messages to magpiefaerie:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
How have you been?
from raven72d :
You're locked!
from raven72d :
from raven72d :
How was Valentine's?
from raven72d :
Update soon...
from raven72d :
Happy New Year!
from raven72d :
I do hope you'll be able to do fiction again...
from raven72d :
Not a favourite? Hmmm... Who were you before you were MagpieFaerie? I may have to remedy my oversight...
from raven72d :
Thanks for listing me. How is life?
from pondlife :
Disappeared into the land of baby formula, binkies and nappy changes of course. How've you been?
from hothead :
funny how this entry resounded so much with me. good luck to both of us, ms faerie. much love, c.
from pondlife :
Most state DMV's will issue you a provisional license if you ask for an admisitrative hearing and explain your hardship.
from pondlife :
Luckily, I never encountered the shit demon during my brief stint at B&N! Who does something like that in a public place anyway???
from hothead :
'Inside Kung Fu' magazine?? oh, NO...i have got to get me some of that....
from hothead :
hooray for you, londonboy, AND orson scott card. you make me smile. :)
from gumphood :
I really like that book selection entry. The painted cats were increabile.
from pondlife :
This is late, but thanks for the note. I tend to carry on endlessly when it would do just as well to say I had a good/bad day, but I'm glad you like it.
from hothead :
ugh, i KNOW. what i didn't say was how very very much i love my coworkers. i'm going to miss working with SUCH fabulosity every night. but i'll be in all the time...*sniff*
from musesrealm :
Thank you so much! You totally rock. The game came yesterday in the mail, and it was such a nice surprise! If you need anything else (like a banner or something), just let me know.
from pondlife :
Thanks for the add. Missed reading you as well.
from hothead :
he did WHAT? to sweet Miss T? oh, that ASSHOLE. have we killed him yet? poor girl...hug her once for me, would you? and ps re: your beesting... benedryl is your friend. hope both of you are recovering nicely.
from skyybloo :
Finally! Are you happy now?
from raven72d :
That'll make sending it to a random address even more fun.
from raven72d :
Pick a random address and mail it to that person. Use another random address out of state for the return address.
from hothead :
hmmm...our little store MUST have "101 Uses for Unwanted Morman Paraphernalia" in stock. do you have a wobbly table? need a new place to stick a leaky plant? and no, you throwing it in the trash is absolutely no worse than them tossing it on the ground and leaving it there for you. so there.
from raven72d :
yes, but the Book of Mormon has those great color illustrations of Hebrews fighting Aztecs in ancient Utah. It's better even than the old Robt. E. Howard "Conan the Barbarian" stories.
from nicronsart :
Hi this is Nicole, you've met me once. Can you thell Wyldehoney that someone is missing their "Bug"?..I cannot reach her.
from hothead :
ask and you shall recieve. the email is [email protected]. any chance of seeing you saturday night?
from hothead :
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....*gasp*.....HAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, Mariah, that certainly is new... :) ha. brilliant.
from hothead :
this is me not talking about what's going on...but simply saying that i'm around if you need me. i think you're fabulous, and i understand what you mean FAR more than you know. take care of you...
from hothead :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yaaay! Self-indulgence ROCKS. Enjoy, honey. :)
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
from hothead :
if i'm not mistaken, i do believe that fabio got hit in the face with a goose. he was christening a new roller coaster at busch gardens and i was living in williamsburg at the time. the front page of the paper showed fabio dripping blood on seven (horrified) vestal virgins while going through a loop-de-loop. i pissed myself. thanks for your lovely comments, and i must say, i am finding your diary MOST enjoyable.
from gumphood :
yeah...I'm not very good at what I do.
from gumphood :
They usually can, but then again...I might be stalking you!!! Or something... Thats scary... *DUNT DUN DAAAA*
from gumphood :
It's really not that much if its a boring game...of course...thats never happened to the pats. Last year it was 18 beers.
from gumphood :
thanks for stopping by...I thik
from wyldehoney :
less talk, more straddling... got it.. <jots note and giggles>
from wyldehoney :
where's my picture, luv? <nudge nudge>
from wyldehoney :
steamy my dear... <wiggles brows> we shall have to endeavor to find the fun tomorrow night...
from raven72d :
But was he an Esquimaux...or a Quebecker?
from invisibledon :
happy holidays
from wyldehoney :
sister of my soul, sweet bright one... you lift me as well.
from wyldehoney :
I hope that comment about Priest and his luscious lips means you will be attending... <light nudge>
from watercolored :
Being the proprietor of a business I've come to a few conclusions regarding the use of public washrooms. Men generally have a good aim, the fact that we don't serve alcohol at my establishment probably helps. A lot. But women, ever worried their pristine bottoms will touch an unclean surface do what's been explained to me as "the squat." Frankly, I'm horrified. I've had the privilege of cleaning up after a few of these squat sessions and intend to install seat covers for MY convenience. Merry Christmas!
from raven72d :
I like being Three.
from raven72d :
The best thing to be is Three Years Old. People will pet you and you can still have friends.
from watercolored :
Not sure I ever thanked you for adding my diary as a favourite.
from raven72d :
Hmmm... Once you leave your undergrad days, you can't have close friends any longer-- especially any close male friends. And when you reach an age in which all those around you are marrying/breeding, you aren't allowed to do new things.
from magpiefaerie :
Ahem ... I believe the saying goes "Ride naked. Put some color on your cheeks!" Heh ...
from wyldehoney :
all hallows sex with a norse god... what was that about riding bareback?
from raven72d :
Urban camouflage is a wonderful mix of shades...
from magpiefaerie :
Lovely? Hmm ... But thank you!
from raven72d :
Thanks very much for the note... And your Thanksgiving entry was lovely.
from watercolored :
Tease us with a few entries and then leave, is it?
from wyldehoney :
sticking someone in your pocket has never been an illegal act. ::winks:: but we all want to molest him.

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