messages to marg-x:
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from leeners :
Well you're just going to have to give me a password then, won't you. :)
from notemilie :
i don't know what i want either. i am lost and i am having difficulty discerning mein left from mein right and it is all very terrible. a good plan: tell someone you wanna die and watch the fun unravel. well, good if by good it is meant something for assholes, which it might just be. i don't know, really.
from reagansdiary :
the most boring one? no, i read the entire thing though. hope break is going well. ;o) later
from astrekgirl :
i can take you home tuesday when i go to your house for passover...etc... ;o)
from tilt-a-whirl :
SO TRUE! ahaha.
from davidso-n :
hmm. disorganization? i suppose i am a bit disorganized, but everyone is flawed. so go ahead, read my diary if you want to; dont read it if you dont want to. either way, i dont care. thats why its unlocked. but all i ask is that you dont leave me rude notes (yes, i found your note rude and officious) about the problems you have with my layout or the way i write. you dont actually expect me to change it for you, i hope? hard feelings though, because i dont know you, and fighting over the internet is just laughable. well, i suppose youve "observed" my "reaction" by now, and whether or not you continue to read my diary is something i dont really care about. have a nice day. <3
from leeners :
Hey thanks for the advice, but I figured if I do it now, it won't be as bad as say, January. Plus maybe if the weather is bad the guy or girl will give me a break. :)
from librarychick :
I like it...but the text is a wee bit dark. Maybe if it was white? Or lighter? Other than that, it's tres cool.

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