messages to lv-rndrdwrds:
(click here to add new message):

from wombaby :
Hmm, who are you, how did you come across my diary. Please excuse the paranoia, but may I have a pw for yours first? [email protected]
from cdghost :
and what about death?
from bluperspex :
all locked up and no-where to go.
from candoor :
response to an old note or comment, perhaps?... dunno, but hugs :)
from moretoknow :
from bluperspex :
and people say drugs are bad. pfff.
from bluperspex :
see mee.
from ender-w :
from lv-rndrdwrds : ~ Making the world a safe place for hackers since 1978.
from lv-rndrdwrds :
Put this on my wish list : ... check out
from candoor :
by jove, I think you've got it :)
from bluperspex :
and so then you can dance and i'll sit over here and drink my hot chocolate. and mmm? to the rest of that?
from lv-rndrdwrds :
my pw is 174901, & if you know the rite you'll imprint my text (box) in its soul.
from bluperspex :
i mailed you. a while ago. then again. you. probably saw.
from moretoknow :
But that picture has no art. It's nicely framed and a cute idea -- but there's no talent. I like the tv on the edge of the lake, or the flowers which I overexposed a little with green light.
from bluperspex :
in this life... i've always wanted to run away. to any place, really. only... i had no-one to run with. with any luck the next life will either bring such love i won't want to run or it'll bring a person i'll want to run with.
from bluperspex :
karen. knew a couple of karens. once. in a past life. have one of those lately?
from lv-rndrdwrds :
from candoor :
Merry Happy New Year and hope for your best year ever in 2006 :)
from moretoknow :
This one's terrific. In a fleeting moment, slammed down on the keyboard, not perfect sort of way. Write the simple beautifully. Nunc scio quit sit amor.
from bluperspex :
because we were all special once. and, boy, were there smiles and silly laughter. and to know... it will happen again...
from candoor :
lol to the previous note and I ad, yes, and then to leave great notes to taunt us back here and still not tell, it's a plot! :)
from moretoknow :
You're not allowed to lock and not tell. That's super against rules. Makes us all think something juicy is in there.
from x-october-x :
It's nice to see that someone reads and appreciates my flattered you'd say that you fell in love with it and nothing else in the room but my words mattered in comparison, i took it upon myself to check out your diary, and i think that you're an amazing writer. Thanks for dropping the note, it made me smile
from moretoknow :
You as well. I'm a contact freak so I'm available a lot (and online always, just not always AT the monitor...crt...lcd...whatever). The big flatscreened thing that puts out images. Yes I'd be willing to help you with html. Yes I'd be willing to talk more to such a person who labels me as "you." (god I love that). None the less you can tell the partiality is getting better (nouns AND adjectives AND pronouns!).
from moretoknow :
I've been partials as of late. Part sentences. Part words. Part feelings. Whole nothing. So forgive the misgivings and ignore the failures -- I used to be. That's just it...I used to be. Where I am is not where I was and who I am is not who I was and what I'm doing is not what I do. I'm scrunched eyebrows and pursed lips. Always.
from moretoknow :
I am in love with words. And I am teased by words. And I am a sucker for a teaser or an unkown. "you." What does is mean, is it good, bad, neither, or just plain random? Either way I sat down and read all of the entries (pouting as I wanted more). For now it'll suffice but I want to find you a nicer look and more than that to get to know why and how (in every relative aspect of you). I suppose.
from candoor :
the letting go, the holding on, none of it is wasted if you make something of it, learn something from it... if there is a path back to try again, dare to take it... if there is no path back, then create a new path toward a new life, love, and pursuit for happiness... along the way, listen and play and never think the music wasted :)
from alwaysinhim :
I don't have any spefic tools really.. I just studied other people's html codes they used for their pages and then adapted what I liked to do my own thing.. so feel free to look at the code for my page and see how to use it. (That and going a google search on CSS coding will help)
from bluperspex :
am i to be forever banned... nose pressed against the glass, looking in, face reflecting off the two-way glass?

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