messages to madamfafa:
(click here to add new message):

from idunnone1 :
Hello, I'm back, where are you? Which side of the planet are you currently on?
from cacophic :
lavatories ARE awfully amusing :)
from shadow-box :
I apologise if I inadvertantly insulted you, I didn't know you were a Leo. I've had issues with Leo's for many years. They all seem to like me, but they drive me nuts!!! But goddamn are they hot and fuckable, and the hole arrogance thing is sexy as hell...just you Leo's can be rude lil shits, and brutally honest in inappropriate situations. But Leo's are usually good in bed, when they're not being selfish. I could rant about Tauruses too, if you'd like? I'm an asshole, I'm a Capricorn Asshole, and I know it. And just for the record, I do put the toilet seat down!
from shadow-box :
Having a dick is sooo not easy! It gets excited all the time, and if you've got anything over 5in it is visable excitement! So I try to wear briefs, which kinda hold the lil boy down, so he can't stand upright. Then there's the peeing, sure we guys can pretty much go anywhere, but there's a special urinal etiquette, that I believe must be instinctual, cause no one ever told me what to do. You don't look at your neighbor, and if there's room, take the next stall over. Stand as close as possible without your wrists touching the edges, and don't leave a puddle in front of the urinal. The next guy won't step in it, or clean it up; instead he will stand farther away from the urinal, thereby increasing the chances of more puddling. And the next guy will have to stand even farther back, until they're all maintaining a brilliant golden arc of pee several feet across the bathroom! Bah, I need to go catch a bus...
from golfwidow :
"Dinsdale!" is actually a British reference - it is from Monty Python and was shouted by an imaginary hedgehog named Spiny Norman. The hedgehog/porcupiny-looking creature on your page was what triggered it in my head. You will find that very weird things trigger other very weird things in my head.
from shadow-box :
oh, dear I spoke too soon, I just noticed you added me to your reads list. Thank you, I'm tired, I need food inorder to think stuff...later days
from shadow-box :
Ok, I don't really want to fuck you. I hope that didn't offend you. I'm such a foot-eater sometimes... The purple flower is beautiful, so is the brownish cat. And why do you know hot guys wearing glasses? Can I post the hot geek boy drinking wine on my porn site? I promise I won't without your permission.
from golfwidow2 :
from golfwidow :
If you don't have kidney-shaped kidneys, do the pool manufacturers go out of business?
from shadow-box :
I want to fuck your words. "emerald fingers" made me cream my willy. So you're a portal now? Do you throw stuff in, y'know just cause you're bored? You could vaccum that your blouse, crawl allover the carpet until it's sucked dry. I love the crazy people dating site, I'm crazy too, but not as serious as they need. Crazy people are more interesting anyways. Personally, I think the spirits of great historical figures have nothing better to do than possess the bodies of mental patients. I need a cat. He shall let me rub his belly, and shall forever be named Rufus Sir Rupert. Because I liked the cat in Rescuers, and Merlin had a magical talking horse named Sir Rupert. It's 2:15am, do you know where your sleep pixies are?
from rubyfuss :
Oh, oops! Didn't mean to embarrass you! You're right--I did put a link in there. I guess google hadn't caught up with my entries yet when I searched for it. (I'm pretty vanilla but I read the hell out of what everyone else is doing! It's so interesting!) :-)
from rubyfuss :
I'm not sure which furries link you're talking about in your note to me? I'm not one, though I'm not judgemental towards what anyone does either. It's funny too, because I've read a lot about the furries and plushies--I think it's really interesting, so I figured I'd probably wrote about them somewhere on my site and went looking but I haven't. Anyway, just wanted to clear up any confusion. Even if it's just my own! Have a great weekend! (weird---just noticed that my links page isn't working!) -Jenn
from rubyfuss :
Love your diary! Dig your style. I saw your ad and clicked on through and was pleasantly surprised. The pole-dancing / family heirloom breaking scenario--one should never keep one's heirlooms near one's trollop pole, so it's clearly not your fault. ;-)
from stealmypurse :
Thanks for the note. What a wonderful way to come back from vacation. Hey the only thing that could make this diaryland experience better is if the site would actually let me update my diary this time. Ahah. Sorry, that was a random rant in the wrong direction. Keep in touch and keep reading if you find something exciting. Toodles. Ahna.
from stealmypurse :
Finally, someone as random as myself. You are a most excellent find. Hip hip hip replacement it's exciting finding a funny diary among the clutter of angsty ones. Oh Pea and S: I happen to be a teenager, but I do not bounce. In fact I have acquired quite a funny limp during my eighteen years here. Keep in touch. I am adding you. Toodles. Ahna.
from idunnone1 :
So you are just hanging out and not working, huh? You lazy bum, just kidding...What I wouldn't give to hang out too...Also, I love love love wine...mmmmm...I've tried some imported Austrailian wine but I like the really sweet stuff, if you find any let me know and I'll see if I can find some here in the states! Have fun, also, I don't think ants like cinnamon either. And once when we couldn't get rid of ours either I just gave up and fed them. I'd put a soggy,sugar coated marshmallow right by the spot on the floor where they came into the dining room. That way they didn't have to walk all they way to the kitchen and tire themselves our climbing up the cabinets. But that ended after Emily began crawling and tried to eat the marshmallow.:)
from charlie32 :
When pain in my life over powers me with its brutality or when I feel so disconnect in a room with people who believe in me I too find myself on the Adaman Islands....It is with me to this is my "perfect" escape. "OUR" CAMP CAMP is the essence and the soul and my perfect escape with the Adamans the ultimate backdrop to the LOVE that YOU, L, Natalie and I will forever LIVE. Madamfafa to have you, ( and your beautiful "A"), here in Melbourne gives me such a sense of completion. You are the remaining friendship that connects me to a time in my life which was guided by magic and lived, lived, lived, lived, and I, WE, shined, shined, shined. Thank you to the Universe for allowing you to be close to me again...I am truely blessed. AND thank you to YOU and A for being such treasured gifts in my life. End of the mush mush for I will certainly vommitt. Madamfafa I hope you are surprised and when you less expect know I will be there. Time for bed for I am tired from that cock ramming shag I had last night and the post morning reflective wank. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Goodnight babe. XXXXOOOOO to you and A.
from idunnone1 :
Hello, me again. So where in the world are you living now? Australia? Wha? Or did I completely mis-read something, which is possible... Any-hoo good grief, and you're still packing! I'm sending you good packing karma--->there it is!
from idunnone1 :
Where have you been? Perhaps said fat person squished you right into a crack in the seat? Or are you doctoring a festering tooth problem again? Just kidding, hope all is well and there are no bad reasons for you not updating!

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