messages to maverick1018:
(click here to add new message):

from laura-diane :
happy belated.
from laura-diane :
ask her to pay for plane tickets once a month to see you. if she's willing to do that, with her money from her great job, try to work it out. you really like this girl, duc.
from laura-diane :
un: duc pw: vu
from laura-diane :
your new haircut is soooo cute :)
from laura-diane :
yellow tail is cheap wine. nothing more.
from laura-diane :
i get off work at 9ish. i want to see mona lisa smile. what do you think? call me and let me know. you have the number.
from laura-diane :
possibly one of my most favorite incubus songs. you've inspired me :)
from laura-diane :
but what about the present and the future? what keeps you from writing about that? often times it is easier to sift through those feelings when they are written down.
from laura-diane :
you know you're going to eventually have to give me the password.
from laura-diane :
you're in college now. spend your time becoming something that you want to be, not dwelling on what you didn't become in high school. even if you don't reach your goals in college - you'll be progressive.

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