clever? He has to be bad at something!!! God its annoying x x loves you, sorry i didnt reply to the text but it was raining, and i totally forgot x x lol what an excuse ''it was raining''
from steffateetee :
Helooooooo, thankyou for cheering me up the other day, I can only officially be REALLY mental Steph around you because you join in too! Spongie-pen saw first handed the shitness of Kingsley today, he told me he doent want to go again and have his feathers pulled by Adam Taylor DAMN HIM! Loves youuu x x x Stephie x
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, go the you for your performance review (my, you get a note AND a rhyme! Impressive considering I was out last night and my brain still hasn't woken up!). And Canada...sigh...can I join you?
from leesmry :
7am???? work???? *dies at thought* it would take more than a coffee to zap my brain into action. Anyway...just saying hiya! and dropping off a hug. *drops hug* There! xxxxxxxx
from the-moo :
You can't possibly know how much I love you - you CAN'T know.. because there are no words for a creepyinternetlove so huge!!! now I shall go back to my email and continue our daily ramblings... do you even know how wodnerful it makes my day to have a Kate and a Lou in my machine... just there all the way through the day (well most of the way dirty skiver that you are) every thing is so much easier and happier when I have you two to share it with"!!!! *brain twin noise* xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Oooooh, I like your new shower rack thingy! We need one here, that's so shiny and NEAT! And trust me, your bathroom is a palace compared to ours here, some idiot didn't use bathroom paint in it so it's gone all damp and peeling off...mmm for scabby bathrooms! (oh, and don't forget our resident woodlouse herd)
from steffateetee :
Thanks for the *SHAAAATT AATTT* ... wierd sort of common accent going on there, i will see you in under an hour so god knows why i am typig this. Love you x x
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, I LURVE your new trainers! They're so groovy (as are your socks!). And you really are very incredibly pretty, oh the jealousy!
from the-moo :
You should TOTALLY post the picture so we can all call it names!!! hahahaah *hugs* I emaield you about this not sure if you got it - I love you xxx
from leesmry :
Okay so I just did some reading. Some of the stuff you said in the last entry...oh my goodness...if you could read the paper diaries that I wrote a year ago...I could match it probably word for word. I don't have counselling now but I did for about 3 years and I know EXACTLY how you feel. Its horrible sticking yourself under a magnifying glass and feeling yourself burning away. It leaves you drained and all the little pieces, those, 'dropped stitches' all up in the air, floating about in no assemblance of order. Somehow falls into place, eventually.You just don't see it happen as it happens so slowly but one day you look back and see just how different things are. Keep plugging away. If there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask. xxxxx
from leesmry :
Hi there :-). How exciting someone new to talk to ....and a very lovely lovely someone at that. I haven't had time to read your diary properly yet but I really want to do some gettin to know the loo bee! I don't know why you were a sad loo bee yet but have some cheery hugs * cheery cheery hug hug hug* Leesmry xxxxxxxxxx
from the-moo :
hey there stupidly early rising one... just dropping by with a HUG sack full o' love for you!!!! oooooh!! love!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Ramble away, my lovely! If writing helps you then abuse your diary as much as is necessary. Oh, and I'm loving the new template!
