messages to madfuzzyme:
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from wolfpack2099 :
I found your diary through Skip (aka suit-of-meat). Thanks for a fun read!
from explodingboy :
Gracias mucho por su nota buena. Hace una cierta hora ahora. �C�mo su muchacho potted va? usted realmente debe ponerse al d�a pronto anima explodingboy.
from worthlessl :
thanks hun, I live far away but u can come visit any time, just bring me sum champagne^_^
from ahwell :
you are an adult.... can you talk to your doc about a minor surgery??
from monkey-king :
Dear God. Blink 182 made atticus shirts? Christ on a stick.
from ahwell :
bummer your brother is going to iraq, but do post and let the rest of us know what is really going on.....
from gumphood :
I love your monster fight. Just wasted like 20 minutes with that bad boy. Thanks for stopping by.
from ghostofgor :
I am sorry for the poor kitty. And I dont believe anyone has located the url as I am not digging through 580+ entries to find it. Maybe a new kitty?
from ahwell :
bummer.... sorry.....
from ghostofgor :
sniiped. Sort of like spaying. Raising animals might be a sub for kids, minus the diapers, and puke. Me commenting on this isnt always a good thing. Ive lost a baby. One I wanted. Im not a anti abortion person, nor pro choice. But maybe you will change your mind as your body begins to crave a little more than a pet can give. Time does change everything. best regards. GOG
from gumphood :
N!? Oh man. You're the sin to my cos.
from gumphood :
Well its diffrent for girls. You guys can't get arrested for it. hahaha kidding. Nice ta meet ya.
from almostnormal :
According to my mother, the fairy cut off little bunny foo foos head. Well, she put it this way "Then the good fairy came down and said 'Little Bunny Foo Foo you won't stop, so now I have to lop off your head'" You have to work it to make it fit the tune, but she did. It was a good "Don't hurt animals" kind of song. (or it was just twisted)
from ahwell :
i doubt any doctor would remove your ovaries, and if they did, you would definitely need hormones. if they "tie your tubes" you wont need hormones, and you will still get your period..
from jenniam :
was that sarcastic?
from jenniam :
lol But then I couldn't see the pirate ships if the blinds are down and closed (if they are open the sun gets through!)
from epipie :
Yeah, I saw an ad for Franz Ferdinand in the Orlando Weekly. Sadly, I'm reeeally broke, so I have to pass up stuff like that.
from epipie :
Hard rock concertos? What's that?
from his-holiness :
God Damn It! Don't be biting nipples off! Argh...
from his-holiness :
Kinky sex? No. It's 3:20 in the morning. The Dr. has to be in the lab today. She crashed out hours ago. I'm the resident insomniac.
from candoor :
it's a small world after all? (feel free to moan :)
from jenniam :
thanks for stopping by :)
from czarandom :
I would have to agree with your "5 popular things" list, but I don't think I'd put it quite that way... you are a fascinating case-study
from themarassa :
I'm more sad for my four year old's sake, but yeah, hamsters aren't the errr... hardiest of pets. Next time, it's going to be a rat. ********* Anyways, I was all aghast that you had a dead bird in your freezer, then realized that I have a chicken in mine. Oy. ********* Thank you muchly for the note, as it led me back to the pleasure of reading you. Mind terribly if I add you?
from almostnormal :
I have tried in the past to ambush hug her when she's all up on daddy, but she glares at me. I know I'm the adult, and I know eventually we'll get through this...but this is the only place I can vent...and show her when she's 40 how much she owes me (KIDDING!)
from thalakos84 :
I enjoy your descriptive writing, especially involving gore......Love, �
from thalakos84 :
I'm confused. I leave notes for strangers, but never has a stranger left one for me. Thank you. You have immediately piqued my interest. As for my entries, do you mean to say that I don't update regularly, or that my mood fluctuates a lot? As for why I post, I can't really say. I left a lot of big things that have bene happening to me lately out of my diary. I So, if you'd like to keep in correspondence, just keep sending me notes. Or MSN is Dementia ([email protected]) Thank you again kind sir/maiden, �
from ahwell :
intimacy isnt always disgusting.... sometimes it can be very enjoyable!
from almostnormal :
yeah, you're gonna tell me jellyfish had more than one album...oh...wait...well thanks for reminding me of two great bands two posts in a row!
from czarandom :
keep in mind, I can't e-mail you back until you actually e-mail me. I don't have your adderss.
from czarandom :
madfuzzyme said: "hey, would you mind exchanging e-mails? i would love to hear some of you premonitions. i understand completely about wishing you were crazy so you could fight yourself. but when others tell you it's ok, normal even, then the fear that what you are will persist is a greater fear than what you are already. i've cut off that part of myself that glows at night, that sees what others don't. atleast to a certain severity, since i can't cut that part of myself completely off without feeling forlorn. do you accept what you are or fight it due to the fear of the known and future elightenment? yeah, i understand." .................. Since everything happened, I have encountered ideas and concepts that mirror my own insanity. These ideas have come from some rather varied sources: Story Waters, Alan Watts, Leibniz, David Hume, James Redfield, Milan Kundera, Lao Tze, Socrates, Plato, and I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting. I've also talked about this with my father. He has a masters degree in philosophy and one in religious education, both from the Catholic Church. That discussion with him brought me to an understanding of why it is that people tend to say that experiences like we've had are considered somewhat normal, even though they are quite arguably not. The reason is that 'normal' people do actually have a sense of what we experience and in their minds, such thoughts are merely subdued. The reason it seems so abnormal, and this may or may not apply to you, is that instead of just experiencing such things as a passing thought, we experience the moving and often times disturbing feelings that are associated. I would suggest that you don't cut that part of you off because it is in fact you and you really can't, nor should you, deny who or what you are. Instead, learn to mitigate the experience only so much as is necessary for you function, in other words, relish the experience. Of course I can't say that I totally accept what I am, that's something that I think everyone always struggles with at least to some extent, but I think I can say that I'm lightyears closer than I was even a few months ago. My thinking is: accept it now, understand it later.
