messages to luckeme:
(click here to add new message):

from jwinokur :
email me directly and I'll let you know about getting my new album even though it's not out yet! - Justin
from jwinokur :
Sorry it took so long to reply to your note on my Diaryland page. My friend Lori didn't plan her own memorial, but her friends and family put it together for her after she died. (Although, I dream of planning my own memorial before my death! It'll be the best party, ever!) Hope you're well. I just got back from Sweden again. Jet lag 9000.
from jt76 :
Well, I guess that just begs the question! So what TWO different breeds would I be if you were to go by the two different aspects of our relationship? Hope you're doing OK and recovering nicely!
from bebelua :
aw, you're so very sweet. i wasn't at all bothered by your anonymous comment. i guess i'm just bitchy about people who are patronizing and rude and yet choose to stay anonymous. but if you wanna love on me without leaving a name, i'm fine with that! ha. guess i'm kind of a jerk like that.
from jt76 :
Woohoo! Woohoo! Perhaps now there will finally be some common sense and rational behavior in our Gub'ment!
from impetuousme :
hey, thanks for the link to GIMPShop. I downloaded it this morning and have been drawing/editing away. It's ever so much better than anything I already had, so thank YOU very much. If you were just a little closer, I'd kiss you right on the mouth. ---Sam
from jt76 :
tee hee hee
from nicim :
I continue my journey at Kisses.. N
from dragprincess :
i'm TRYING to get you on myspace -- not working. can you try and add me?
from after- :
from somstar :
Best of luck to you! I have an interview too tomorrow!
from somstar :
I need to be recruited.
from clownmom :
from marysensei :
hang in there!
from clownmom :
I have nothing to say about all the crap your'e going through so, he's a fortune cookie for ya! "Good news will come to you from far away." Luv Ya, Clownmom
from sopretty :
hey,just a heads up but if I were you,i'd lock your diary ASAP. people have gotten into a lot of trouble over talking their jobs online. just to cover you butt a bit,even though what happened sucks majorly.
from marysensei :
[email protected]
from marysensei :
missed you too!!
from marysensei :
Psst, it's Marebear78. I've moved to this diary. It's locked, but leave me an email address, and I'll send you the info
from dadeeli :
Your comments link for each entry is missing for some reason.... Anyways, I'm still on vacation, but I just had to let you know that I've been thinking about you and I hope everything goes ok with your job. I know you're in a stressful position right now, with all the job crap AND the house signing coming up. Hang in there, ok? You've been through a lot, but soon, very soon, things will be right where you want, and need, them to be. Take care!!
from jt76 :
back at ya, punk-ass
from somstar :
I wish I was able to update at work.
from kylieee :
how can anyone not still love chris carrabba? especially someone who touched his butt?
from clownmom :
:) Happy for you :)
from clownmom :
How is your back?
from clownmom :
What the hell are you doing now? I need to catch up!
from lettynow :
Thank you for your note..
from jt76 :
It wasn't her- it was her son Riley. :-P
from dadeeli :
Be careful out there. Its snowing like crazy here, too. They've had "winter storm warnings" all evening through 6 am. Crazy. I hate winter.
from dadeeli :
Haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well. Try not to work too hard, or you'll wear yourself thin. Just thought I'd drop a note to let you know I was thinking about you. Take care.
from dadeeli :
I'm so glad you're still so excited about getting married! Like I've been saying, you defintely deserve to be happy. Thanks for the comment you left the other day on my journal. Hope all the second shifts haven't been killing you.
from somstar :
flea markets always have cheaper ones, my sister found a super nic eone for 400 bens, it's a peavy something or other, I think? But it was pretty ^^
from clownmom :
XOXOXOXOXOXO :):):):):):)
from dadeeli :
Hey there. Missed you there for a while without any updates. I'm so sorry to hear you've been working so much lately. But, its worth it, right? Working now will help you pay for that beautiful wedding you want, right? Hang in there.
from dadeeli :
You've probably already posted this and told me, but I forgot... have you guys picked a date yet? Tom and I just set ours last night.. October 21, 2006!
from clownmom :
i don't know what that is either but tell us when you find out?????
from sopretty :
ben folds-loosing lisa. its actually a sad song.haha.
from dadeeli :
Just stopping by to say hello. And...I have some big news to tell you!! You're not the only one planning a wedding! Tom finally decided that we deserve better than all of this and proposed to me! Yay!!
from clownmom :
congrats on your job and the wedding!Now if only your back was better! I think about you often,i'm sorry for your horrible pain!
from grandbeach :
I just read your note at savecraig and you SOOO could have the wedding kid free, except yours. I served at a wedding where only the wedding party's kid's were there (very small wedding party too). They set up a corner with sleeping bags, pillows, etc for the kids when they got tired so the parents in the wedding party wouldn't have to leave early. I thought it was a cute idea. Good luck with the wedding plans!
from dadeeli :
I'm happy you're happy. You deserve to be happy! Thank you for all the supportive comments you've been leaving for me. You have no idea how much they've meant to me and have helped me get through all of the hard times. Hopefully things are starting to look up for one of us!