from steffateetee :
weeeeeeeeeeee eeeeekkkkkkkk and OMG OMG OMG DONT MOVE OMG OMG OMG... thats what the wheel will make you do!! its pretty ace, like you!! x x x mwaaahhhsss x x
from the-moo :
LOVES the new template and of course... Loves you!! xxx
from steffateetee :
lols... ace isnt it hahaha. We were mostly talking about the emo song. lol.. mom and i are looking up hotels in London for tomorrow GRRR ITS CONFUSING xxxx luff ye x love you ''sieve'' loads too
from steffateetee :
I'tssss okkkaaay about the prezzies x x you deserve them.. i have the bestest present each and every day.. you as my sister! x x
from steffateetee :
I could have bought 3 of those pens with the money i spent on that darrrrnnneeeddd card haha, im messing, glad you liked the fwufffyness.. haha people are beeping at the round-a-bout.. BEEEEEP, MEEEEPPP, SQUEEEEKK... yeah thats how its sounds in my head anyway... im writing loads cuz im doing my diary and am in a tippppytapppy moooood.. grrr ill stop, RARR LONGEST NOTE EVER!!! love youuuu x x x x
from the-moo :
WOOHOO I sent my little sis that card on her birthday and for some reason everyone buys me those pens (I currently have 6) AND I take lots of pics of myself in an attempt to get a good one ANd I LOVE YOU xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from steffateetee :
Oh lou-be-do-be-do-be-dooooo uploadeth the picturrreeessss of your birrrffffddeeeyyy haha. Hope you had a great day after you left us x x love you shizzzzzles loads x x x mwwaaah
from the-moo :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE PEA!! I've been unable to get online for days now and I have to be quick since I'm at work and being watched blatently!! MUCHLOVE THOUGH LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE we should talk soon on msn or email or something!! stupid families making trouble stupid death STUPID STUPID STUPIDNESS! I LOVE YOU xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh no, did I miss your birthday? Bloody lack of internet keeping me out of the loop! Hope you had a great day, can't wait to see the pictures :) xxx
from steffateetee :
from skinnylizzie :
ACK, okay, I know I'm 4 days late but I've been separated from the internet since last week, I just had to tell you that I love you even more for also having love for le beautiful, beautiful equine :)
from steffateetee :
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... that should have worked!! Love you loads x x hope you had a good evening x
from steffateetee :
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts"></a>
from steffateetee :
x x Thankyou Lou.. i think all the same of youx x Hope everything went well for you and stuff, love you way more x hope people are treating you right, ****ste rasta *ahem* :D mwah mwah x xx
from the-moo :
something to bare in mind.. the first few sessions may make you feel weird odd maybe even a little wrose but that's just because it means you're sometimes bringing to the forefront stuff you've not let yourself admit that you need to deal with if you get my drift... shorter version of this note would be.. STICK WITH IT!! *huge* loves xxx
from steffateetee :
Hello you x x It wasnt your internet connection.. i put the 'balloon bopping' video on there using youtube or something... but it was all blurry and kept skipping so i deleted it. lol x x (managed to drag myself off the sofa lol)
from steffateetee :
Hello you x x It wasnt your internet connection.. i put the 'balloon bopping' video on there using youtube or something... but it was all blurry and kept skipping so i deleted it. lol x x (managed to drag myself off the sofa lol)
from the-moo :
aw how cute is your dad!! and yaaaaaaay there's Kate!! you should totally post more pics - ones with you in RIGHT now do it do it do it!! xxxxxxx
from steffateetee :
lou-be-do-be-do-be-do... I saw you refresh your page a second ago so knew Id catch you.. battery ran out before i could reply, but thanks for the lovely text xxx love you shit loads like xxxxxxxx
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, okay, possibly a stupid question time - does getting a tattoo hurt? I mean, I'm not sure I could do it (huge phobia of needles and...well, most sharp pointy things that inflict pain!), but I'm still insanely curious, hehe :)
from kellbelle :
Sounds like you had a great weekend! On the baby thing... there is NEVER a good time LOL Trust me on that one. Even when you think you're ready, you're not. :)
from steffateetee :
Its okies lovely you ... ''...people that forget about thier guinea pigs in the garage'' like OUCH hehehehe :D NAH IM KIDDING X love you xx x x dinner sounds gooood xxx
from steffateetee :
You didnt tell me that pic would be on your diary- ack the evilness!!! xx love you muchly xx
from skinnylizzie :
Ack, your dog is beyond cute! I wonder where I could get one that cute? I saw a Labrador puppy yesterday and for a brief, mad moment considered dognapping it, but I don't think that even I'm that cruel. But it was amazingly adorable...
from the-moo :
maybe it's because your own loveliness has infected you as it has me and cheered up your whole universe?? LOVE YOU TONS so glad to hear you happy!! xxx
from kate-lee :
YAY!!! Happy Lou-Bee. I do a dance in celebration and in honour of your happiness. And lunch tomorrow sounds very civilised. Most unlike us. xxx
from steffateetee :
ello yew... random note-leaving is fun!... can you tell im ment to be writing an essay... meh. MWAAHS, Come and see me, i need a lou hug. x x x oo what you got mom for sunday.. OoOo i still owe you �2 hmmm *stops writing notes*
from skinnylizzie :
Oooh, you know where you should go for some quality fish and chips? Hmm, somebody told me I talk about le beautiful Grimsby and fish far too often. They may well be right. And I'm sure I had something else to say as well but it's gone, this is happening a disturbing amount at the moment...okay, worst note EVER, I'm off!
