messages to lpelias:
(click here to add new message):

from sassers :
I hope it lasts for you too, L.
from sassers :
You have everything you need. It's great to have DP bennies.
from sassers :
Yay for you and writing. The colleges shall be forced to hear your roar.
from sassers :
Happy Baby Boy DevNKev!
from sassers :
I'm happy you sound happy. Sorry the work day got you down.
from sassers :
RIP, CoffeeMachine. You shall be missed.
from sassers :
Happy middle of Passover. I'm glad your weekend went well.
from sassers :
Magoo misses you too.
from cdghost :
came across your words and enjoyed reading them
from sassers :
Chloe was a good doggie and she knew that you loved her a lot a lot. Sorry you had a sad start to the day.
from sassers :
You look super cute! Do NOT cute your hair.
from sassers :
Martha's tag line is "It's a good thing" and she says it about everything! I think she would think us talking was a good thing, like a freshly arranged bouquet of flowers.
from albygocougs :
i say return those blasted apricots. that is, assuming they are in sealed packaging and not just in a baggy like harvest co-op does their dried fruits.
from sassers :
Hi. Where are the photos of me? I am wearing a spider ring. SpOoKy!!!
from albygocougs :
omg! the club passim gig would be outstanding!!! you'd be my hero! plus, me and db would harass you until you let us play our own gig there... hehehehe.
from albygocougs :
omg, if we are roommies ever, and w/ db, we can all jam together!!!
from albygocougs :
um, db is gone this weekend too. me and you, we gotta hang out. my bank account is dwindling and i need to make the money too. i dont necessarily suggest we do the money making together... but perhaps we will inspire each other.
from albygocougs :
magoo is a good kid and i cant see how a good kid like magoo could be so darn threatening to another cat. apparently sowin has some serious personal issues to work through. oh... and you're funny!
from gumphood :
That win by the Sox was amazing. I rushed out onto the street...but I was the first one there. Strange being the first one. I just sat their like a kid in the candy store. I am very happy.

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