messages to marconiplein:
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from holdensolo :
I understand.
from ricka :
i'm back, i'm here, i'm longing to read but shut out. how are you?
from providencia :
i am a loser, passwordless as well. i lost it when i had to re-configue my machine. help me mi amiga.
from myeels :
dudely, give me your damn password! I forgot it. I need it. I must have it. Sincerely!!
from ricka :
my impression is that most lay's baked chips are chickenfatted. also, i think baked chips are kind of creepy, in general.
from ricka :
i've never known what exactly i should do with any breasts larger than my own. which is most breasts on the planet, really, when it comes right down to it.
from ricka :
i'll give you the skinny on the Bayes's theorem problem, don't worry. but first i have to watch american idol, because i have sold out.
from kinetix :
But I'm not sure I know you to give you a password...
from snarkymarky :
"you won't believe me but i'll love you only". i know exactly what you mean about nina and pj. and both of those songs make my heart open up and race in that good, intense way.
from teclo :
my brother's godfather is famous (but not in the paparazzi sort of way, but in the drop the name to the proper people and get an open-mouthed-stare sort of way) and has an oscar. i am the only child in the family who has been allowed to hold it, as i was sixteen at the time and then enough of an adult. i picked it up and it was so heavy that my arms nearly gave way. at that point, my brother's godfather said "put it back." not in a brother's godfather sort of way but in an "i have no children of my own but have several godchildren whom i never allow to visit because i find small people annyong" sort of way.
from central-red :
but i am not an evil alien robot, i am merely a robot. from outerspace. sigh.
from snarkymarky :
no, that is not too much to ask.
from deadwoodship :
i cheered for you after reading your biker entry. i was terrified to ride in boston but i'm determined to ride here in this town where the bikers and cars exist harmoniously (bike lanes. bike racks. the novelty!) and i _always_ signal and obey the rules. and i'm still terrified... cowhig wins no love from me.
from invisibleink :
wild thing, i think i love you.
from snailandsky :
oh my god, Shorty fucking sucks. I hate Shorty. So now are you going to have to see her all the time? Whoa. I would be so unreasonably pissed at her if I were you. And yes, my childhood was weird and rad! And scary. I was feeling nostalgic and melancholy, which I guess prompted that entry. But yeah, I totally grew up Wilderness Colorado Hippie Girl. Rad Dogs! I seriously hate shorty.
from snailandsky :
tell me more about shorty. I am so intrigued. And the possum sounds cute!
from snailandsky :
i am so incredibly intrigued by the holland boy who wasn't real. also: i only recently became able to listen to james iha again, because of stupid inky.
from snailandsky :
dude, am I the only one who signs this thing? For fuck's sake. You won't lose all your friends, because you are magnetic and devastatingly intelligent, duh. I also would like to write the way Kid A sounds. Is anything more coldly beautiful than that album? No.
from snailandsky :
yeah, sex. I've been there. I'm still kind of there now. nearly 2 years and no sex drive, for me. It is very brutally lame. And I also have the beautiful boy who should make me constantly want to hump, but it just doesn't happen. I would say my sex drive is "below average," but not "bizarrely below average." I basically never really WANT to have sex, but sometimes I push myself into it for his sake. ISN'T THAT AWFUL. I don't know how to fix it, but if I ever find out I will tell you.
from snailandsky :
dude! I FINALLY CAME TO SEE YOU HERE! And I like it. I like the exclusive club I now belong to. And you, you have made this possible. I think both your diaries are lovely, though. I'm sorry it took me so long to come here--I totally forgot about it until I cleaned out my inbox last night. I AM A TOTAL FLAKE! I am also very glad you went to that movie instead of waiting around for Marla. GOD i know how that is and GOD it sucks. The slow decay. I would rather it just end abruptly--that way memories are not tainted by the grossness of the slow decay. Which raises the ever-present question: How do you "break up" with someone who is "just a friend?" I have had this problem recently, and have not solved it. Yuck.
from deadwoodship :
good for you, going to that movie. i know the slow decay of friendship (it led to the recent and unprompted sabotage of my diary, no less)... watching someone turn into someone they're not (armor) and most certainly someone _you're_ not. it's ugly and sad and maybe she'll turn around... it's hard to know how far to go to be a good friend. it sucks to be walked on, beat down. she won't even remember that she did it.
from yourghost :
here's a story on the performance art tip. one time eileen and i were told to "turn the volume up" by our hated sculture professor, so we threw tomatoes at our class dressed in combat gear. we got rave reviews which only made us feel like sellouts. but i like the war and piece idea.

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