from kate-lee :
Totally inappropriate to say anything meaningful in here, so I shall just say (((HUGS))), send you an email and possibly even phone you too. xxx
from kellbelle :
Sounds like you need some kind of break. I hope you find some sanity and peace soon. I know how it is to forget the easiest things and feel like your head will explode at the drop of a hat because of your emotions. Just find some time alone and take some deep breaths and try to sort things out without anyone around to influence you. Hugs.
from the-moo :
come and work for me - where I am the whole building smells of mens toilets!! yum!! *hugs* I love you you know.. a lot I do!!! love! xxx
from j-quest :
Why thank you. I am also inking a skull into my skin for the rest of my life. Mines gonna have a bow =]. While trying to find this lovely little comment box i discovered, you like Robert Rankin. *squee* I'm even subscribed to the Brentford Mercury =] x
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, I wish I could take credit for the Womb of Doom...oh no wait, I will anyway! Ooh, I know what I meant to ask you - is it you I can see on my MSN contact list right now with the tagline 'I'm not emo...I have something in my eye'? I feel vair stupid for asking seeing as I made up my mind a long time ago it was you, but I'm still going to anyway! (ooh, I'm on Appear Offline, I'm not just antisocial and blocking everybody on my list)
from steffateetee :
Don't worry about it Lou, i watched that 8 out of 10 cats and was quite surprised someone even mentioned a bassoon. Then that little goit had to open his mouth... Jimmy (the only reason i am on telly is cuz i prolongue my jokes like Chander off Friends... could I BE any less funny?) Carr. ''Would someone shut that fucking bassoonist up?'' ... ''Would someone smack that-'' I am a layyyddeee i shall not repeat what i shouted. . Anyway i have had my rant and im off to bed xxx see you tomoz x
from the-moo :
hehehehe thank you for the lovely survey answers my loveypooopeedoo I do that same thing when I fill out surveys on that stupid thing at the end with this was a fun survey etc hahahahaha and then I mock myself *evil brain twin* I LOVED your answers I really did I want to make a mini you and cary it with me in my pocket... also... LUBEY is another way to spel your name and it's what Gareth thought I was calling you... as in... ample LUBRICATION :O how rude!! I love you though!! a LOT!! xxx
from the-moo :
I don't mean like ACTUALLY backwards though you know? I mean this note was the last one I wrote but it's at the top so you'll read it first and... yeah why am I still talking? AH LUUUURVE LOOBYLOO (so put another comment in the notes bit baby) AH LUUUURVE LOOBYLOO doo de dooo de dooo yeah.. I do!! xxx
from the-moo :
ooh also.. WHY did I give you my unreliable address that doesn't always work... try [email protected] imstead! LOVES *still singing* - also you have to read these notes backwards because they are stupid and won't make sense otherwise!! ha xxxxxx
from the-moo :
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... close to you... doo doo dooo dee doo doo doo whyyyyyyyy close to you - now I've got it stuck in my head DAMMIT I am holding you entirely responsible!! *sings uncontrolably* LOVE YOU xxx
from the-moo :
aaw no answers only more questions: why are you so damn funny even when you're ragey? Why are you so adorably sweet that I want to pop? Why don't you live nearer so I can pop around to your house wearing silly clothes to make you laugh, why don't you email me on [email protected] and unload some rage? why don't you also send me your address so I can send you hand made (badly) post to brighten your day a little teeny bit? and finally... why do birds suddenly appear.... every time... you are near... just like me they long to be.. close to LOU!! feel better soon lovely *huuuugs* xxx
from kellbelle :
You don't sound f'ed up to me honey. Just sounds like you are questioning a lot of things and that... I hate to tell you... is a normal reaction to times of questioning.
from kellbelle :
SpongeBob rocks :) I'll have to get some sponge undies like Moo has cow undies. Hmmm not nearly as exciting, but who can live up to Moo anyhow? Nice reading you. I"ll be back.