from sopretty :
psh.that is silly. if you lived here,you would go for free.they would even pay for your gas and possibly PAY you for going to school. illinois is big on that stuff.
from sopretty :
being a nail tech can be really fun. you should apply for lots of grants through the state. that is the ONLY way i went to cosmetology school. granted,i was broke from drivng 60 every day,the grants did help.
from clownmom :
Aren't Grandparents way better than parents?
from star-cross-d :
people should care! .. but people are mostly morons so sometimes it cant be helped. but i hope you have a happy eloping and honeymoon! MUCH LOve
from andipants :
seeing the debt we accumulated as a result of our wedding, i often as myself if it wouldn't have been better to just elope. you wind up married either way. people do care, though, i promise. maybe not the moms but people do.
from star-cross-d :
i need to point out that i care. alot. i await wedding updates and to be married bliss and all that stuff.. and i am happy for you. but i know thats not the point.. but stil.. some stranger out in canada cares.. if it helps
from clownmom :
I love your haircut.That picture of you with a big old smile,that's cool! Your sydney is adorable but, you new that!
from dadeeli :
Good luck tomorrow...hope your test goes well. Hopefully it'll help to find a way for you to not be in so much pain. Sydney is adorable!!
from sopretty :
don't feel bad...i watched most of it too:). dude,i liked the girl who the super short hair,but mercedes was totally adorable! and shandi-bitch crazy!
from dadeeli :
Wow! Thats big news! Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys! I'm glad to hear that you two are doing so well and are so happy together. What else is up with you, you don't update as often as you used to...
from impetuousme :
congratulations - CONGRATULATIONS...!!! yeah for you, and yeah for him... big times ahead... best of luck.... --Sam
from dadeeli :
Congratulations! Thats so great, after everything you've been through. I wish you nothing but happiness!!
from andipants :
happy birthday!!
from krazieespy :
please let me have the password.. ndrungirl at hotmail dot com.. thanks :)
from somstar :
lol why?
from krazieespy :
OMG welcome back... I am so excited to get caught up on your diary again... I didnt even know you had this one :\ cant wait!! I added you as a fav of course :)
from sopretty :
hahah yep! I hate green days new cd. its annoys me to no end.
from somstar :
You are beautiful no matter what they say! Words won't bring you down! 'Cuz you are beautiful in every single way!
from somstar :
LMAO. I'd rather be in bed any day over working! It's just in my nature ;o)
from namastesakhi :
i'm a big fan of lame :)
from nicim :
thank you for adding me to your faves list! Keep in touch!!
from nicim :
thank you for adding me to your faves list! Keep in touch!!
from crazy4muffin :
Hey you, I saw in my email that you left a comment on one of my older entries. I believe it was the craft project over my bed? The six squares of slendid blue glitter? How did i do it? Copious amounts of glitter, glue, and cheap canvas from Hobby Lobby. And it helps if you get a little looped for inspiration. Lately I have been experiencing another "vision" in my head. It involves shades of auburn and red glitter on a huge canvas. God help me. Stayed tuned for the madness.
from crazy4muffin :
I was reading your recent entries in re the dick head justice system ya'll got going on out in Michigan. Daily testing for alcohol? The hell? On a DUI committed in 2001? I wish I could tell you it was better out here in our courts. I am subject to this type of idiocy on a daily basis in my court. Judges show up whenever it is convenient, justice is doled out in an inconsistent manner, etc. I will give you the benefit of my experience. When it comes to probation officers, if you pay all your fines and court costs up front, they will leave you alone. Sadly, it all becomes a money game. I have seen petty criminals thrown in jail becuase they couldn't pay their fees, yet armed robbers that paid theirs off up front were left alone. Even when they were committing new offenses. Hmmm. Ironic, eh?
from impetuousme :
well hey, thanks for that comment. makes me feel so GOOD when someone responds in such a nice way. So, THANK you. Also, I considered posting or writing you, asking if you meant to put your phone number on that post, but decided in the end that you probably changed one of the digits at least or something. At any rate, I'm sure I've put things I never intened on my site. So, please don't feel stupid. We'e ALL stupid for writing these things anyway. And, while I'm here, let me just say, I am SO relieved that your fiance didn't have to go to jail over that DWI. I know how that shit can get. So, anyway, good luck and YOU have a good weekend, no matter what i wrote on that page of mine today.
from jwinokur :
yo. I got your message. Email me directly at justin at justinwinokur dot com. It would be nice to catch up!
from jt76 :
For starters- what makes you think I hated you? I figured you just hated me. Second, what the hell is going on in your life?! I read over your entries yesterday, and it seems like a hurricane moved through over the past 6 months.
from jt76 :
Hello again ;-)
from forever-dork :
I totally LOVE your diary layout! (yes, i am completly aware that I wrote that sounding like a fricken emo happy 'prep'... :) sorry!)
from f-i-n :
from impetuousme :
hey, thanks for linking me... and I'll be checking out YOURS as well... Sam
from marebear78 :
That is so sweet:) I am going to start a new diary on this site when I leave (around Oct 6) under the name of "marysensei," but I'll alert everyone via notes before I discontinue Marebear78.
from marebear78 :
Thanks, girl! It helps that all my peeps are backing me up on this!

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