messages to mcanulty9:
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from hsing-mom :
Enjoy the ballet! :)
from icing-sugar :
my mom is so much like you, i want to hug you both at the moment. i know for years my mom was "just a mom" 24-7 plus overtime. with 5 kids who she poured her life into with supplemental schooling (she didn't homeschool, but we always had extra 'homework') she taught us classical ballet, ran the family farm, and still did all the regular mom things like mend scraped knees and listen to boy problems from me and my sisters. when i call her now and bemoan my fate of isolating in the land of children, she tells me how she often felt that way. how she would long to speak with an adult about anything but children, politics, or fashion or the arts. but now, she has 5 grown children, 2 grandchildren all moved away and nothing to do but wish to be surrounded by them all day. i am grateful everyday for my mom and for that fact that she loved all her children enough to pour her whole life into us. she is now my best friend and confidant. i know that she also plays that role for at least 2 more of my sisters. she is basking in the conversation of learned women right now. and it is nice to have these wonderful women that i can turn to, confide in and count on wholly for their support. I think it is so wonderful that you are creating this little community of woman in your own home right now with your daughters. Your son will fit right in there too, my brother is lucky enough to have 5 moms who mother hen him to death. cluck, cluck, cluck.
from hsing-mom :
Your post this morning (9/25) hit the nail right on the head. Even with only 2, and those very young (7 and 3), there are days when homeschooling is a huge struggle for me. You are an inspiration with your seven. Like you, I spend some time mourning adult female friendships -- no ya-ya sisterhood (or whatever) here. And the homeschooling life certainly doesn't always look like a Norman Rockwell scene, does it.... But it is fully worth it. This is the time of year when I sometimes feel like I am the only woman in the continental US who doesn't have her mornings to herself -- but I still wouldn't trade with the moms who are "socializing" (hi icing-sugar!) their kids and handing them over to others to educate and essentially bring up.
from icing-sugar :
I love pink rooms! If I wasn't the only girl living here, I'd paint the whole house pink. I think if I did it now, there would be some sort of revolt.
from icing-sugar :
i am so inspired by you teaching all your children. i have always known i would homeschool any kids that i had, but when it came time to sign up W. for preschool i was surprised at all the pressure that i recieved from other moms. especially about "socializing" my child. i couldn't be happier though that i stuck to my guns. W. is blossoming like a weed (do weeds blossom?) growing like a weed with just the 3 days a week that we spend reading and writing our letters. i am hoping that you'll let me ask you questions and help me a little with things i don't understand, you are a complete HERO in my eyes.

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