from steffateetee :
Awww, people like me... im happy now!! x xx I am finally apreciated yay! haha
from the-moo :
*attempts to catch hugs and kisses to keep as lovely pets while firing off a million more for you to play with also* HI *falls over exhausted* I had something to say but I've forgotten because I was distracted by the cute note from your sister!! AAAAAAAAAAW xxx
from steffateetee :
WOW!!! Yay you are the more bestest sister in the world... that so doesnt make sense but never mind xxxx love you more than chocolate.. and quiche as it appears. Maybe chocolate on quiche *trails off in a food related daze* LOVE YOU XX xx XX
from the-moo :
I totally HOARD notebooks.. no but really I do I LOVE them in a stupidly overly excitable manner!! we should photograph all of our notebooks and make entries to show how sad we are!! maybe we'll only show each other though *huuuugs* I want you to live here you are such a oerfect combination of thigns that makes you my new friend you and kate lee come and live here and join my chosen family group of friends and we shall be a super group of sillies and lovelies and all shall be good!! xxx
from the-moo :
wheeeeeeee it's you!!!!!! that story sounds just like something that would happen to me so I hope you'll forgive me for finding it immensely amusing!! it is vile but still.. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA they're the best holidays don't you think?? you always have a better time in AWFUL circumstances!! or I do!! *huuugs* xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, you're so pretty! You also look just like somebody I know (good thing, honest. Incidentally, her name is Louisa...). I am liking the photo-filled entries, so the broadband gets a big cheesy thumbs-up from moi :)
from kate-lee :
"Gold! Always believe in your soul...You�ve got the power to know - You�re indestructable Always believe in...because you are Gold!!" But your piccified entry isn't working! Alas! *crying and grinding teeth* xxx
from the-moo :
really though I think maybe I was split into three parts at birth and you and kate-lee and I.. are like seperated triplets.. except you two clearly got all the good bits... lets swap now yes? It's my turn to be cool intelligent and witty *creepyinternetlove* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from skinnylizzie :
Oooh ooh ooh, if you don't want to pay for Gold you can use or to upload pictures. But I have heard a vicious rumour that there are many joyous advantages to being a Goldy person, so hmm. And YAY for broadband! I only wish my laptop of doom would keep up with my broadband and not keep cancelling out the whole point of broadband, stupid thing
from kate-lee :
THAT IS A VERY BAD WORD, YOUNG LADY!! I am shocked and appalled at your filthy language. Wash your mouth out with soap immediately. xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Ach, I bet it was chavs, I hate chavs. There should be a mass culling of them, and we should all be allowed to poke them with really pointy sticks. I HATE them! And I am enraged on your behalf, of course. Yeah, I really wish I hadn't found that stupid advert online because I keep randomly breaking out into 'thou shall have a fishy' and following it up with 'via GRIMSBEH'. My God, I really have lost it now, I think it was this note that pushed me over the edge...I worry about myself sometimes! :D
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the best wishes and happy thoughts, they were much appreciated! :)
from the-moo :
I'm quite worried we pu random "n" s at the start of words especially nindividula and ninternet and such and we say yerbugger a lot and I love catherine tate AND... I totally didn't know that TOm Baker was the voice now because I've had no credit for aso long!! I am very pleased to have you on my list lovely one!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Hurrah, you're back! And I too like that song (but don't tell anyone, I have to keep up this ultra cool veneer of mystery I've got going on...)
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, change does suck a fairly huge amount until, until it's actually happened. It's like being bitten on the bum by a big dog with sharp teeth (erm, I imagine, anyway), and then realising that it's not as bad as you think...good God. I'm going to stop writing now. The Sims 2 rocks my socks, it's a good job I haven't got it here at uni with me or I'd never get any work done, hehe :)
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, I could've sworn I left you another note the other day...I really hope I didn't accidentally leave that note for somebody else, I've already got a bad reputation around here for being an idiot... Anyway, yes. Postman Pat having a kid (meaning he had to do the rudey-dudey, which is just SHOCKING) has put a giant stain on my childhood, le sob. And Boobahs, don't even get me started on them!
from lou-bee-doo :
I can add to my own notes! How sad! :o) it's the little things that keep me insane...
from kate-lee :
NOTE #2!! Yippee!!! I believe it is a writer thing and you are not mental. No siree Bob you're not. Much. xx
from skinnylizzie :
Your diary puts mine to SHAME. I've just spent the past half an hour reading it instead of revising and it was a far more enjoyable use of my time! And now I am going to go and favourite you (does that make sense? I really hope it does so I don't sound supremely odd)

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