from czarandom :
memory. There's more to understanding what I mean by that than is immediately apparent. Definitely e-mail me, there's a link on my page. I've already added you to my buddy list, so I suppose we'll be talking soon. IM: czarandom
from apathyascend :
Dude. My uterus is killing me right now. Pangs of death. A nightmarish Orwellian dystopia set inside of my reproductive system. How would one laugh with no central nervous system? I've been told I smile as if I had no central nervous system. I'm not quite sure what that would look like. I think I'm quite fond of it, so not having one wouldn't be that super. Dreams about demons always bug me out. I've had quite a few of these, especially when I was reading all of the necronomicon junk, just to be 'well-rounded' in pointless literature.
from czarandom :
Your dream brings back some rather vivid memories of mine, not dreams, MEMORIES! Thanks for the interesting read.
from czarandom :
it's a non- sequitur at best, but if you liked the latest blog, read 050327_91.html
from apathyascend :
Word life, to the 'haven't convinced myself I'm not a dyke' comment. I like the male type people, but I tend to look at females more often. Confusion=very yes. I dunno. I'd like to think my obsession with Jenny McCarthy for the past 5 years is nothing more than... well... I don't know what I'd like to think it is. But fuck, she's so amazingly amazing. But fuck! Butt fuck. Now I'm in the mood for pancakes.
from his-holiness :
We ethical egoists do need to stick together. Abe Lincoln was one of the great ethical egoists, arguing the selfishness of virtue (as opposed to Rand's "virtue of selfishness"), to the point of near absurdity. Seems one day he was having this very argument while travelling with a cohort in a carriage, when they spied a sow whose piglets were trapped in a river. Abe immediately signalled to the driver that he must stop, then leapt out, scaled down the bank and rescued the piglets back to their mother. He then returned to the cariiage and said, "Don't you see? If I hadn't done that, I would never have been able to live with myself."
from apathyascend :
Yeah, so, I found your journal. I'm nosey. Very nosey. You were whining about no one tagging up your notes, so I decided to sign based on the sole reason that your entry subject included 'Paranoid Android' in it, and <3 Radiohead <3. I haven't read your previous entries in-depth, and I am completley unsure whether you're a male or female, but that just adds to the mystique. Good ol' androgynous Pat! Mmmmm....
from ahwell :
no im not over him, and i dont want to be.. i dont think. he will always be in my heart, no matter what happens. but there is more of a distance now than there was before. summer does that... but like i said, i can use this time to build our friendship, which is really more important to me than anything else. he listens when im down, and advises me when i ask. that means a lot.
from ahwell :
honey im ALWAYS wondering what his intentions really are...
from element3fold :
thanks for the link. :) i've been to a few of his lectures, and he definitely lectures straight from the text, including pics from the book. he's normally a high school bio teacher, so he's not as tricky as some of these other college profs. i hate it when they're tricky...
from ghostofgor :
Im leaning towards babies.
from monkey-king :
Thanks for the kool-aid tip, but as my parents knew people involved with Jim Jones, I tend to stay away from that drink. In my more wild youth days, my friend did the kool aid thing, then passed out outside from 100-proof schnapps and ants ate his face clean off. True story! Thanks for the add, by-the-by.
from horror-rocky :
Really? Frisbee is a sport? Wowee!
from madfuzzyme :
well... toh... is that not using someone? on top of ignoring the reasons behind my wanting a pet? man, would i feel the whore. a happy whore, but a whore nonetheless. ya know, i recently participated in a blood drive in my area, and out of approx. 1,000 people, 300 had HIV... so i don't quite feel like taking my chances. but hey, if i can get a clean one and drop my inhibitions, i might end up killing them during the ride. and that's an illegal no-no. 54: you are most welcome, though i have to say your last 2 entries were good ones. you can take that however you like. aren't all your readers using you anyways for a good time?
from nightmare54 :
I'm excited that you are using me for my list. It is the first time in my life I was used by a woman for anything. Thank you! Now I know how the all of my ex-girls felt.
from truthorhappy :
So what's wrong with becoming a complete dom, finding yourself a complete sub, and screwing the living daylights out of them so make yourself feel euphoric??
from element3fold :
chastities are a good way to protect oneself and a good way to hide from the world
from element3fold :
it is more that the person who was most central to my life there is gone for awhile...he will return (or at least that's his plan) but it has been my experience that those who leave for extended periods of time, such as two months, come back very different and want little to do with me. although sometimes they just come back different. i hope it will be the latter and not the former, but you never can tell.
from ghostofgor :
Hmmm, consent is often "implied" in certain instances. Dry humping the soon to be in-law could be construed as bad, but then again......o_o I dont know where Im going with this. But girlie types playing in bed is hot. EVen if its just petting. Rawr.
from explodingboy :
hi Madfuzzyme. Thankyou for the kind profile entry and Welcome to the explodingboy diaries. cheers ebstar.
from truthorhappy :
Doesn't it feel good to be heard? i am paying attention to your life.
from madfuzzyme :
hey! soylent green is people! hopefully i'll get some readers soon.....

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